JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

n November 1961 William Harvey was ordered to activate an assassination plot against Fidel Castro. This became part of what became known as the ZR/RIFLE project. Harvey decided to transfer David Sanchez Morales from Mexico City to the JM WAVE station. Johnny Roselli was also recruited into the project.Roselli persuaded Santos Trafficante, the senior Mafia figure in Cuba, to join the conspiracy. Meyer Lansky also became involved in this plot and was reportedly offering a million-dollar reward for the Cuban leader's murder. Richard Cain, a specialist in electronics and wire taps, was also recruited by Roselli. Cain took part in a failed attempt in March 1961 to poison Castro.On 12th March, 1961, William Harvey arranged for CIA operative, Jim O'Connell, to meet Sam Giancana, Santo Trafficante, Johnny Roselli and Robert Maheu at the Fontainebleau Hotel. During the meeting O'Connell gave poison pills and $10,000 to Rosselli to be used against Fidel Castro. As Richard D. Mahoney points out in his book, Sons and Brothers, The days of Jack and Bobby Kennedy (1999): "Late one evening, probably March 13, Rosselli passed the poison pills and the money to a small, reddish-haired Afro-Cuban by the name of Rafael "Macho" Gener in the Boom Boom Room, a location Giancana thought "stupid." Rosselli's purpose, however, was not just to assassinate Castro but to set up the Mafia's partner in crime, the United States government. Accordingly, he was laying a long, bright trail of evidence that unmistakably implicated the CIA in the Castro plot. This evidence, whose purpose was blackmail, would prove critical in the CIA's cover-up of the Kennedy assassination."During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Robert Kennedy instructed CIA director John McCone, to halt all covert operations aimed at Cuba. A few days later he discovered that William Harvey had ignored this order and had dispatched three commando teams into Cuba to prepare for what he believed would be an inevitable invasion. Kennedy was furious and as soon as the Cuban Missile Crisis was over, Harvey was removed as commander of ZR/RIFLE. On 30th October, 1962, RFK terminated "all sabotage operations" against Cuba. As a result of President Kennedy's promise to Nikita Khrushchev that he would not invade Cuba, Operation Mongoose was disbanded.David Morales (CIA) was Chief of Operations and once told friends:"I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard."Morales only told his friends the above when he was drunk. He was assigned to the CIA's JM/WAVE and the second in line with ZR/Rifle, the plot to kill Castro. E Howard Hunt before he died confessed that Morales tried to recruit him as part of the plot to kill JFK. Morales had all the connections including the MAFIA one. He was the CIA's number one man in Covert Ops. He was the key person that set-up all the CIA's political hits. He recruited Sam Giancana (hit on Castro) to recruit the hit men to kill JFK which Giancana did (not proven) such as Lucien Sarti who was a drug dealer. Morales a heavy drinker and the hit men were drug dealers, makes perfect sense.....They turned the plots to get Castro against JFK and Oswald was the CIA trained patsy. Morales would have never gone forward with the plot without higher up approval, i.e. Johnson (Vice President), McCone (CIA Director), Hoover (FBI), Cord Meyer and Bill Harvey (Heavy Drinker), CIA co-conspirators.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.04.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.08.2012 - Mr. Joe Hall Posted this powerful Headline and information.A careful analysis of these facts, points of information, and opinions is notknown by many. This deserves careful study.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by kenmurray »

William Harvey's widow speaks:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iabXbtn5mUE
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Wow what a hateful old woman
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Post by AlanD »

Interesting interview, was it a slip or a Freudian slip between Castro and Kennedy?. I love they way these ex spies and their ilk use the word patriot to absolve themselvesand put themselves above the law, the constitution and all their oaths to protectthe same from all enemies etc. These people hate democracy, yet think they are the guardians ofthe nation, and have some divine right to remove democratically elected leaders if they failto adhere to their view of the world.I have always felt the CIA orchestrated Watergate to get rid of Nixon and maybe even allowed Reagan tobe shot to keep him in line.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Good observations Alan.Do you think these people really look at themselves as Patriots and hero's?
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Post by Slav »

[quote=L]I have always felt the CIA orchestrated Watergate to get rid of Nixon and maybe even allowed Reagan tobe shot to keep him in line.[/quotes]I think your right the cia kept everyone in line including Clinton and Monica lewinsky, wasn't cliinton talking about getting to the bottom of the jfk then Monica appeared?
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Post by Slav »

kenmurray wrote:William Harvey's widow speaks:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iabXbtn5mUENice admittion at the end her husband recruits roselli for an assassination against jfk then says oops Castro. These people think of themself the same way that all therrorist think of themself as Heroes. They did something for there country and still believe it was for the good, that is what you call criminal behaviour.