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Hello from a New Member

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:39 am
by RobertP
HelloI am new to this site and may I take this chance to say that I am happy to be here. Although I have followed the JFK assassination since I was a boy of seven and our principal solemnly announced, over the school PA, that JFK had succumbed to gunshot wounds in Dallas, it is only recently that I have begun following this matter on internet forums. Unfortunately, the first forum I joined turned out to be nothing but an arena for abuse. Although it was fun to spar with extremist LN'ers for a week or so, it soon became apparent it was not the place for a serious exchange of ideas. I wish the CT's that remain on the site all the best but, for myself, I have better things to do with my time than pointlessly beat my head against a wall.I read many threads on here before making the decision to join you gentlemen. I greatly admire one thing about this group; even when people disagree here, there is still a cordiallity extended to one's opposite. And so there should be.I am looking forward to many discussions here. My interests (obsessions? LOL) lie with the history and development of military weapons. I have done a great deal of research on this matter and, though I may not have much to contribute on whether or not Oswald shot JFK, I think I will be able to cast serious doubt on whether Oswald's rifle and ammunition were capable of the performance attributed to them on 22/11/63.Best RegardsBob

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:20 am
by Dealey Joe
Welcome aboard Bob.WE are what I call a family here and you are very welcome.The forum is a bit quiet now as we have opened a new Facebook page to see where that goeshope you can try it out with us.Just pick a topic or start a new one and away we go. be every interested inhearing what you hav on the Manlicher and or Mauser

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:36 am
by Davyjones
Hi RobertP welcome.....Your expertise in guns etc will help guys like me. Like to get your thoughts on the Manlicher,Remington Fireball and the Mauser.I think anything on the fireball and its bullets would bring the Files story on

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:05 pm
by kenmurray
Welcome to the forum Robert!

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:16 pm
by Bob
Welcome Bob. I like your name as well.

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:43 pm
by RobertP
HelloThank you all for the welcome!I was just reading the thread I started last night. LOL I do tend to run on a bit, don't I... Oh well, there are very few where I live that I can discuss the JFK case with and I guess I just have a lot of pent up material trying to find its way out. Please bear with me, if you will. DavyjonesYou brought up the Remington Fireball XP-100 in your post. I assume that you are also interested in the mercury tipped bullets Mr. Files claims to have used. As the XP-100 had just gone into full production in 1963, it is not clear whether it would have been chambered for the .222 cartridge or the later .221 cartridge. The .221 replaced the .222 as the short barrel of the XP-100 did not allow for complete burning of the .222 cartidge's powder in the barrel, thus generating (so I am told) a large muzzle flash plus a great deal of noise. However, we all know that witnesses in Dealey Plaza reported the final shot to be much louder than the first shots. Could this be the explanation?As for the mercury tipped rounds, there seems to be a good deal of theory on them but not a lot of hard facts. I can see a few problems in attempting to make one but I believe a person with ingenuity might be able to overcome these obstacles. I have not listened to Mr. Files' confession but I would imagine he made his bullets by drilling a hollow space partway into a bullet, filling that space partially with mercury and sealing the tip with epoxy or some equivalent. Some have argued that this would be impossible as mercury forms an amalgam with many metals, including lead, but this is a very limited phenomenon as anyone with placer gold mining experience will tell you. Instead of softening the whole tip of the bullet, the lead/mercury amalgam is limited to a thin layer where the lead and mercury meet. I know this to be true as we used to dip lead fishing weights in mercury and hang the now shiny lead weights up in class for all to see. Oh, the innocence of youth! LOL In flight, it is assumed that inertia would hold the mercury to the base of the cavity. Upon impact, inertia would now cause the mercury to continue forward as the lead began to be arrested by bone and tissue. Theoretically, the mercury would encounter the same bone and tissue and its energy would be backed up and now applied to the lead bullet. The resultant expansion should have the effect of disintegrating the lead bullet and still allowing the mercury to continue its forward path in an expanding dense spray. The question that comes to my mind is, would we see the dramatic skull explosion witnessed in the Zapruder film or would the energy be so widely dispersed, inside the skull, that there would be total destruction of brain matter but no exit wound? Perhaps there is a case here for a second shot striking Kennedy's skull within a fraction of a second of Files'.Best RegardsBob

Ballistics vs. Bull Hockey

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:44 am
by Phil Dragoo
RobertYou have the technical facility to discuss the particulars of what I hold to be the darkest deed of the Republic.In Horne we have several who saw the entry wound at the right temple/hairline. Dr. David Mantik in several places including Jim Fetzer's Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) places the Harper Fragment in the occipital, having been hit at its right edge (see L on drawing in your M-C thread) by a rear shot, here attributed to Dal-Tex-based Nicoletti, followed by the Files XP 100 Fireball shot to the temple, displaced from the eye by the forward motion of that rear wound.Witnesses not only noted a different sound (and some have posited suppressed shots at the corner, those "firecrackers" or "backfires") but a one-two tightly spaced sequence.The trajectory of the Tague shot is said to match the Dal-Tex location nicely, but require a Depository sixth floor origin to fly thirty feet overhead.Sherry Gutierrez on jfklancer, a blood spatter certified crime scene analyst, says one shot to the head from the front from a location near the intersection of the overpass and the fence.We have Lee Bowers who saw three cars, two men, a disturbance. Several witnesses on the overpass saw smoke at the fence. The two JFK aides in the Queen Mary, O'Donnell and Powers believed the shot came from the knoll.The fragments on the right lateral skull x-ray emanate from the inshoot Files described.Oswald wasn't in the window, had no GSR (per DPD and AEC's Oak Ridge), never possessed the alleged murder weapon, was a patsy maneuvered into position by the plotters chiefly Angleton, Phillips, DeMohrenschildt, Paine.So where were the shots fired from, the calibers, trajectories, wounds need to be accurately described.Life's too short to abide the likes of Bugliosi, Posner, the Church Lady and other accessories after the fact.Two, not three, spent M-C shells at the Potemkin nest. CE 399 caused one long wound to some cotton batting. Connally had his own bullet--if not two.And of course the president was hit five and three-eighths down from the jacket collar, five and three-quarters down from the shirt collar, to a depth of a finger joint per the autopsists. Perry described a wound of entry at the throat which Secret Service agent Elmer Moore badgered the good doctor all Friday night over, then came Arlen Specter and Allen Dulles to attack, attack, attack the entry in the throat.And the head shot. The Harper Fragment. The trail of metal fragments. The three autopsists badgered by the HSCA panel to move the OEP inshoot up four inches or ten centimeters.The missing brain. Which weighed 1500 grams. Which was a third or so gone per the enlisted witnesses at Bethesda.Hargis was sprayed--and he was behind and to the left of the limousine at the time of the headshot.A frontal shot satisfies the known facts when the propaganda is stripped away.It becomes inconvenient for the perpetrators of the Vietnam War which the dead 35th president had just waved aside with NSAM 263.And for other deadly sins against the Unspeakable in Douglass' book of lyric treason.LNs are a plague of locusts.You are very welcome here, Robert, a hotbed of conspiracy (in the lingo of the Ministry of Cass Sunstein) or as we like to think, those who can handle the truth.

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:03 am
by RobertP
PhilThank you very much for the welcome. It sends chills up my spine, like always, when I see someone lay out the conspiracy in such stark terms.And yes, LN'ers are like a plague of locusts. However, I am often amused at the time and energy (paid or unpaid) they will devote to keeping the wreck of the S.S. Warren Commission afloat. I believe the day is close at hand that the truth will be revealed, the rocks overturned and all of the creatures that favour the darkness will be sent scurrying for cover. If we do not keep this alive until then, who will?Albert Einstein had escaped from Nazi Germany just before his Jewish ancestry landed him in a concentration camp. Following his escape, Adolf Hitler had his Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, announce to the world that there were one hundred Nazi scientists who could disprove every single one of Einstein's theories. It is said Einstein was rather flattered it had taken so many of them.Best RegardsBob

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:30 pm
by Kirk
Howd and Welcome Robert!Kirk

Re: Hello from a New Member

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:21 pm
by RobertP
KirkThank you for the welcome.I just thought of another famous quote that always makes me smile. Mahatma Gandhi was being interviewed by an American reporter.Reporter: "Tell me, Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western civilisation?"Gandhi: "Yes, I think it would be a good idea." Best RegardsBob