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If JFK had Survived

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:31 pm
by Tom Bigg
I'm interested in what forum members would have seen as a likely sequence of events had JFK survived the assassination. There have not been many examples in history of political leaders surviving an assassination and then being in a position to go after the ring-leaders of the conspiracy.Imagine JFK is able to duck down or gets covered by Jackie after the shooting started and avoid further direct injury by the hired guns. What follows?

Re: If JFK had Survived

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:17 am
by Dealey Joe
I can see us not living in the police state we now do. Many young men would not have been killed needlessly in Vietnam.Our money system would not be controled by the world bankers and we would have a country where individials still had respect, rights and personal responsibilities, not expecting the governmment to care for their every desire.

Re: If JFK had Survived

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:19 am
by Tom Bigg
I'm sure that is all quite true, if he had gotten out of Dallas. If he had gotten to the hospital in a survivable condition, would there have been any enemies powerful enough to prevent him from getting back to Washington? Would he have been conciliatory with the conspirators, or would the Kennedys have taken a no holds barred approach to the conspirators?

Re: If JFK had Survived

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:16 pm
by Lofty
With what we know now, about the assassination, i.e the scope and depth of the plot, the powers behind it, and the huge potential financial losses to the oil industry, federal reserve, and military industrial complex, it seems to me that had JFK survived Dallas, they would have got him eventually, if they failed to kill him physically they would find a way to kill him polictically, there was simply too much at stake for the perpetrators for him to remain alive / or in office.Had he lived i feel America and the world in general would be a far better place in which to live.

Re: If JFK had Survived

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:45 pm
by Tom Bigg
We just don't have many examples of heads of state surviving assassination attempts, the injured enemy can be the worst adversary to face. Yushchenko? he survived a poisoning and then went on to become the Ukraine's political leader. A politician in this position is usually loathe to take vengeance on his political enemies, instead he uses it as a chip in the big game. The Kennedy era would have gone on for many years instead of the few that they actually had.There has been a great deal of speculation on this topic over the years. My own opinion is that Kennedy would have used his survival to his political advantage instead of pursuing an agenda of vengeance--that just wasn't the type of person he was. Politically, Texas politics would have been sorely indicted as hopelessly corrupt and LBJ would have likely gone to federal prison where he belonged.