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Higgs Bosun and the New World Order.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:22 am
by Davyjones
At $9 billion dollars and 17 miles circumference the LHC in Switzerland is the biggest and most expensive bit of scientific kit ever built.Its main purpose is to find the missing particle..the Higgs bosun which gives mankind the final piece of the puzzle of how everything works.They cannot find it...they intend to crank up the machine to its maximum speed in the search.Seems a lot of effort and cash,so why?The first thing the NEW WORLD ORDER needs to complete its plans is to have as much knowledge as there is,as much as say any Greater Power that may have created everything originally. Knowledge is power.They must be a bit sick that this particle which is supposed to be everywhere cannot be seen or far.The New World Order has a plan,a big and horrible one,for most of us.The first part of the plan is to control everything and everybody and then change us all to be subserviant to their wishes.They are well on their way to getting this done.Nations,Leaders fall,Politics are corrupted,the media controlled,Religious Leaders silenced,science,the law makers,financial markets manipulated. Nothing and no one is safe.BUT they do have at least 2 great FEARS.They are not sure that somewhere out there in our universe there are not little green men who have done this to there own worlds and might be keen to impose themselves on little old Earth.The NWO searches for them day and night just incase.The other FEAR, is for me the most compelling.WHAT IF THERE IS A GREATER POWER?Lets for convienance call this power GODThe NWO cannot cope with the idea that GOD might decide at some stage to stop them,so they spend billions trying to match His knowledge to enable them to be as capable as Him.Then they can challange Him and make Him of no account.Finally the logic leads you to think they would want to destroy Him.This done the chosen ones in the NWO can themselves declare themselves to be gods and all others, tools and cattle, allowed to live to serve their whims and fancies. Its been tried before in China and the Romans had a go at it but didnt get the prep right.The NWO are determined to get it right this time.Finally folks....these gods will replace there flesh and blood wilh titanium and carbon fibre to give themselves everlasting life...they will have made themselves into gods (Of a corrupt and obscene kind anyway)LETS HOPE the little Higgs bosun particle scuttles arround there damn machine and refuses to show up.If it was there it would have shown up asap so dont believe them if they say they have found it any time soon....that will be just cover up the enormous costs and wasted effort.

Re: Higgs Bosun and the New World Order.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:58 am
by Davyjones
Update....for those interested!They have found....something.....A nutrino (or something) that travels FASTER than the speed of light....WOW$9 billion bucks gets you this.In REAL terms this "discovery" is not worth a bent spanner to your or my life.As I said they are looking for a good excuse for not finding the Higgs Bosun to keep them all in high wage, low effort jobs.Of course the NWO keeps waiting impatiantly.