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Arthur Crock article

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:09 pm
by kjell roald

Re: Arthur Crock article

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:15 pm
by Davyjones
Never seen this!Needs more investigation?

Re: Arthur Crock article

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:49 am
by Bob
Thanks for bringing attention to this Kjell. Yes..I heard about the Arthur Krock article a couple years back. I think Mark Lane was on Black Op Radio. Anyway...interesting stuff, heh? Talk about a great piece of journalism. The guy hit it right out of the park. That's when the MSM had real journalists that weren't bought off cowards that lie every night to the American public and also to the rest of the world. They now run off with their 30 pieces and try to look at themselves in the mirror. Bill O'Reilly was once a true journalist... is some great information in that report. But then O'Reilly was bought off. His program every night on FOX News proves that.But in 1963 there were journalists like Krock that wrote the truth. The article was written in October, 1963. JFK was murdered the next month. With the help of the CIA.That article became invisible to the public. As Lane says, the Warren Commission never even had Krock testify about where he learned all of that information. I mean the article basically said what the CIA was up to and that they would be involved in any assassination of the President. I guess that didn't interest the Warren Commission. Why? The key members of that group were bought off too. Of course the former head of the CIA (Allen Dulles) didn't want Krock to spill the beans about what went down. The MSM learned their marching orders soon after the coup. Of course Operation Mockingbird (putting CIA operatives into the MSM) was in full swing too. Now we have had four Presidents in a row now that have had clear CIA connections and associations.Ladies and Gentlemen...that is truly a CROCK!

Re: Arthur Crock article

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:59 pm
by kenmurray
Bob, I think the same goes for Geraldo as well. Geraldo as we know had Groden on his late night program in 1975 where the public got to see the Z film for the first time. But it seems today Geraldo has had a change of heart concerning the JFK assassination. He believes Oswald acted alone.

Re: Arthur Crock article

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:43 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Bob, I think the same goes for Geraldo as well. Geraldo as we know had Groden on his late night program in 1975 where the public got to see the Z film for the first time. But it seems today Geraldo has had a change of heart concerning the JFK assassination. He believes Oswald acted alone. Indeed Ken. And who is Geraldo's employer now? FOX News. Better known as the Joseph Goebbels propaganda network. Another form of Operation Mockingbird is alive and well in 2011. News is the poster child.

Re: Arthur Crock article

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:37 pm
by kjell roald
1 min 20 seconds out in this clip, there is a recording of a telephone conversation that Bobby Kennedy had with LBJ.Bobby Kennedy is talking about a report " (...) about me, and about the department of Justice (...)"and " (...) the planning and plotting things (...)"" (...) reports about me plotting the overthrow of the government by force and violence (...) "LBJ says no, he hasn´t seen any such report. of weird. A report about Robert Kennedy planning to overthrow the government? But it sounds like it is such a report that RFK is talking about. Or am I getting it wrong?