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The second shell

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:22 am
by Justin C
I was wondering what everyone thought of the second shellcase found on the grassy knoll by John Rademacher in 1987. I understand that James Files stated that he left a .222 casing with indentations (teethmarks) on it and that he only took one shot, but i was wondering why there would be two .222 casings found on the knoll. Though I believe James Files has left us very big pieces to the puzzle, there are still pieces that without a doubt need to be "put together." I highly doubt that it is by chance there is just a another random .222 case in dealy plaza. Here are some things I consider but i don't personally believe to be the scenario on 11/22/631) Two shooters from the knoll. Files says he was alone, but he could be possibly covering for somebody that still may be alive'.2) If (1) is true, then maybe this explains the throat wound as another shot from the front as some believe. I personally do not believe it. I think the mercury loaded round explains the hole that was present in the throat. Fragment from the round gave the appearance as a "bullet hole." 3) Maybe, and this pure speculation, Files had an empty shellcase in his guncase and as he put the gun away, he just chucked it out. Maybe an accident, maybe to add more drama to the story if it was ever discovered he fired "a single shot" from the knoll. Maybe this topic has been covered on the forum. If so i have not read about it. I was just wondering what everyone thought. One of my friends is a "files hater" and when i beat him down with evidence (most retrieved from this website and forum) this is the one thing he always comes back to and i really don't have a rebuttal other than what he uses for most of his rebuttals...which is... " I dunno."

Re: The second shell

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:13 am
by Dealey Joe
Justin I think it was planted there to confuse the situation.How better to shatter the validity?"I threw down one" so there are two found?Keep in mind also that the second casing was found LATER?I think someone there on 11/22/63 found the casing on the fence, probably a cop.stuck it in his pocket and didn't make it public. Later decied to put it back and either then or a little later planted the secod casing.finding evidence and hiding it would be pretty serious if you were caught.

Re: The second shell

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:59 pm
by Justin C
I would believe a second shellcase was "dropped" in the vicinity. By who, its hard to tell. I did not know that the 2nd casing was found later from the first one. Are the two casings stamped/made from the same era? I could def see where this could be done to try to bust the vailidity of Files story.

Re: The second shell

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:19 pm
by Dealey Joe
the bullet hing is contraversial whith what evidnce we have now.Finding the second planted bullet pretty much acomplished what it was ment to do.they also have tried to PROVE the manufacture date but that is impossible too.SO we have to decide if to take Files word for it and the bite marks, to me it just adds more credibility to Files story.Had the second casing not been found it would have been earth shaking discovery.

Re: The second shell

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:27 pm
by kenmurray
We can also mentioned the 3 empty shell casings found on the 6th floor. I see a pattern here . ... llura.html

Re: The second shell

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:58 pm
by Justin C
Dont forget about the 30-06 shellcase found on top of the dal tex building!

Re: The second shell

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:33 am
by Dealey Joe
I think anything found after 11/22/63 cannot be considered good evidence.Just like the chain of custody if broken destroys any evidentiary valueAlso seems to me like Roger Craig said 2 casings found near the snipers nest?have to check on that. anyway he was there.Roger is about the only official in Dallas that I believe.

Re: The second shell

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:01 pm
by kenmurray

Shell game

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:32 am
by Phil Dragoo
KenTwyman's researcher found that photo and here's one of two shells and a live round in situ:JFK’s Assassination—‘For Your Eyes Only’—Manipulation Of The Evidence By The Dallas Police And Proof Of A Second Gunman ©2003 All Rights ReservedBy Frank A. Cellura, Attorney( ... llura.html

Re: The second shell

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:47 pm
by kenmurray
Yes indeed Phil!!!