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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:51 am
by Dealey Joe
JKFMORDERSOLVED.COM is now also on facebook.come join us there, we need help spreading the truth.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:06 pm
by katisha
Yeah, that's all very well for youse young'uns, Joe, but some of us old bats can't be doing with these new-fangled devices. We prefers a good old-fashioned message board, so do keep posting here, darls.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:58 pm
by Davyjones
Good stuff Katisha....This forum is tried and tested for good information and pleasant conversation.I am tryingto stay on both forums but it is a strain.Promse you Katisha I will be reading your posts!!!!!


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:26 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Mustn't miss any one of a trillion trivial time-wasters.Face Book posting is trying to sculpt a Michelangelo in an automatic carwash.Just. Sayin'.(Or, in the alternative, running down a Manhattan sidewalk shouting the text to Atlas Shrugged--as each passerby catches a single word before Doppler and distance obliterate coherent thought.)


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:06 pm
by Davyjones
Phil I noticed you are not contributing to the FB I see why.I share your views...having said that,its a brave move to see what happens...If it opens up communication to new folk and directs them to this forum then OK by me.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:51 pm
by Dealey Joe
katisha wrote:Yeah, that's all very well for youse young'uns, Joe, but some of us old bats can't be doing with these new-fangled devices. We prefers a good old-fashioned message board, so do keep posting here, darls. KAtisha I hear you but most post on different forums and if we be honest postinh here for the last year has been m inimal.We thought we would try the FB thing to see if FB was having an effect on where people are and sorry to say I do think that is a reason for our slowdown.Time will tell if it a good thing or not and as faar as I know no ine is refraining from posting here? I keep signed in here most all the time and cherck regularly but you can see there have been less than a dozen posts in the last week.I sure do miss the good old days though