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Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:57 pm
by Dealey Joe
Allen Welsh Dulles (April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American diplomat, lawyer, banker, and public official who became the first civilian and the longest-serving (1953–1961) Director of Central Intelligence (de facto head of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) and a member of the Warren Commission. Between stints of government service, Dulles was a corporate lawyer and partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. His older brother, John Foster Dulles, was the Secretary of State during the Eisenhower Administration.


Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:49 pm
by kenmurray
Meet Allen Dulles Fascist Spymaster:


Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:42 am
by Tommy Wilkens
This is one of the keys that we should all focus on .Allen Dulles appointed to the Warren Commission ??? And this appointment didn't raise an eyebrows ??? Skimmed right over the surface ... In our research of the Willem Oltmans archives in Den Haag The Netherlands we found a personal note from George de Mohrenschildt that mentioned that during his and his wife's testimonies before the Warren Commission that during lunch breaks that George had met and had a private lunch with Allen Dulles a Commission member .Old palls I guess ????


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:42 am
by Ed Teach


Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:53 pm
by kenmurray


Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:19 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
In our investigation for our up coming book we dug in hard and I mean hard on finding a connection between the former head of the CIA and former member of the Warren Commission Allen Dulles and George de Mohrenschildt the person we have all been told was the best friend of Lee Oswald and family. After turning almost ever stone over we did make a connection. As early as 1954 records now released reveal that George de Mohrenschildt had close connections with the former head of Radio Free Europe and the eventual chief and director of the Central Intelligence Agency Allen Dulles. Through a Central Intelligence agent by the name of Herbert Itkin records would reveal that Dulles had introduced a person by the name of Philip Harbin to Litkin. Later Litkin would admit that the man he had met was really George de Mohrenschildt. After a close study the name Harbin had a connection to de Mohrenschildt, his fourth wife Jeanne de Mohrenschildt was born in Harbin China. He was a master of multiple personalities and a seasoned undercover intelligence operative that could create an unbreakable cover story for almost any situation. . Always two steps ahead always playing his role out in the shadows. Denial of any involvement was his standard. A highly polished intellectual that lived his complex life out as if almost a James Bond type figure. Traveling the world ostensibly as an international businessman allowed de Mohrenschildt entry into some of the most dangerous places in the world were few would even dare to venture. Records of de Mohrenschildt's overseas ventures would reveal a pattern that placed him in cities and countries just before a coup or an invasion or an assassination or a covert or overt operation was unfolding. And all were past off as a mere coincidence.Being Lee Oswald's best friend in the short months leading up to President Kennedy's assassination was no mistake or coincidence. Take a step back and look at this picture.If the word WOW doesn't come out first please take a second look .I know we did !!!!!