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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:47 am
by Justin C
Tosh Plumlee's story is quite incredible, as is Chauncey Holt's and of course James Files, which of all three I believe. Did Tosh or does Tosh a) believe Files story, b) has he spoken to Files personally, and c) does he or did he ever believe Holt's story.I read in am online forum from a few yrs ago of Wim and Tosh communicating back and forth. From the dialogue, it did not seem that Tosh accepted Files story. It's such a shame, because I feel it gives more credibility to Files story for the "skeptical" reader of conspiracy theories. I guess in the end it does not make a hill of beans either way, but two people with similar stories that connect unaswered history would be a huge step forward in unraveling this sick web that has been woven and kept out of light from the american people.

Re: Tosh

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:17 am
by Dealey Joe
My thought is that Tosh is or was CIA.probably not wise to say you believe some things?My personal feeling is the Tosh has always been in contact with Files?

Re: Tosh

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:37 pm
by Justin C
I thought I read somewhere that Tosh tried to visit Files at the prison but Files would not see him. But I am not 100 percent on that.

Re: Tosh

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:23 pm
by Dealey Joe
never heard that?

Re: Tosh

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:35 am
by Justin C
Dealey Joe,I did some internet surfing to verify if whether or not I had indeed read that. I found where I read it. ... 48&st=45"I ask if THEY could get Files to tell me his service number because he would have remembered it and I could work it from that direction. That too, did not happen. I was going to see Files and was told I had been put on his visitors list and I went to see him and when I got there, I was told I was not on his list of visitors. I had planned to ask him about his service number and other matters contained in his story. I was asked to do this by others. However, it did not happen and it was a wasted trip at my cost." - William Plumlee

Re: Tosh

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:39 am
by Dealey Joe
that does not mean that FIles refused to see him.keep in mind he is in prison and everything is controled, especially visitations.and for sure things are manipulated there so I don't think we can take that as meaning anything except he did not find out what he wanted, not sure Tosh would have been able to search service records either?

Re: Tosh

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:53 am
by Dealey Joe
Justin maybe you have looked at it but there is a lot of information on Tosh in the colum on the left side of your screen