JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines:

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members:Every year BMW, Mercedes - Benz, Rolls Royce, and every other automobile design - maker comes out with a newer, more improved model. It is with this proactive philosophy that I make the following simple suggestions that could reap great benefits to the members and readers of the JFK Forum, both old and new. In addition, maybe some old members that we have lost along the way might return upon seeing a newer, improved "2012 model" of the JFK Forum.Wim's JFK Forum is clearly the very best JFK Forum. In an effort to improve it further, I have been studying its strengths and weaknesses, either real or perceived. Further, I have been very concerned at the amount of good members that we have lost, and continue to loose, while only attracting a diminishing amount of serious members. I have quietly asked the opinions of good members who have left our ranks, as we continue to dwindle. This has concerned me greatly, and I have given it much thought.Wim's JFK Forum is cumulatively and synergistically the very best in its field. But by studying its weaknesses, real or perceived, and by making some simple suggestions and minor implementations we can make it much better immediately with every Post, going forward without changing anything that has been done.The Number One (1) Problem with the JFK Forum is that there is no Simple Indexing that readily assists members and readers. More specifically, new or newer members or readers are discouraged when they start out as "newbies." They get frustrated and quit. And older members are annoyed that "newbies" ask the same old questions over and over again and again.The JFK Forum has a tremendous amount of excellent research and writing that is often overlooked, ignored, never found, or is very difficult to find. Although there is a search available, many either do not like it, use it, or do not find it suitable for their particular interests, or purposes.Therefore, in an effort to assist everybody proactively, both old and new, I am going to try a Voluntary Self Indexing System. I am going to create Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines. For example, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, etc. I will add the most basic, simple research that I can find under each Headline, and invite each future Poster to Voluntarily place their Post under a Major Title.Going forward, members and Posters can place their Posts under Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines. For example, if a Subject Matter is about JFK overall, you will place your Post under the Standard JFK Headline. If a Subject Matter is about LHO'S "alleged killing" of JFK, then place it under LHO.Further, as members read or re-read older Headlines and Posts, either theirs or others, they can directly cut and paste what they perceive as worthwhile material under a Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headline recently created on the JFK Forum.I am going to set up ten (10) Basic JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines daily.As is true with any undertaking such as this, its likelihood of success or failure rests with the JFK Forum Members, both old and new.Sincerely, Joe HallJFK Forum Moderator.
Posts: 829
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by kenmurray »

Excellent Joe!!!!!!! That's why you are Joe Friday.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by Bob »

Indeed! Nice suggestion Joe! Any problems though...get Ken to help! I kid. I'm always there for you Sarge.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by Dealey Joe »

we will need help moving good posts to the new topic areasplease copy and paste all important post made in the past topics.along with new posts.without your help this will not workthanks
Posts: 829
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:we will need help moving good posts to the new topic areasplease copy and paste all important post made in the past topics.along with new posts.without your help this will not workthanksWill do Joe. Hey on a side note what a shocker last night Iowa State beating OK State.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by Dealey Joe »

Please when you post look for existing titles to post under. will help with confusion.If there is nothing existing then make a new topic and we will deal with it as a new topic
Posts: 829
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Please when you post look for existing titles to post under. will help with confusion.If there is nothing existing then make a new topic and we will deal with it as a new topicWhy is 5 of my posts been deleted?
Tom Bigg
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Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by Tom Bigg »

Thanks for your openness on these changes.I am of the firm belief that nothing good is ever truly wasted. We all get surprised from time to time with someone who brings a new perspective to historical topics.Many of us are members of other sites. Some are members of over a dozen others. It takes a lot of time to keep the facts straight, whether we are dealing with historical fact, current events, hobbies and avocations, vocational pursuits, religious or philosophical interests, and so forth.I don't believe we "lose" members, necessarily, unless someone is extremely irate, starts threatening people, or says he/she will never darken your door again. They will be back as old friends and acquaintances, not as foes or as ideological adversaries.This site is a tremendous resource. I believe it will be successful as new students of this subject come here for research. Only the site moderators know who is posting or visiting from where, most people prize their anon. privileges. The Constitution guarantees this.I went to a forum in Vermont earlier in the week hosted by a high school teacher who runs half semester courses on the JFK murder and conspiracy at Brattleboro High School. He knows most of the major educators on this event including those who run this site. As soon as I mentioned James Files and Nicoletti and this forum he spoke up positively about it. He also had new information with a federal agent's suitcase being found after he died in Vermont with incriminating evidence.As long as we all remain helpful and honest this site will succeed through the scholarly flow of information. Thanks again for the excellent jobs that have been done in building this site with all the resources available. It's just two more years until the much heralded 50th anniversary of the conspiracy.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by Dealey Joe »

everyone feel free to go back in previouse years and copy and past older posts to the new and pertinate topic indexing list.
Tom Bigg
Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Forum Standard, Major Title, Self Indexing Headlines

Post by Tom Bigg »

Hi Joe, good work with your efforts to re-invigorate this board; it is hard to keep up interest in old subjects no matter how relevant to modern events. It is accepted wisdom that if we don't address an issue, it keeps re-emerging until we do address it. How true this is of unjust political events.I suppose many who have posted on this board have a similar political philosophy, whatever their voting patterns or other profiles; we are naturally skeptical of mainstream media, are opposed to unnecessary foreign military actions; have a deep distrust of how government operates especially when there are huge amounts of money at stake for it to do the expedient thing, so "the ends justify the means". The ends are never justified by the means, if we play God, then we will bear the burdens of doing so.Some find video references on this site and others to be helpful. I would prefer hearing the truth in their own words. I am currently using a netbook computer which has serious limitations in accessing higher tech options. When I use the computer at the library, there are also limitations, unless I bring my own headphones, but that is rather weird to do.Other thoughts on keeping this site trendy and popular would probably involve getting advice from those who have a proven track record in doing so. I like this site the way it is; I can see that the James Files prominence may cause visitors to go elsewhere, it might be better to present the site as for general fact-based conspiracy analysis, debunking, and anti-fraud site. I think of other sites that get a lot of attention and have a huge following like Gary North (advice), Quatloos (anti-fraud), Zero Hedge (exposing financial fraud), Fact Net (anti-cult and mind control). Most of them are successful by having wide appeal with a particular group of people.Someday we may all have smart computers that are able to sift through all site information that we may be interested in and alert us, cherry picking relevant tidbits. We are still in the stone ages when it comes to discerning the truth. It is easy to get discouraged by the large political issues. I believe were made to be happy and productive citizens, not grim and dour, Just some thoughts, as Dealey Joe does a good job trying to maintain the high standards here and generate new interest.