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The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:39 pm
by Bob
Please check out this article that spells out how much Corporate America is screwing the citizens of the United States. ... erica/Plus you have the Supreme Court...which has it's share of paid off hacks (see Antonin Scalia), that gave us their ruling in the Citizens United case, which gives corporations the ability to spend boatloads of dollars on any given politician. They will back any politician that wants to keep things status quo with corporations and big banking (see Wall Street). In other words, bend over people. Speaking of Wall Street, please see this excellent article by Matt Taibbi about how the SEC is protecting the criminals on Wall Street by becoming criminals themselves. ... es/?page=1

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:27 pm
by Bob
Folks...this situation is a BIG deal. JFK died for a number of reasons. JFK wanted the troops out of Nam, plus would not invade Cuba, even though ALL of the Joint Chiefs and the CIA wanted him to attack during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That would have led to a nuclear conflict and WWIII as we all know now. Kennedy also had back channel peace negotiations with the U.S.S.R. and Cuba. That pissed off the Military Industrial Complex and all of the war profiteers. JFK was also attempting to tear the CIA into a 1,000 pieces as he once said. In addition, RFK was going after the mob with zeal. All of that led to 11/22/1963. But the biggest reason JFK died in my humble opinion was because of the policy changes he was making to the Federal Reserve. You don't F with big banking and the power elite. JFK did. That led to a Friday afternoon in Dallas.Think of the world today. The Miltary Industrial Complex and the war profiteers are as happy as a kid in a candy store. They have NEVER had it better. The CIA is as reckless and dangerous as they have ever been. Think of the obscene profits in Big Oil (and other corporations of their ilk) and in Big Banking.Congress is bought off. The Supreme Court is bought off. The MSM is bought off.Welcome to the evil world that JFK tried to change.

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:45 am
by Bob
More from the best TRUE journalist of our generation...Matt Taibbi... ... l-20110824

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:38 pm
by Dealey Joe
What would Tom Jeffers say about this?What would JFK do about it?The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation and helping Americans not only survive, but prosper in the upcoming hyperinflationary crisis.The United States now has over $76 trillion in total debt obligations. Our budget deficit in February of 2011 alone was a record $222.5 billion, more than the entire year of 2007. Although our 2010 cash budget deficit was $1.3 trillion, once you factor in changes in our unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, our real budget deficit for the year actually surpassed $5 trillion.NIA believes that not only will it be impossible for the U.S. to ever pay off its national debt, but it will be impossible for the U.S. to ever balance its budget again. Even by the White House's own projections, the U.S. budget deficit in 2011 will be 43% of total government expenditures. This level of deficit as a percentage of total expenditures is about equal to what most countries have experienced right before reaching an outbreak of hyperinflation.Up until now, the U.S. has been lucky enough to export most of its inflation to the rest of the world. This was mainly due to the U.S. dollar's status as the world's reserve currency and the world's willingness to hold onto large amounts of U.S. dollar reserves as a safe haven. This is all about to change. The Federal Reserve is now effectively monetizing our debt by buying 70% of U.S. treasuries, up from previously only buying 10%. Foreign central banks are now only buying 30% of U.S. treasuries, compared to previously buying 50%.With the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis in Japan, the U.S. will likely see its second largest buyer of U.S. treasuries become a net seller. In fact, with the U.S. government antagonizing China by calling them currency manipulators, we might soon lose our largest buyer of U.S. treasuries as well. Pimco, which was previously the largest private sector buyer of U.S. treasuries, just dumped all of their government bond holdings in its Total Return Fund.Pretty soon, NIA believes the Federal Reserve will be the only buyer of U.S. treasuries and there will be a rush out of the U.S. dollar. In our opinion, the U.S. dollar is likely to lose nearly all of its purchasing power over the next few years. The U.S. government will soon go bust as a result of hyperinflation and millions of Americans who have become dependent on government entitlement programs like unemployment, food stamps, and Social Security, just to survive, will likely starve to death.It is important to know that we are not investment or financial advisors. Our site and newsletter are meant for informational and educational purposes only and should not be used to make investment decisions.Thank you and please have your friends and family members subscribe for free at:

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:05 pm
by Bob

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:33 pm
by kenmurray
Stephen Lendman on "Global Market Crisis Manmade":

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:30 pm
by JDThomas
The Fed trys to stop the Bloomberg FOI case Wall Street analyst Max Keiser recently reported on Russia Today that every working adult in Britain ends up paying 69 pence (just over 1$) per year to pay for the upkeep of their queen, Elizabeth II. On the otherhand, from what Boolberg has weasled out from the fed is that every working adult in the USA is paying over $4,000 for the upkeep of their own Wall Street 'Royalty', via backdoor deals.This can't be what the Patriots of 1776 intended!

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:22 pm
by Dealey Joe
No, but it is what happens to a people when they slumber.

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:38 pm
by Bob
JDThomas wrote:The Fed trys to stop the Bloomberg FOI case Wall Street analyst Max Keiser recently reported on Russia Today that every working adult in Britain ends up paying 69 pence (just over 1$) per year to pay for the upkeep of their queen, Elizabeth II. On the otherhand, from what Boolberg has weasled out from the fed is that every working adult in the USA is paying over $4,000 for the upkeep of their own Wall Street 'Royalty', via backdoor deals.This can't be what the Patriots of 1776 intended!Indeed JD! "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." Thomas Jefferson

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:10 pm
by Bob
Looks like Obama and Geithner are doing ALL that they can do to protect Wall Street and the BIG BAD Banks. Please see this letter I received...Dear Bob,The banks behind the mortgage crisis are looking for a way out, and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner wants to hand them one.Three years after the housing collapse that crashed the world economy, not a single Wall Street executive has faced real punishment for the fraud, corruption, and greed that caused it. And those same big banks continue handing out massive bonuses and dividends while homeowners struggle. Now there's a deal in the works that would let Wall Street banks get away scot-free, giving them immunity from investigation and prosecution of crimes like falsifying documents, encouraging bad loans, and lying to investors. In return they'd pay $20 billion—a fraction of what they could truly owe—and regulators would lose their leverage to help homeowners. This deal only works if it stays behind the scenes. If we can get enough people behind this petition, we can embarrass Geithner and the Obama administration into backing down. So we're joining with to send a strong message that can't be ignored. Tell Treasury Secretary Geithner, "No more sweetheart deals for Wall Street. Let states investigate and prosecute the crimes that crashed our economy." The world economy lost $7.7 trillion thanks to the big banks pushing bad loans and risky investments as sound financial planning. And millions of Americans lost houses and jobs. But Wall Street banks got nearly $2 trillion in loans to rebuild, while Main Street Americans are still working to get back on their feet. If we want to save the American Dream we need to show that big banks will be held accountable for these crimes, and a few state attorneys general are doing just that. Eric Schneiderman and Beau Biden, the attorneys general of New York and Delaware, have said they won't settle with the banks without doing a real investigation into the fraud and corruption. Standing with homeowners against bullying by big banks is part of what the American Dream Movement is about. We can stand up and stand behind the state attorneys general who are fighting to expose the crimes that caused the collapse. Tell Treasury Secretary Geithner, "No more sweetheart deals for Wall Street. Let states investigate and prosecute the crimes that crashed our economy." Toward an America that works for all,–Natalie, Van, Ian, Billy, and the rest of the Rebuild the Dream team Sources: 1. "New York Attorney General Kicked Off Government Group Leading Foreclosure Probe," The Huffington Post, August 23, 2011 ... EWuLwx&t=4 2. "Biggest Fish Face Little Risk of Being Caught," The New York Times, February 25, 2011 ... EWuLwx&t=5 "Banks Poised to Pay Dividends After 3-Year Gap," The New York Times, January 13, 2011 ... idend.html 3. "Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal," Rolling Stone, August 24, 20110 ... EWuLwx&t=6 4. "U.S. Subprime Crisis Costs World $7.7 Trillion Dollars," The Huffington Post, February 15, 2008 ... EWuLwx&t=7 "Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Secret Loans," Bloomberg News, August 22, 2011 ... EWuLwx&t=8 5. "New York Attorney General Kicked Off Government Group Leading Foreclosure Probe," The Huffington Post, August 23, 2011 ... EWuLwx&t=9