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A little help, please

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:49 pm
by Barry
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and like you all I have a serious interest in this subject - I'm old enough to remember it happening!

Can you guys give me a little help, I wonder?
This whole site is based around the Files 'confession'. I have to declare at the outset that I've long had many reservations about this. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with some questions that I have; the first of which is:

Files tells us that he "palled around" with LHO in the days leading up to the murder. LHO showed him around so that he could check out escape routes etc. Files doesn't specify exactly when this was done, and, here's my first problem. These giuded tours couldn't have happened during the working week Monday to Thursday because LHO was at work all day. We know from his landlady's WC evidence that he "Hardly ever went out." and "Never had any visitors". Files and LHO couldn't have been together on Thursday night because LHO went back to Irving and was there all evening and night.

Can anybody suggest when these 'meetings' happened?

I would be very grateful.

Incidentally and for the record, I do not believe that LHO fired a shot during the murder and he was what he said he was..

Many thanks


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:44 pm
by Moo Cow
Hi Barry and welcome

Files needs to be re-visisted and re-interviewed...he should also explain what he was doing in Joliet Illinois and who he was associated with ..he won't meniton some people involved because probably they are powerful money wise and still alive....someone should ask him of his relationship with the Binion Crime family.... if he already made a confession to the killing he should go all the way...what does he care if he's already incarcerated and will never get out ....these people are his co-partners in one of the most heinous crimes America has seen and felt and witnessed...and Americans have the right to know the truth..yes!!!


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:07 am
by R Croxford
It is not solely based on File's bro. It is whatever you or anyone else thinks and the place to discuss it with some real good dialog. File's is a peice of the puzzle and it is pretty weird that no major media has discussed it one way or the other eh?
Welcome to the ride and enjoy.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:44 am
by dankbaar
If you stop believing everything the Warren Commission or their witnesses supposedly said, you have already come a long way. Below is one example that the Warren Commission asked you to believe, namely that Ruby was not in Dealey Plaza. Let me take that as one example to show that the Warren Commission is really not the place to start. After all, this was the fox investigating who ate the chickens.


If you meant the arguments of "David von Pein", it is obvious you don't know a lot about this guy, for which I cannot blame you.

If you like, I will blow away his lies one by one.

Let me just give you one example to start. He claims it is fact that Jack Ruby was not in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination, so James Files could not have seen him there. This is based on ONE witness report at the Dallas Morning News, a witness who claimed to have seen him there some time before the motorcade arrived. Apart from the possibillity that this witness has been intimidated, coerced or coached, or that her statement was changed by the Warren Commission, as so many others witness have said was the case with their testimony, the Dallas Morning News is only two short blocks away from the Plaza, within a three minutes walk. In addition, Mr von Pein conveniently ignores other witness records that place Jack Ruby in the Plaza . See attachments for only two of those records (there are more than that).

Finally, you may know this or not, but the official excuse of Jack Ruby for killing Lee Harvey Oswald, was to spare Mrs. Kennedy the burden of testifying against her husband's accused assassin. That is how much this proven mobster supposedly loved the Kennedy family. But he forgot to watch the motorcade when his heroes were in town? That is what the Warren Commission and Mr von Pein ask you to believe.


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:35 am
by Barry
Hi, Wim,
thanks for your response - much appreciated.

You are quite right to caution against ‘believing’ everything published in the WC report. I have long been aware of that. Although I’m new to this forum I’m not new to the subject. I got my first copy of Rush to Judgement in late 1967 and have read the case thoroughly ever since.

However, regardless of Mrs. Robert’s testimony, I still feel that Files account of spending time with LHO is suspect. Files confession actually uses the word ‘days’ when talking about this period. LHO was at work during the ‘days’. It couldn’t have happened the way JF says.
There are quite a few other ‘inconsistencies’ in the confession and, hopefully, you and the other members here will be able to clarify them.

As I say, I have read the case since 1967 and I’ve long held the view that LHO didn’t do it. Like most people I believe that JFK was hit from the front/side as well as the rear. I’m just not convinced the JF is the man who did it.

Moo Cow

I agree that Files should be interviewed again, but my understanding is that he doesn't want to say any more. I get the feeling that he is saying 'this is it, take it or leave it'. If that's so then I, for one, would prefer to 'leave it'.
If Files is the man, he's already taken a giant step and he's 'crossed the Rubicon'. He's in no more danger now than he ever was. There are some serious questions that the confession raises and only JF can answer them.



Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:46 am
by dankbaar
The flipside of Files telling the truth, is Files being an elaborate conman, concocting a story around the known evidence.

In that case, you would expect him to have studied the case extensively, would you not? So how did he manage to miss the "fact" that Oswald's time preceding the assassination has been accounted for?

His job at the TSBD was a cover job, just as his job at Reily in New Orleans. He worked all floors. Nobody missed him as he squeezed out, which he was allowed to do.

Barry, have you read the book? Have you seen the DVD?


PS: If you talk about "inconsisencies", name them too, so they can be addressed.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:12 pm
by Barry

first of all a confession of my own: No, I haven't yet read your book or seen the DVD - guilty as charged.
I've taken the opportunity to visit your site regularly in the hope of 'trying-before-I buy', if you see what I mean? The site is very impressive and you have put a lot of time and effort into it, I applaud you for that. You are clearly a 'researcher' whilst I am merely a 'reader'.

So, Oswald and Files together?

I agree and accept that LHO's job at Reily and probably the TSBD as well were 'cover jobs' got for him by others for a purpose. I'm with you on that. But, the suggestion that LHO "squeezed out" to meet up with Files is not credible and here's why.

Files says, "He (Oswald) took me out to a place south -east of Mesquite where I test fired the weapons and calibrated the scopes.."
Dallas and Mesquite are a little more than 12 miles apart. Any place 'south-east' of Mesquite would be further than 12 miles. JF doesn't specify so we can't tell. If we assume/guess the 'place' to be 12/13 miles away from Dallas then we have to allow time for a return trip on the motorway plus the time required to test-fire weapons and calibrate scopes. How long? The trip would account for about 30 minutes (15 each way). It may have taken longer. How long to test and calibrate weapons? Well JF doesn't say how many weapons and I've never test-fired or calibrated one, so I don't know. Surely, at an absolute minimum, this whole venture would have taken well over an hour - it may have taken two.
Also, JF starts by saying that "..he took me..". How? LHO didn't own a car and - as far as were are told - couldn't drive.

Files says, "Then he (Oswald) was with me for a few days in town there (Dallas). He had just been come over and told to stay with me to assist in any way he could.."
This statement doesn't sound like someone ducking out of the office for a few un-missed minutes. "..a few days in town.." and "..and told to stay with me..". Wim, LHO isn't "squeezing out" of the TSBD; he's not there, he's absent.
In all the reading I've done I've never come across any suggestion that LHO was absent/missing from work during the crucial week before the murder. No other researcher has even hinted at such a thing.

Apart from anything else, Wim, these statements indicate that Files wasn't pressed too hard for detail when being questioned. The routine line is to ask a question and, when an answer is elicited, ask the interviewee 'how?' or 'why?'. Unfortunately this wasn't done here. As always the Devil is in the detail.


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:26 pm
by dankbaar

Most of your questions are answered in the book and DVD.

Do you have any idea of the sightings that Oswald was seen driving a car? You don't have to own one to drive a car.

Squeezing out does not suggest a short timeframe. He was gone for hours.


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:53 pm
by Barry
I'm not sure that you and I are going to agree on this, are we?
You say that LHO "Was gone for hours" and I say that there is no evidence for that assertion. We are at a stalemate.
Rather than go on, perhaps I could pose another question on a new thread? Would that be ok? It concerns 'how' Files gets to be a shooter and an apparent contradiction within his story. If it's ok, I'll start a thread for that question on it's own - rather than mix it up with this thread.
I'll call it 'Files takes position'.

You ask if I know about Oswald driving.
All I (think) that I know is that LHO had a learners permit and was being taught to drive by Ruth Paine. He didn't have a 'full' licence, that's for sure. You are quite right, of course, this doesn't mean that he couldn't drive - I accept that.

There is some suggestion that LHO may have driven (with an accomplice) to take part in the Edwin Walker shooting. I'm not convinced of that - there is quite a lot to suggest that he did not not drive on that occassion.

Wim, I'll compose my next question this evening and post it. I'll be away all weekend but look forward to reading your (and anyone else's) views on Monday.

In the mean time - have a great week-end one and all.



Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:25 pm
by dankbaar
Well, I think it would be better to absorb the DVD and the book first, before keeping me busy asking questions that are answered there.

This is not about agreeing or not, it's about coming to the table well informed.

I am sorry, but it irritates me if people talk about apparent contradictions so easily, when in fact these so called "contradictions" are resolved in information that is provided elsewhere. I fail to understand why you would want to raise questions about my work before reading the book or watch the DVD.

It itches me because some of the mud always sticks on the wall, also if the throwing was'nt justified.

Wim ... drive.html