Keep your head down Iran

JFK Assassination
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Keep your head down Iran

Post by Shane »

The article shows how Iran is calling out the U.S. at a U.N. meeting for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanastan, calling 9/11 "mysterious." I certainly respect his bravery, unfortunatly, the last man who called out the U.S. Government at a U.N. conference on the very same topic (and throwing in the JFK assassination as well) was Libya's Gaddafi - that article was posted on this very site. Gaddafi is dealing (with what I suspect) is the ramafications of those words, and also (what I suspect) is a C.I.A. overthrow of his regime.Keep your head down, Iran. ... index.html
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Re: Keep your head down Iran

Post by Mark68 »

^ Pretty freakin accurate. Except that Iran is a helluva, helluva more powerful and cohesive than crazy assed Gadhafi ever was. They would/will escalate the conflict to the nuclear level fairly quickly I imagine. The CIA infiltrating the core of the iranian gov hasn't been that effective thus far.
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Re: Keep your head down Iran

Post by RobertP »

An interesting note on oil (and no, I do not believe we are "liberating" anyone in the Arab world).The United States has known reserves of coal that rank as the fourth largest on the planet, by country. In 2006, the US Dept. of Energy released a study estimating the cost of producing synthetic gasoline, diesel and other oils from coal at about US $30/barrel. Take note that this would be a barrel of gasoline or diesel and not crude oil, which would require further refining. The US Dept. of Energy further estimated that, if every vehicle, train and airplane in the USA was run on synthetic fuels, at present use supplies of coal would last 150 years.In 1931, Standard Oil of New Jersey contracted to Adolf Hitler to construct large coal to gasoline plants. Unknown to most people, 85% of the high octane aviation gasoline supplied to Germany's Luftwaffe was synthetic gasoline made from coal. This action on the part of Standard Oil was, of course, the subject of many Senate hearings following WWII. However, no action was taken against Standard Oil because, after all, business is business, and they were good Republicans.RegardsBob
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Re: Keep your head down Iran

Post by Mark68 »

Not alot of people know that Exxon, Texeco, BP, Shell, Unical, etc., etc., are basically ALL the same original company...Standard Oil. I honestly think if a major oil discovery was made an sparsely populated isolated island we would invade it and "liberate" it to it enjoy the pleasure of democracy. Democracy meaning being controlled by a iron fisted small group of predatory, impotent old peace loving christains.
Phil Dragoo
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Sleeping with the Devil

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The Arab Spring removes secular regimes for Iran's infiltration.Zbigniew Brzezinski, whom some say mentored Barack Obama, was James Earl Carter's national security advisor and oversaw the removal of the secular Shah for the Islamist takeover by Ayatollah Khomeini.Brzezinski coauthored with Robert M. Gates, former Director of Central Intelligence under George Herbert Walker Bush and Secretary of Defense under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the Council on Foreign Relations paper (2004) "Iran: Time for a New Approach."Gates during a hearing told ranking Intelligence member Patrick Leahy, "Senator, all governments lie to each other. It's how business gets done."Obama did not move to destablilize Iran, nor will. The 2007 National Security Estimate said Iran had stopped its nuclear program.Russia has reneged on S-300 deals but pursues energy deals with the Islamist Republic.There will be no attack on Iran. The recent alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. was a hasty Wag the Dog to take the heat off Eric Holder in the Fast and Furious investigation.CIA may be trying to stabilize Calderon by supporting the Sinaloa Cartel.Then again Tosh Plumlee warns of military weaponry going to Los Zetas. And Mexico continues to pump methedrine into CONUS using Chinese precursors by the tens of thousands of tons for its superlabs.There are evil machinations but Iran has nothing to fear from any administration.The power elite so dictates. And presidents do not disobey.