The Lone Wolf

JFK Assassination
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The Lone Wolf

Post by Bob »

Did you folks hear the latest from President Obama? When talking about the terrorist "threat" that is ongoing for the United States, Obama said he is more worried about the "Lone Wolf" type of terrorist. You know...a "Lone Nut". Just like Lee Harvey Oswald was. Just like Sirhan Sirhan was. Just like Arthur Bremer was. Just like John Hinckley Jr. was. Just like Mark David Chapman was. Problem is...they weren't. All of those "Lone Nuts" were connected to the CIA in one form or another. Sound like old Barry is letting the world know that the CIA might use an old tactic that was useful for them for a number of years again. I've posted a number of times in this forum and also in a blog I wrote, that Obama had clear CIA connections and associations before he became President. The same goes for Dumbya Bush, Bill Clinton and obviously Poppy Bush. That means that the CIA has had a big hand in running the United States for around 30 years now, as Poppy pretty much ran the Ronald Reagan White House after the assassination attempt. Poppy was able to preside over events like the CIA drug running out of Mena, Arkansas, the Iran/Contra affair and the arming and funding of a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam.That last point has gone full circle now. The war on "terror" has the U.S. and the CIA waging war in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Iran might be next. A wonder if the "Lone Wolf" might turn out to be an Iranian.Bottom line, the CIA has had it's way for 30 years. So has the biggest bed partner of the CIA...the war profiteers in the defense industry. Those two are also engaged in a menage a trois with big banking/Wall Street. Just think of the last 10 years. Has anyone profited more with power and money more than those three?Thos process really started on 11/22/1963, when the CIA, along with help from other government agencies and key government officials, assassinated John Fitzgerald Kennedy. They blamed it on a "Lone Nut". Now the President warns us about a "Lone Wolf". I wonder who the patsy will be this time?
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Re: The Lone Wolf

Post by SLogan »

My guess is a former Iraq/Afghanistan military vet from the Kansas that has converted to Islam and hides his rifle in a prayer rug in his estranged wife's girlfriend's garage .
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Lone Wolf

Post by Dealey Joe »

Damn Bob I was hoping they would come up with some new ideas. I guess if the old way works why change it. No one will believe it anyway, they wouldn't just keep on doing the same O thing
Phil Dragoo
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Reichstag torched by lone "Communist"

Post by Phil Dragoo » ... f.htmObama: 'Lone wolf' attack is biggest concernBy Aamer Madhani National Journal August 17, 2011 With the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks weeks away, President Obama said on Tuesday that he remains most concerned about a "lone wolf" attack on U.S. soil."The biggest concern we have right now is not the launching of a major terrorist operation, although that risk is always there, the risk that we're especially concerned over right now is the lone wolf terrorist, somebody with a single weapon being able to carry out wide-scale massacres of the sort that we saw in Norway recently," Obama said in an interview with CNN, referring to the recent attack on a youth camp outside of Oslo that left 77 dead. While the United States has made significant progress in degrading al Qaeda's capabilities in recent years, intelligence officials have noted that the terror organization has increasingly focused on seeking U.S.-born collaborators to carry out attacks. In 2010, U.S. citizen Faizal Shahzad was convicted after a botched attempt to blow up a car bomb in New York's Times Square. In 2009, a U.S. Army officer was charged in an attack at Ft. Hood, Texas, that killed 13 and left 29 others wounded. Investigators learned that the officer charged in the shooting, Nidal Hasan, had communicated with Anwar al-Aulaqi, a U.S.-born al Qaeda operative who is based in Yemen, prior to the attack. More recently, an AWOL soldier, Naser Abdo, was charged in federal court with possession of an "unregistered destructive device'' that was allegedly to be used in an assault at Ft. Hood. "You know, when you've got one person who is deranged or driven by a hateful ideology, they can do a lot of damage, and it's a lot harder to trace those lone wolf operators," Obama said. Obama is scheduled to visit September 11 memorial sites in New York, Northern Virginia, and Shanksville, Pa., on the anniversary. Former President George W. Bush is scheduled to attend the ceremony at Ground Zero in New York with Obama on September 11.~Phil's footnote to the Imperial Decree:The Davidian Massacre used tanks, flammable gas, 200 shots at the fleeing victims. FBI coverup. A BATF/FBI/Reno op.Comes Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols, shown how to build bombs allegedly by the FBI informant Mahon; informant Howe and BATF agent Finney urged a raid on Elohim City—but the FBI would not, and German military intelligence veteran Andreas Carl Strassmeier leaves the country. The coverup is thorough—the waitress who saw McVeigh and Strassmeier reconnoitering targets was murdered. Motel records seized and suppressed; the building quickly demolished—yet the FBI and ATF knew enough not to be present for the blast--911: John O'Neill warned—he'd found the Ramzi Yousef link to '93 (and was Ramzi Yousef the target of Nichols' visit to the Philippines?) and warned of OBL—but was sabotaged (classified briefcase stolen), humiliated, sidelined and crushed in the tower.Colleen Rowley was retaliated against when she got in Mueller's face over the flight schools. And now Obama doubles down on Mueller.They will cook something up to keep this tool in place. Too risky to select and promote and install another tool.Any doubters please do read Terry Reed and John Cummings, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA.We took out Saddam for the Saudis who own our government girls.We are in Afghanistan—can the poppy crop be a coincidence? Ten years?With the tools of Artichoke and MK-Ultra in the tradition of Reichstag Fire it will be possible to keep the people in chaos, easily controlled.The next time the battleship Maine blows up, the next Tonkin Gulf Resolution, just remember the revolving door: Petraeus from the poppy battlefield to Langley; Panetta from Langley to Pentagon.The coup will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary—unless the citizens become Hercules at the Augean Stables.
Posts: 2652
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Re: Reichstag torched by lone "Communist"

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote: ... f.htmObama: 'Lone wolf' attack is biggest concernBy Aamer Madhani National Journal August 17, 2011 With the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks weeks away, President Obama said on Tuesday that he remains most concerned about a "lone wolf" attack on U.S. soil."The biggest concern we have right now is not the launching of a major terrorist operation, although that risk is always there, the risk that we're especially concerned over right now is the lone wolf terrorist, somebody with a single weapon being able to carry out wide-scale massacres of the sort that we saw in Norway recently," Obama said in an interview with CNN, referring to the recent attack on a youth camp outside of Oslo that left 77 dead. While the United States has made significant progress in degrading al Qaeda's capabilities in recent years, intelligence officials have noted that the terror organization has increasingly focused on seeking U.S.-born collaborators to carry out attacks. In 2010, U.S. citizen Faizal Shahzad was convicted after a botched attempt to blow up a car bomb in New York's Times Square. In 2009, a U.S. Army officer was charged in an attack at Ft. Hood, Texas, that killed 13 and left 29 others wounded. Investigators learned that the officer charged in the shooting, Nidal Hasan, had communicated with Anwar al-Aulaqi, a U.S.-born al Qaeda operative who is based in Yemen, prior to the attack. More recently, an AWOL soldier, Naser Abdo, was charged in federal court with possession of an "unregistered destructive device'' that was allegedly to be used in an assault at Ft. Hood. "You know, when you've got one person who is deranged or driven by a hateful ideology, they can do a lot of damage, and it's a lot harder to trace those lone wolf operators," Obama said. Obama is scheduled to visit September 11 memorial sites in New York, Northern Virginia, and Shanksville, Pa., on the anniversary. Former President George W. Bush is scheduled to attend the ceremony at Ground Zero in New York with Obama on September 11.~Phil's footnote to the Imperial Decree:The Davidian Massacre used tanks, flammable gas, 200 shots at the fleeing victims. FBI coverup. A BATF/FBI/Reno op.Comes Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols, shown how to build bombs allegedly by the FBI informant Mahon; informant Howe and BATF agent Finney urged a raid on Elohim City—but the FBI would not, and German military intelligence veteran Andreas Carl Strassmeier leaves the country. The coverup is thorough—the waitress who saw McVeigh and Strassmeier reconnoitering targets was murdered. Motel records seized and suppressed; the building quickly demolished—yet the FBI and ATF knew enough not to be present for the blast--911: John O'Neill warned—he'd found the Ramzi Yousef link to '93 (and was Ramzi Yousef the target of Nichols' visit to the Philippines?) and warned of OBL—but was sabotaged (classified briefcase stolen), humiliated, sidelined and crushed in the tower.Colleen Rowley was retaliated against when she got in Mueller's face over the flight schools. And now Obama doubles down on Mueller.They will cook something up to keep this tool in place. Too risky to select and promote and install another tool.Any doubters please do read Terry Reed and John Cummings, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA.We took out Saddam for the Saudis who own our government girls.We are in Afghanistan—can the poppy crop be a coincidence? Ten years?With the tools of Artichoke and MK-Ultra in the tradition of Reichstag Fire it will be possible to keep the people in chaos, easily controlled.The next time the battleship Maine blows up, the next Tonkin Gulf Resolution, just remember the revolving door: Petraeus from the poppy battlefield to Langley; Panetta from Langley to Pentagon.The coup will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary—unless the citizens become Hercules at the Augean Stables.Once again Phil...BRAVO! The U.S.S.R. was dissolved because of similar behavior and circumstances. Is the U.S.A. the next Soviet Union?