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Did the limo slow down? If so, why? Ask the driver.....

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:44 am
by Kevin Fisher
The motorcycle cops seem to nearly overtake the limo.

Either the cops sped up, or the limo slowed down.

It seems like the motorcycle's speed remains constant.

So the limo must have slowed.

And why did the limo slow down?

Perhaps to aid in the getting the kill shot?

It has always seemed to me that in order to pull the assassination off, you have got to have the driver of the limo on the same page as you. In order to pull the plan off, the driver cannot be allowed to bolt from the scene. The limo has to remain in the kill zone as long as possible, and at the right speed. Therefore, it would seem that the driver would have to be in on the plan. And, with what we see in the Zapruder film, the driver's actions seem to support that. Does he bolt? On the contrary, he slows down.

So, all this time, we have had evidence of a conspirator, and no one took the time to question him. The limo driver was as good a suspect as Oswald and Ruby, but no one had that figured out. And now I suppose that he's dead. Never to speak again.

Re: Did the limo slow down? If so, why? Ask the driver....

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:45 am
by Jorgen Sjolen
Kevin Fisher wrote:The motorcycle cops seem to nearly overtake the limo.Either the cops sped up, or the limo slowed down.It seems like the motorcycle's speed remains constant. So the limo must have slowed.And why did the limo slow down?Perhaps to aid in the getting the kill shot?It has always seemed to me that in order to pull the assassination off, you have got to have the driver of the limo on the same page as you. In order to pull the plan off, the driver cannot be allowed to bolt from the scene. The limo has to remain in the kill zone as long as possible, and at the right speed. Therefore, it would seem that the driver would have to be in on the plan. And, with what we see in the Zapruder film, the driver's actions seem to support that. Does he bolt? On the contrary, he slows down.All this while, we had evidence of a conspirator, and no one took the time to question him. The limo driver was as good a suspect as Oswald and Ruby, but no one had that figured out. And now I suppose that he's dead. Never to speak again.

Hi Kevin
The driver is dead , and if i remeber correctly Wim wrote in one of the old forums that the driver did not have any guit in the murder

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:50 pm
by dankbaar
Yes, the driver did not have any guilt, other than a poor reaction.


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:35 pm
by Barry
Hi kevin,
for me the notion that the driver and co-driver - Greer and Kellerman - were in any way 'involved' is a non-starter.
Both men were hand picked by JFK himself and had served him well for his entire presidency.

Also, there is still much debate over whether the car actually did slow down. It certainly didn't stop. There is no film or photographic evidence of the brake lights going on.


Dead President's Corpse in the Driver's car....

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:32 pm
by Moo Cow
.."Dead President's Corpse in the Driver's car....
The engine runs on glue and tar

We're going to the east to meet the czar..
Let's Run!!!...
Jim Morrison
from.. Celebration of the Lizard

Maybe Morrison had a clue just like Mooo!

Bill Decker was the main driver that headed the motorcade in front of the limo, if I am correct. He later went to work for Benny (burn in hell) Binion at the Horsesdump casino in Las vegas or somewhere else.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:46 pm
by Tommy Bullgotti
To me, the only way for the plot to remain true, is if Greer was indeed in on it. Why? Becuase the true shooters would have no way of knowing that Greer would react so bad. They would have to rely on hope. Lets say that Greer wasn't in on the plot, and things in history went differently.... He sped off and Kennedy did not get hit in the head. The main goals was to go for a headshot. And had Greer sped up, than the headshot would not of occured. To remain true to the perfect plan scenario... the driver would have to be in on it, for if he would speed away, the assassination would have been a failure.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:17 pm
by Moo Cow
I think to answer is with the person who led the motorcade in front of the limo...Decker slowed down on the bike, and the limo slowed down behind him....

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:20 pm
by Moo Cow
Barry wrote:Hi kevin,for me the notion that the driver and co-driver - Greer and Kellerman - were in any way 'involved' is a non-starter.Both men were hand picked by JFK himself and had served him well for his entire presidency.Also, there is still much debate over whether the car actually did slow down. It certainly didn't stop. There is no film or photographic evidence of the brake lights going on.Barry

The answer my dears is with Decker, who rode in front of the limo and headed the motorcade....Please correct me if I am wrong....


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:52 am
by R Croxford
Greer is human and they make mistakes, This one he wept and asked for forgiveness from Jackie for it. Most witnesses say the car stopped damn near. I agree with that. Moo show me some facts on your rider causing the limo to slow down bro. That would be interesting. The speed didnt matter a well trained marksman can hit it moving or not. Greer looked back to see what was going on, naturally you let of the gas so you dont kill someone in front. Once he seen the President get hit he flew away like a lightning bolt. Fate had it that it helped the assassins.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:11 am
by Barry
many thanks for your thoughts on this - very interesting.
I have to say, however, I still can't buy the 'drivers collusion' theory. There are two real problems here.

a) None of the available moving film shows the bunching or tailgating of cars in the way one would expect if the lead car was deliberately slowing things down. Check out the zfilm, Nix and Muchmore and you'll see what I mean. The momentum of the convoy seems pretty constant.
I must admit that I haven't been able to view the Paschal film yet - though I have read the synopsis. There is no description in the synopsis of any 'unnatural slowing of the lead car'. If any of you guys have seen the Pascal film, I'd be very interested to hear your views.

b) On a more basic level I can't accept 'driver collusion' because of the 'human' element involved; by which I mean: Even if Greer and Kellerman could have been persuaded to take part in the murder of a man that they both liked and respected (by all accounts), by doing so they would have placed themselves in mortal danger. They would have been asked to drive an open-top car into a rifle ambush with the target sitting barely four feet away from them. Given who and what - professionally speaking - Kellerman and Greer were, I can't see any way that they would have placed themselves so close to danger. Shooting a man from distance isn't a very exact science and there's no way that the driver's safety could have been guaranteed. They were highly trained men, they would have known that. A miss, ricochet, deflection or fragmentation could have killed one or both.

As always, if you feel differently, please come back on this..
