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Wim on BlackOp radio?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:01 pm
by David Octopus
I'm wondering why is there this unnecessary gap between the Wim and Fetzer people. Your are both Prouty/Garissonites in a sence. Your are anti Gary Mack/6thFloorists. I do understand there might be some issues of conflict but I would seriously urge Wim to ask Len Osanic the host of the Blackop radio to make a radio show on their programme about Files.. They have one of the best archive radio shows on the JFK case available on the net..


Guns&butter radio show too!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:08 pm
by David Octopus
Another great programme is the Guns & Butter radio show with important JFK, RFK related archive..

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:55 am
by dankbaar
I would prefer to have Zack Shelton and Bruce Brychek do such a thing.


Black Ops Radio:

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:16 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, Zack Shelton, and Lientenant Colonel "Dangerous" Dan Marvin, Retired,

I would only do this with Wim Dankbaar, and/or Zack Shelton, and/or
Lieutenant Colonel "Dangerous" Dan Marvin, Retired.

Wim, if you and/or Zack, and/or Dan are seriously interested, I would consider this matter with you, Zack, and Dan privately.

Actually maybe the four of us should consider doing this together. Let's
talk about it privately.

Give My Best Regards to Zack, and Dan.

Jimmy sends his Best Regards to the three of you. We had lunch this week, as always.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Wim on BlackOp radio?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:01 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
06.16.2010Dear JFK Murder SolvedForum Members and Readers:Messrs. Wim Dankbaar and Bob Fox recall our discussions and writings on this issue before.Where are we today ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Wim on BlackOp radio?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:04 am
by Dealey Joe
Bruce and all,Our Friend, Moderator and Writer, (Mr. Smooth) Bobhas been on Black Op and another radio show or two.I can see Len having him back on, especially if enough of us ask for him.Bob sent Len Osanic a copy of "The Grassy Knoll". Maybe he willl get the idea to have Bruce and Wim on sometime.

Re: Wim on BlackOp radio?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:39 am
by kenmurray
Yes, Wim and Bruce would be great on Black OP Radio as well as Michael Caulder. Speaking of BOR, on tomorrow's show Len will have Jim Hougan on as a guest to talk about Jonestown and Watergate since tomorrow June 17th will be the 38th anniversary of the watergate break in. ... ndex2.html

Re: Wim on BlackOp radio?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:10 pm
by Bob
Dealey Joe wrote:Bruce and all,Our Friend, Moderator and Writer, (Mr. Smooth) Bobhas been on Black Op and another radio show or two.I can see Len having him back on, especially if enough of us ask for him.Bob sent Len Osanic a copy of "The Grassy Knoll". Maybe he willl get the idea to have Bruce and Wim on sometime.Time will tell if I will get another opportunity on Black Op Radio. I would also love to see Wim or Bruce get the opportunity, if they want to appear. I have contacted Len about getting Michael Calder on as well. Joe is right. Len has a copy of The Grassy Knoll. We are also sending one to Jim DiEugenio. As I have said MANY times, the CT community has done a lot of infighting. That needs to stop. It's okay to disagree about certain theories, but we don't have to eat our own in our efforts to counter that theory. We need more respectable debate on our side. We also have to have 100% agreed upon talking points to differentiate ourselves clearly from the lone nut club and their mostly ridiculous arguments. I wanted to send out The Grassy Knoll to people that are in the limelight somewhat, so they might be able to get a better understanding of the Jimmy Files story and also clear up any issues that they may have with the Files story. There are a lot of great journalists/researchers in our community, but probably no one is better known than Jim Marrs, who has been a guest on Black Op Radio and other programs for a long time. I also sent this post by Marrs about Jimmy Files to Len for review...TO JAMES FILES CONFESSION CRITICS: ANSWER ME THISby JIM MARRSFirst off let me set the record straight. I have not -- nor am I now --taking any particular position on the truthfulness of the James E. Filesconfession. I was not on the Grassy Knoll on November 22, 1963, so I cannotstate with any 100 percent assurance what really happened.All I have ever said on this matter is that I am aware of much more to thisstory than simply a talking-head videotaped confession and that I feel itdeserves more serious attention than it has received in the past. Those whohave been so quick to dismiss Files as a hoax do not know the full detailsof this issue. Others have personal problems with one or more of theresearchers who have brought the Files story public. Let's not toss out themessage just because we don't like the messenger. Never forget that thewhole Files story came about due to a tip from an FBI agent, not from merespeculation by some researcher.Despite what I feel to be an honest and open-minded attitude toward theFiles story on my part, I, along with anyone else who dares to admitinterest in this issue, have suffered much abuse on the Internet and otherplaces from some critics who, after superficial or no research, branded theFiles story a hoax.Without making a long, involved story even longer, I would simply like theanswers to the following three simple questions regarding James Files:HOW DID JAMES FILES KNOW THAT HUMAN TEETH IMPRESSIONS WOULD BE FOUND ON A.222-CALIBER SHELL CASING FOUND ON THE GRASSY KNOLL IN 1987?It is a fact that John C. Rademacher of Granbury, Texas, discovered a.222-caliber shell casing on the north Grassy Knoll in Dallas' Dealey Plazain 1987. He brought the casing to my class at the University of Texas atArlington in 1990. I recall asking him about strange marks on the casingbecause at the time I was very interested in the sabot or husk bullet issue.Rademacher said the mark was on the casing when he found it but that he hadno idea what it was.On May 3, 1993, researcher Bob Vernon along with TV executive Barry Adelmanfirst interviewed James E. Files in prison. Files claims to have used anunusual and expensive single-shot match pistol, a .222-caliber RemingtonXP-100 "Fireball", to shoot President Kennedy from behind the wooden picketfence on top of the Grassy Knoll. Toward the end of the interview, Filescasually mentioned that he had left the .222-caliber shell casing behind onthe Grassy Knoll and that if anyone was to find it they would know it washis. When asked how it could be identified, Files said he had bitten down onthe empty shell casing and left it behind on a cross piece of the woodenpicket fence. "It will have my teeth marks on it," he explained.Reflecting on this information, Vernon recalled seeing something about a manfinding a shell casing on the Grassy Knoll in the files of the late Texasresearcher Joe West. After locating the story in West's material, Vernonalong with Mrs. Joe West visited Rademacher in July, 1993, and first saw theshell casing with the markings on it. After about two months ofcorrespondence, Vernon finally obtained the shell casing in late September,1993, and sent it for study by Dr. Paul Stimson of the University of Texasat Houston, a member of the American Boards of Oral Pathology and ForensicOdontology. About Oct. 4, 1993, following days of microscopic examination,Dr. Stimson reported, "Opinion: The indentations are oriented on the shellcasing in a pattern that would be consistent with the maxillary rightcentral incisor making the larger mark and the two smaller marks would beconsistent with the lower right central and lateral incisors. It is myopinion that the marks are consistent with having been made by humanindentation."It is highly unlikely that this whole story could be a gigantic hoaxinvolving such diverse people as Dr. Stimson, Vernon, Joe West (who diedbefore ever learning of the casing connection between Rademacher and Files)and his wife, Adelman, Files, myself and others over a period of more thansix years.Having rejected the complicated hoax theory and considering that apparentlyno one in the world knew of the casing/teeth issue prior to Dr. Stimson'sfindings in October, 1993, I am left with the question --- If he had nofirst-hand knowledge, how did James Files know that human teeth impressionswould be found on a .222-caliber shell casing discovered on the Grassy Knollin 1987?HOW DID FILES FIND OUT ABOUT THE "WHITE STAR" TEAMS IN LAOS UNLESS HE WAS AMEMBER?During interviews with James E. Files, he told of his military record whichincluded a stint with the 82nd Airborne Division concerning covertoperations in Laos in 1959. He said he was supposedly out of the militarybut was actually being paid by the U.S. Army and specifically mentionedbeing part of the "White Star" teams to train Laotian Army regulars. Being aVietnam-era veteran myself and a lay historian, I was surprised that I hadnever heard of the "White Star" teams. In fact, I chalked this term up as apoint against Files since no one I knew had ever heard of such teams. Thenin the summer of 1996, in a telephone conversation with Col. FletcherProuty, I happened to mention that Files claimed to have trained LaotianArmy troops in 1959. "Oh, that was my operation," said Prouty. "They werecalled the White Star teams." Prouty explained that members of the "WhiteStar" teams were "sheep-dipped," He explained this process as "an intricateArmy-devised process by which a man who is in the service as a full careersoldier or officer agrees to go through all the legal and official motionsof resigning from the service. Then, rather than actually being released,his records are pulled from the Army personnel files and transferred to aspecial Army intelligence file. (The Secret Team: pp. 172-173)" This isexactly the process mentioned by Files and, obviously, could go far inexplaining some of the frustrations encountered in trying to verify hismilitary record. Prouty said the "White Star" teams were composed of"sheep-dipped" officers and men who were hired by a private company createdby the CIA and sent to Laos to train troops. Prouty's statements force thequestion --- If Files is a phony and never in the military (as some criticshave asserted), how did he know the correct term "White Star" teams and thecircumstances of their involvement in Laos.unless he was part of it?WHERE DID FILES LEARN OF AN "ABORT TEAM" IF NOT FROM JOHNNY ROSELLI?According to the Files confession, the JFK assassination was carried out byChicago mob hit man, Charles "Chuckie" Nicoletti on orders from boss SamGiancana. ".(Richard) Cain and Nicoletti were actual gunmen for the hit."wrote Giancana's brother Chuck in his 1992 book Double Cross (pp. 334-335).Files said the hit team originally was to be Nicoletti and mobster JohnnyRoselli. Files himself was only to have transported weapons to Dallas andacted as driver. But, according to Files, Roselli arrived in Dallas early onthe morning of November 22, 1963, by means of a "military flight". Rosellisaid the CIA had sent an "abort team" to Dallas to stop the assassinationand he declined to participate saying they would all be killed. Undaunted byRoselli's fears, Nicoletti decided to move ahead with the carefully-laidplans and so asked Files --- a man who had been his driver and confederatein several other jobs --- to back him up. Many critics have questioned whyFiles at such a young age and not being a "made" Mafia man would have beenincluded on something as important as the JFK assassination. This is a verygood question but it appears answered in this account of Files' last-minutesubstitution after Roselli suddenly backed out, fearful of being killed byan "abort team".Files' use of the term "abort team" was only the second time in my career Ihad heard that term. The first involved a "black ops" military pilot whoalso mentioned an "abort team' --- and in connection with the JFKassassination!!William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee claimed to have been involved in secretgovernment skullduggery beginning before the Bay of Pigs invasion andlasting through the Iran-Contra scandal. I have reams of FBI and DEA reportson Plumlee and they state he was claiming to have knowledge of the JFKassassination as far back as the 1970s. In addition to his numerousgovernment files, Plumlee was called for secret testimony during theIran-Contra hearings. He obviously is a credible source.In the late 1980s, Tosh took me on a guided tour of Dallas and presented anincredible story of how he piloted a plane from Florida to New Orleans onNovember 21, 1963. In New Orleans, he picked up a team of men, along withsome small cases, and flew them to Dallas, arriving early on Nov. 22.Originally slated to land at Red Bird Airport, he was diverted to GarlandAirport due to early morning rain and overcast. Here the team disembarked.This group was largely unknown to Tosh except for one man whom he hadpiloted before. He only knew this man as "Colonel John Roselli". Tosh alsosaid he was told that the group were an "abort team" sent to Dallas to stopan assassination attempt on President Kennedy. Tosh's account of thisflight, his observations in Dealey Plaza and his planned return trip to meetDavid Ferrie in Houston make for a fascinating tale, one that has never beendisproved.Tosh says he flew Roselli into Dallas on a military plane and Roselli tellsFiles he arrived on a military flight. Tosh said the flight was to bring inan "abort team" and Roselli bows out of his part in the assassinationconfessing fear of an "abort team". Since Tosh and Files are the only twopeople I have ever heard mention an "abort team" and since by all researchTosh and Files never met, how could Files have known about an "abort team"unless his story of Roselli's statements are true?Now I am the first to admit that there are problems with the Filesconfession, mostly due to the lack of substantiating documentation. Ofcourse, men like Files don't live long or prosper with the Chicago mob orCIA by leaving behind a well-managed paper trail. In my study of this issue,I have found many small things which seem to corroborate his story. Three ofthese are mentioned above.There remains much more research to be done on the Files. In the meantime,if someone will simply give me a credible and well-supported answer to theabove three questions, I might consider joining the chorus of nay-sayers inthe James Files confession.-Jim Marrs

Re: Wim on BlackOp radio?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:26 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
06.17.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:I currently have no interest or desire to appear on Black Ops Radio, or anywhereelse. Any interest that I might have held in the past is long gone.My first priority and loyalty is to James Earl Sutton - Files, and all of our own projects, and handshake agreements that we made over 40 years ago. Those are more binding to me than any written contract. Our focus and interests are continuing to evolve.My second priority and loyalty is to support Wim Dankbaar, and the outstanding work that he has done, and continues to do, along with the handful of outstanding close friends and confidants that I have developed here on the JFK Forum, because of, and through Wim. I have never joined or participated in any other JFK Forum, nor will I. I trust Wim, and several members here. We may argue as brothers at times, but real trust exists for me. And to those that really know me, I hope that it is a two (2) way street.That is why I have given leads and projects to members herein over the years, asking for no credit or recognition. Each of us can inspire greatness, if given the chance.In addition, J and B have slowly and meticulously developed our own Advisory Boardcomposed of people who bring a variety of talents to the table. We are now workingon our own bullet List.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.