Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

JFK Assassination
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Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Bob »

JFK was truly one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Yes...he had his vices, but his policies were visionary as we surely know today. We would be in a much better world today had JFK lived. Instead the world is basically controlled by the same forces that murdered him. Every President that has followed JFK has paled in comparison to Jack. Some worse than others. Dumbya Bush will go down in history as the worst President in U.S. history for instance. Look up the word stupid and you will see Dumbya's picture next to the word. But some Presidential candidates are even more dense than ole Dumbya. For instance...Michele Bachmann. Michelle makes Sarah Palin appear like a valedictorian. Please see this video from yesterday when Bachmann celebrates the anniversary of Presley's death, thinking it was his birthday.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPT2drqX16YListen to the crowd. They actually applaud her mistake. Must be FOX News viewers. Bachmann wants to go down to Dealey Plaza on 11/22/2011 and sing Happy Birthday to JFK.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Dealey Joe »

http://www.theblaze.com/blog/Only one man stands between Perry and the presidencyPosted August 17, 2011 at 4:01 pm by Will CainPresident Rick Perry. That’s right. Rick Perry will be the next President of the United States. I’m not cheerleading that statement. In fact, I will soon post a column explaining why I’m not a Perry fan. No, that is a prediction. And in my mind, there is only one man who stands between Perry and the White House: Chris Christie. I don’t think you can overstate how vulnerable Barack Obama is. First, as the New York Times pointed out, ““no American president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has won a second term in office when the unemployment rate on Election Day topped 7.2 percent.” The unemployment rate is not now below 7.2% (granted…an arbitrary figure that needs nuanced analysis…as Nate Silver provided) and doesn’t appear headed that way…at least not quicklyI think we get a Bush man no matter what? I also suspect Perry has been promissed the White House?
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:JFK was truly one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Yes...he had his vices, but his policies were visionary as we surely know today. We would be in a much better world today had JFK lived. Instead the world is basically controlled by the same forces that murdered him. Every President that has followed JFK has paled in comparison to Jack. Some worse than others. Dumbya Bush will go down in history as the worst President in U.S. history for instance. Look up the word stupid and you will see Dumbya's picture next to the word. But some Presidential candidates are even more dense than ole Dumbya. For instance...Michele Bachmann. Michelle makes Sarah Palin appear like a valedictorian. Please see this video from yesterday when Bachmann celebrates the anniversary of Presley's death, thinking it was his birthday.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPT2drqX16YListen to the crowd. They actually applaud her mistake. Must be FOX News viewers. Bachmann wants to go down to Dealey Plaza on 11/22/2011 and sing Happy Birthday to JFK. Bob, maybe Sarah Palin will join Bachmann on 11/22/11 to sing a duet.
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Bighunter43 »

As much as I know there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, I personally have ZERO respect for the man himself! His policies were definetly not bad, and he often acted in the best interest of the country. But, a man's personal life and how he conducts himself are just as important, and with his lack of morals, well........but I love how people talk about GWBush on this forum and the inconsistencies in how he got elected, etc. Then, tout JFK as the greatest President, etc.....and yet we KNOW he and his father used the mob to cheat and get him elected! Kinda talking out of both sides of the mouth if you ask me. W will go down as one of the worst of all time (but certainly not THE worst). How he got re-elected is beyond me? I'm afraid Rick Perry might just get elected and that scares me to death. Gov. Good Hair has done NOTHING in Texas and his failure to get Education funding is unreal. I hope he doesn't get elected and embarrass my home state, not to mention my university. I have met Ron Paul personally and listened to him talk........first, and foremost, he is a CONSTITUTIONALIST! He would stop big govt. and follow the 10th Amendment but it won't happen. He lacks the financial resources to run a good campaign. He also has ZERO foreign policy other than, "its not our job to police the world". Wants to legalize ALL drugs as well..... Someone, anyone, could do better than Obama...he might surpass W on the worst list before he is through. He was not even close to being qualified for the job and has done ZERO for our country. Sure wish the Republicans could find a decent one to beat him.......Good luck America, it's been fun!
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Bob »

Just a counterpoint BIg Hunter. Joe Kennedy was an isolationist in terms of WWII. He NEVER wanted any of his sons in that battle, once it started. His favorite son Joe Jr. died in the war. JFK almost died in the PT 109 incident. Both sons went against their father's wishes in fighting in the war. Yes...Joe was a bootlegger and had friends in the mob...plus the mob did indeed help JFK win the 1960 election. But both JFK and RFK acted like that merger never happened as RFK went zealously after the mob as Attorney General and JFK went against the power elite. The same group that Joe Kennedy tried so hard to become a member of. The Bush family are all the same. Generation after generation. Treasonous cowards. JFK and RFK were nothing like their father (except for womanizing). Actually more like their Mom in terms of their compassion and insightfulness. Did JFK have vices? HELL yes!!! Was he still a great President? Come on! The Cuban Missile Crisis by itself makes him great. The CIA and ALL the Joint Chiefs wanted to attack Cuba. That would have led to nuclear conflict for sure. We know that now, as the Soviets had missiles ready to launch. WWIII was on the horizon. Plus...JFK wanted out of Nam and was changing the FED. Plus was trying to de-fang the CIA. Had all that had happened...just imagine the world today.Bottom line, today Presidential elections are set up like wrestling matches on TV. Either way...THEY win. Who are they? The power elite. Like him or not...Obama is clearly connected to the CIA. Just like Dumbya, Slick Willie and Poppy. Ron Paul? Dennis Kucinich? The MSM is laughing at that thought. They would never allow that to happen, nor would they promote those two. They listen to their bed partners.
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by kenmurray »

Like Bob said, JFK was the best President we have had since 1960. Look at the ones since then. For example Gerald Ford. What a dumb ass he was too. He said during his Presidential debate with Jimmy Carter in 1976 that there was NO Soviet domination in Eastern Europe! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8rg9c4pUrg
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Bighunter43 »

Bob, No disrespect meant but please re-read my post. I NEVER said JFK was not a good President....I even said his policies were good! The way he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis in itself was amazing! But, as for myself, I just have no RESPECT for him because of his low morals and values...........something called character.......and he was a low one! THAT is my opinion of him and I am entitled to it. As for the Bush's, well I'm pretty sure "poppy" did his part in WWII as a dive-bomber pilot and I'm pretty sure he was no "coward"(read flyboys)......but yes, I know he had to be involved in the CIA and there was some possible involvement on his part at Dealy (maybe). I've met him twice, and talked to him, and he comes across as a good guy, but I know he has a "shady" past as well! (My brother in law takes him and W hunting every year).......anyway, my main point was how can people just come on here and talk about W stealing an election (or two) and paint him out to be so bad... ....then make JFK out to be so good when we KNOW for a FACT that there were "shady" mob dealings that got him elected. Are we to believe that it is ok to steal an election if you do a great job as President? A thief is a thief in my book!! And just because once elected, JFK let RFK go after the very mob that got him elected, still don't make it right! In the end, it's a Double Cross and cost him his life! Bob, I think you guys are great and this forum is great! I think the Assassination stuff is great......but when you get into political discussions, well....we don't all have the same thoughts and that's ok...just makes for good discussion. Keep up the good work!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Dealey Joe »

Big, Bob, Ken and whoever else might want to comment.JFK was good for the country, that makes him a patriot.Regardless of his personal life which if in fact some things are actually true does not affect his patriotic spirit and deeds. We have all done things we are not exactly proud of. Things that in one way or the other has affected our personal lives but has no real affect on the person other people know.The problem with public figures especially men, their sex lives are always suspect and elaborated upon. Morality is a variable, what is moral to one may not be to another, it is a way we grade everyone else in comparison to what we see ourselves being.JFK never took advantage of the people like you or me, he gave our generation hope, something that was a little scarce at the time and has totally disappeared since 1963.Politics is crooked, if you get elected you have to make some deals. Jack and Bobby had no idea the deal Joe had made with Sam the mobster. It was well documented that Joe tried to stop them from committing political suicide.But putting the mob out of business, ending war, working with MLK were priorities the both boys stood for.Name me one thing the Bush family of Secrets have stood for other than personal gain, creating wars, sending young men to their death for profit, ect.making widows and orphans. where is the morality in that? Having a fling or two does not hold a candle to committing murder. George Herbert and George W. both did the same identical thing. we are so forgetful.Like my friend Tom Jeffers said before his death, "I have no problem with my president getting laid. keeps him loose and relaxed."Also life styles must be considered, what is acceptable in Cape Cod is different than what is acceptable in Podunk USA.What is acceptable to young people may not be acceptable to older folks.Bottom Line the Kennedy's as a whole had a set of morals that Momma Rose imposed on her family. Why are they all dead? I don't know.The Bush family is a corrupt, immoral and Evil group, they choose to be that way, they profit from killing people. It is probably a good thing G.W. picked up a Dumb-ass gene somewhere along the way. Maybe Momma Bush had a fling?
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Bighunter43 »

Wow Joe! That was truly one of the most impressive things I've read on this forum. I hope you guys don't think I am taking up of for the Bush's in any way, cause I'm not. (was just pointing out some old "doublestandardness").........You are right, JFK WAS a patriot, and never hurt the average citizen and seemed to put the country first. That would be a model of civic virtue! In contrast, I admire Jimmy Carter for his morals, but think he was one of the worst Presidents we've had! Being from Podunk USA myself, morals and character DO matter alot to me, and I guess the many things I've read about JFK's loose sexual morals have always stuck out to me as a man of low character. Because of that I just have no respect for the man himself, regardless of what he did as Pres. It didn't seem to affect his performance as Pres. though. He had to stand at the gate one day and answer for what he did, (as will I and everyone else)and that is between him and the Lord. (Biblically speaking, the one man in the Bible after God's own heart was David, a man who committed both adultery AND murder, and was forgiven and blessed by God!) Maybe one day we will find that man who has the high morals and the strong policies to lead our country in the right direction. We need to find one.......and I don't think I've seen one on the list that is running that can qualify as BOTH!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Dumbass Presidential Candidate of the Week

Post by Dealey Joe »

As long as THEY are making the list we can forget it.I am glad you mentioned King David I wanted to say it a different way and you followed up with it.I am a student of the Bible but hesitate to use quotes a lot.You remember the city God was going to detroy and the search began for what started out to be several Good Men and ended up being just one?Then comes to mind Jesus and Woman at the well as an example.Whatever you think about the Bible it is a tremendous history and guide for our lives.