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What do you all think about Nibiru and Elenin?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:05 am
by Kirk
A little off off subject, but I would like your feelings about Nibiru (Planet X) and Elenin a Comet, which may or may not bring destruction to Our Little Planet. Predictions seem to be focused on this month.Thanks,Kirk

Re: What do you all think about Nibiru and Elenin?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:41 am
by Dealey Joe
Kirk I am not up on the subject, tell us more.AS hot and dry as it is here I thought maybe something had already hit us??

Re: What do you all think about Nibiru and Elenin?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:09 am
by Dealey Joe
I ran across this interesting web site

Re: What do you all think about Nibiru and Elenin?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:46 am
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:I ran across this interesting web site interesting Joe.

Re: What do you all think about Nibiru and Elenin?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:14 pm
by Kirk
Dealey Joe wrote:Kirk I am not up on the subject, tell us more.AS hot and dry as it is here I thought maybe something had already hit us?? Hey Joe,Who knows maybe Nibiru explains the draught here as well. Hottest and Driest Summer ever on record now in Texas. This is the summer to remember, which we will want to forget.Still, it will rain again one day.Nibiru as far as can tell from all the youtube stuff etc. has been predicted or forecast throughout history by many, if not most religions or people. An object that maybe Nibiru has be sighted and watched for at least the last 20 years. Apparently NASA and the other parts of the government has not been honest about the object. Hmmm ..... The Object has a mass which could or is creating problems for our solar system, and our little planet. Elenin is considered a comet which is a precursor of Nibiru.Kirk