Stephen King's 11/22/63

JFK Assassination
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Stephen King's 11/22/63

Post by Kirk »

I am sorry to have to bring up more bad news, but apparently Stephen King's new book 11/22 /63 is about what would have happened if JFK had not been assassinated by "Lee Oswald". Ugh, he believes that Oswald not only did it, but acted alone. I can't say I was ever a huge fan of his, nor have I read all of his books. He write them faster then they can be read, but I have appreciated that he was good at what he does, and encouraged reading, which is one of the most enriching things that can be done for another. I will have to put him in the column of people that think they know something that they don't about the JFK assassination. Maybe he needs to read more before he writes more?
Mike Bruni
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Re: Stephen King's 11/22/63

Post by Mike Bruni »

The general idea of the story is that a guy goes back in time to prevent the assassination by cornering or somehow disrupting Oswald. The real bestest ending for the book would be to have the "hero" subduing Oswald in the front of the Depository building and turning around and seeing the assassination going off as planned. That might then be readable.Mike
Posts: 39
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Stephen King's 11/22/63 Revisited

Post by Kirk »

Like many of you, I am sure that you are given gifts by friends and family about anything related to the JFK assassination, whether it is something you know or want. It comes with the interest in the subject, and is thoughtful of those giving, no matter what.I was given the book, and still didn't really want to read it, especially at 850 pages, but I did because it was thoughtful of the person to give it to me.I report that it is worth reading, if only for giving a feel for the times before and during the assassination. It really is a time travel novel that uses the assassination as a target point. I could not disagree more with King's belief that Oswald acted alone, if he acted at all. I am actually sure that King has probably read from this forum as well as others, but not for information to investigate, but instead to flavor his views. He is entitled to do that, but I find it interesting that a man known for writing about or creating monsters is afraid to face the truth of this matter. I recommend it as a historical time traveling fiction.