JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

French, Italian, German Media to Leave US and UK in the DustSeptember 2, 2011If you thought the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 would be an endless barrage of media coverage rehashing the official story and taking occasional swipes at the 9/11 truth movement, think again.Well, if you live in Europe, that is.This coming Sunday, September 4, three major European channels will air in-depth stories on the Remember Building 7 campaign. M6, among France’s largest channels, will show a 90-minute documentary about various 9/11 family and first responder groups, a significant portion of which will cover Remember Building 7 (click here to see the trailer). In the same vein, RAI 3, Italy’s BBC, will show a feature length documentary that devotes significant time to Remember Building 7. And RTL, one of Germany’s largest channels, will show a Spiegel TV special about Remember Building 7 and the 9/11 truth movement.That is just the beginning. Next week more stories will follow. When all is said and done, tens of millions of Europeans will learn about Building 7 during the 10th Anniversary.With the 10th Anniversary Campaign now in high gear, this coverage comes at exactly the right time to help the campaign reach $1 million by September 11.If you have not yet made your donation, please go to RememberBuilding7.org now and get it done!Meanwhile, in the US and UK, journalists are having a tougher time being journalists, and they just don’t seem to get that shamelessly overt bias isn’t that good at persuading viewers (unless it’s on FOX News).On August 31, New York 1, New York City’s local news channel, did a story pitting Popular Mechanics against the Remember Building 7 campaign, except they forgot to interview one of the two sides (you know who). They did however show a few seconds of the new ad, and they referenced the Remember Building 7- commissioned survey that found more than 1 in 4 New Yorkers believe the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled demolition. And, yet another yawner of a BBC hit piece was released a few days ago - it was a similar story.So while viewers in the US and UK scratch their heads and wonder why their news media is propagandizing them so transparently, viewers across the rest of Europe will be getting a big dose of truth.Stay tuned! Those pieces will be made available to English-speaking audiences shortly after they air.Thank you for your generous supporthttp://rememberbuilding7.org/10/
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Post by Shane »

I just read this article and donated...didn't donate a bunch (sorry, tough times) but if my kids or grandkids ever ask if I did something, I wanted to make sure I could say yes. Thanks for posting this, Joe
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

Thanks.I saw the National Geographic channel piece on how a group of experts tried to duplicate the effects of burning jet fuel on an I-Beam, predictably in a few minutes it buckled and fell over. Then they got some of the theories of some of the "Truther" groups.Then they interviewed some journalists like Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, and others, who said that there would have to be thousands of conspirators to pull off a demolition of the Twin Towers.In my opinion the journalists and others are too sold out to the financial powers that be to stick their necks out and present rigorous versions of the truth.This goes for the other conspiracies like Oklahoma City and the downing of TWA flight 800. If the truth came out then there would be thousands of people in line to collect on lawsuits for fraud and loss, and I don't think Uncle Sam could claim sovereign immunity.The question is who knows the whole story? Do you suppose that L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer knows or Dick Cheney?
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Proof: Bin Laden Death Another Gov't Lie

Post by kenmurray »

They lied about Jessica Lynch. They lied about Pat Tillman. And as the 9/11 anniversary approaches this Sunday, they still lie about Bin Laden:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ksatFd8 ... e=bulletin
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Post by Shane »

I have a feeling the JFK Murder Solved forum (among others) will be among the few who see this 10th Anniversary not as a "America shows resiliance and recovery " moment, but as a "America sleeps through another hoodwink" moment. I don't want to sound negative, or be unsympathetic to those who died on that day, but the anniversary will be handled in all the wrong ways, and those who died, and those who lost family members, will be dishonored everytime our national media crows about how America is bravely standing tall after the terrorist attacks. The media is doing a disservice by not telling the whole story. My reaction, while watching football and listening to the announcers on television talk about the tragedy, will be anger and discouragement at the untold story. I just know I won't be alone. That said, enjoy your weekend, and hope one brave soul from our national media throws a fly in the ointment, and tells America something many of them don't know.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Shane don't hold your breath, in fact look for more of the same kind of thing, actually no one needs be killed now, the threats are already started. power grids, fly in of terrist threats, who knows whet else be interesting to add it all up after it ends, or slows.
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ok43Lih ... elated5:58 - 8:11. truer words...The whole thing is good, actually. I especially like the above listed portion, though, as it speaks to the whole "bread & circuses" mentality of the MSM.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I am having trouble convincing myself that the MS is to blame. Actually they may be complicit but people are being given what the want, a placebo so to speak, We are consoled by sports and other feel good things. The last guy on the video hit my button, something I have always known is the fact that we are motivated by one of two things, Truth or Fear, think about it. It is easier to be motivated by fear as it takes no particular action, but the old saying "no decision is still a decision. We are asleep.
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Post by kenmurray »
