JFK Assassination
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Post by katisha »

Jack Ruby - born Rubenstein; nickname "Sparky" - (25 March [?] 1911 to 3 January 1967) was born in Chicago. He moved to Dallas in 1947. In 1963 he was managing two Dallas nightclubs; The Carousel and The Vegas, and knew many members of the Dallas Police Department. On the morning of 24 November 1963 Ruby was in the basement of the Dallas Police Department when Lee Harvey Oswald was brought out to be transferred to the County Jail. Ruby stepped forward and shot Oswald in the abdomen: Oswald died soon afterwards.Ruby was arrested and tried for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. He was found guilty and sentenced to death, but on appeal he was granted a re-trial. Ruby died of cancer before his re-trial started.
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Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Jack Ruby and Richard Nixonby Giovanni » Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:22 am http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDOszGJe ... ed&search=
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

by Bob » Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:10 am We know Nixon was in Dallas on the morning of 11/22/1963. So was Jack Ruby, who worked for Nixon in 1948. In Dealey Plaza we had Watergate burglars Frank Sturgis, E.H. Hunt and Bernard Barker. Also, there was a meeting the night before at Big Oil's Clint Murchinson's house which included Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover and LBJ. What does that tell you? Jimmy Files, Chuck Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli were also at Dealey Plaza. Files was also a Watergate burglar on a different team that was never caught according to Bruce. We also had two FBI memos that named George H.W. Bu$h. One was written by Hoover on 11/22/63, calling Bu$h a CIA operative. Another was Bu$h claiming an associate of his had threatened the life of JFK. That associate, James Parrott, also worked for Poppy Bu$h when he ran for President. Why did Bu$h make this claim? To give himself an alibi. Bu$h said he called the FBI from Tyler, Texas AFTER the assassination. There is a nice photograph that appears to be that of Bu$h in front of the Texas School Book Depository right after the assassination. We also know that Bu$h did get a hotel room in Dallas the night of 11/22/1963. So what does this tell us? The CIA, top government officials, the mob, and big oil and banking were involved in this plot. Also, remember this in the George H.W. Bu$h section in this website...Much has been written about the role of the CIA factions in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It isn't the purpose of this book to go into that subject. However, the statements of relatively high- ranking former or present ONI and Navy officers relating to the JFK assassination are given within these pages for the reader to ponder. The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK, and that Kennedy was advised three weeks before the assassination of a plan to assassinate him in one of three cities that Kennedy would be visiting. During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bu$h, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?" I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bu$h, and J. Edgar Hoover." "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bu$h, and J. Edgar Hoover." "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bu$h, and J. Edgar Hoover." Only one of the assassination planners is alive today. That would be Poppy Bu$h. Son of Prescott Bu$h. Grandson of Samuel Bu$h. Father of Dumbya Bu$h. The Bu$h family...UNPATRIOTIC AND TREASONOUS. One day the TRUTH will come out. I hope you are reading this Poppy!"Follow the money." - Deep Throathttp://www.ctka.net/2010/perry.htmlhttp://jame ... om/2011/01 ... orist.htmlhttp://judythbaker.blogspot.com/2011/02 ... -bush.htmlBob
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Jack Ruby Press Conferenceby Bob » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:57 pm I wonder WHO he was talking about being in high positions? Giancana? LBJ? Nixon? Hoover? Dulles? Rockefeller? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we2eucWXqjg"Follow the money." - Deep Throathttp://www.ctka.net/2010/perry.htmlhttp://jame ... om/2011/01 ... orist.htmlhttp://judythbaker.blogspot.com/2011/02 ... -bush.htmlBob
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Post by kenmurray »

by andries » Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:35 pm Jack ruby all over the place http://media2.myfoxdfw.com/html/JFKvide
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Post by Slav »

I can't believe capt fritz does not move or flinch or twitch in anyway when ruby shoots Oswald anybody being that close would of gotten startled instead he looks like he expected it to happen.http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3n9VQ-dXrwQ
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Post by kenmurray »

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Post by kenmurray »

Ruby's Stripper And The Money Order:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InKjNnv ... 0fvYXNvgaw
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Post by kenmurray »

John Armstrong's page on Ruby: http://harveyandlee.net/Ruby/Ruby.html