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Some questions after reading book

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:26 am
by Joost
Hi all,

The last months I have watched/read Wim's DVD's and books several times. I have some questions:

Why didn't Files wanna talk to Oliver Stone? Just because he didn't like the him? It would have been interesting if his story would have been included in JFK.

When discussing David Ferrie I get the feelin' Files is the one that killed him. Am I wrong?

In the Peter R. de Vries program the audio recording of the shooting is played. When I download it from internet I just hear a blur, while in the program you can clearly hear 4 shots. If the recording from the program is original, how can there be even the slighest doubt about a 4th shot?

Bye bye.

Resonse To Joost:

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:22 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Joost,

Jimmy Files did meet with Oliver Stone at least 3 - 4 times at Stateville, Joliet Penetentiary, Joliet, Illinois. I have Jimmy's copy of the contract that was signed by Oliver Stone, and someone else, that Jimmy refused to sign.

Jimmy did not feel comfortable with Oliver Stone, and the major reason is best left unsaid, although there was more than one reason. Frankly, Jimmy does not want to comment on this at all.

Jimmy Files, as of 08.21.2006, will neither confirm nor deny his involvement or knowledge about David Ferrie's death. Jimmy had been with David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald on several occasions during the planning stages of The Bay of Pigs Affair.

Please remember that there is no Statute of Limitations on murder. Jimmy Files has only gone on record as shooting the shot from the Grassy Knoll with a Remington Fireball, shooting a mercury load, that was aimed at JFK'S right eye. When JFK leaned forward, due to the rear shot from Charles Nicoletti from the Dal Teck building, Jimmy's shot hit JFK near the front of the right temple.

While the foregoing will probably not totally satisfy you, that is the best that can, and will be done at this point in time.

In addition, as of 08.21.2006 Jimmy Files personally Thanks Mr. Wim Dankbaar, for maintaining the Integrity of Jiimmy Files Interviews on JFK.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:36 am
by Joost
Thank you Bruce.
I was watching JFK the other day and noticed that in some shots the grassy knol shooter was in the position Files claims he was. So I thought maybe Oliver Stone had based that on information from Files (eventhough Files at that time had not yet given his full confession).

I can understand James will not comment more on David Ferrie. But he sure seemed amused when his death was discussed.

Anyone (Wim maybe?) who can shed some light on the audio recording in the Peter R. de Vries program? And in addition to my question about it in my opening post; most people seem to agree that there were more then 4 shots fired, why are there only 4 on the recording?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:03 pm
by dankbaar
There were at least 7 impulses on the tape, but the Committee decided that 4 were strong enough to characterize as gunshots.

I do not remember the tape recording on Peter's program.


Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:07 pm
by Joost
Hello Wim,

Well it is in the program, the voice-over explains that a recording was made from a motor-policemans radio, we see that man and when the tape is played we see a histogram on a monitor. The 4 shots ring out clearly. It's so clear that it would be strange that other shots are not clearly audible to.

I think it's somewhere shortly before or after the first commercial break.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:14 pm
by dankbaar

Re: Some questions after reading book

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:14 pm
by Ed Bishop
Joost wrote:It would have been interesting if his story would have been included in JFK..

The movie, JFK, was released in 1991, well before Stone's meeting with Files.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:49 pm
by Joost
Wim, that's the one. Can you tell me more about it?

Ed, I did not know that. And I also didn't know Stone was still investigating the case after the movie JFK .

Oliver Stone Visits Jimmy Files:

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:54 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messers. Joost, and Ed Bishop,

Oliver Stone visited Jimmy Files in July, 1993. Oliver Stone was there making the Movie Natural Born Killers, and sought out, and visited Jimmy Files on more than one occasion.

The contract offered to Jimmy Files on July 18, 1993 was signed by Oliver Stone, Bob Vernon, and another man, whose name I can't recall as I write this. I will check it, and edit this post adding that name next week.

It appears obvious to me that Oliver Stone wanted to pursue things with Jimmy in 1993, as why would you give him a contract to sign ?

Wim has contacted Oliver Stone and Kevin Costner. I will let him fill you in on their apparent lack of interest of late.

Ed Bishop, I must confess that I really enjoy many of your posts, and actually look forward to them.

Ed, I live in Chicago, Illinois, and have lunch with Jimmy Files weekly. I see that you live in Oregon. Ever get to Chicago, Illinois ? You seem to have many interests, and information that I am interested in very much.
I enjoy many of your contributions, and maybe you'd join Wim and I for lunch on Wim's next trip to Chicago. That was my thinking.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Some questions after reading book

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:43 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:08.21.2006 - Joost Posted this Headline that created some interesting discussions.10.26.2012 - Other than Mr. Wim Dankbaar, I find it interesting how little has been done at a serious level on The JFK Event since Oliver Stone's movie, JFK.Most remarkable to me is the total lack of interest to go forward on that subject matter by anybody involved in the movie JFK.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.