JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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The following posts are taken from other web posts, you be the judge of the accuracy, but we do know there were safe houses in Oak Cliff, even Roger Craig was aware of, and the DPD for sure was aware of and possibly involved with?In the jargon of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, a SAFE HOUSE is a secure location, suitable for hiding witnesses, agents or other persons perceived as being in danger. It may also refer to: a place where people may go to avoid prosecution of their activities by authorities a place where undercover operatives may conduct clandestine observations or meet other operatives surreptitiously[1] a location where a trusted adult or family or charity organization provides a safe haven for victims of domestic abuse (see also: women's shelter) a home of a trusted person, family or organization where victims of war and/or persecution may take refuge, receive protection and/or live in secret Right of asylum sanctuary in medieval law sanctuary in modern times Typically, the significance of safe houses is kept secret from all but a limited number of people, for the safety of those hidden within them. Many religious institutions will allow one to obtain sanctuary within one's place of worship, and some governments respect and do not violate such sanctuary. Safe houses were an integral part of the Underground Railroad, the network of safe house locations that were used to assist slaves in escaping to the primarily northern free states in the 19th century United States. Some houses were marked with a statue of an African-American man holding a lantern, called "the Lantern Holder".[2][3] Safe houses also provided a refuge for victims of Nazi persecution and for escaping prisoners of war. Victims, such as Anne Frank and her family, were harbored clandestinely for extended periods of time. ReferencesLaw enforcement portal 1.^ "CIA used safe house to spy on bin Laden". The Washington Post. 2011-05-07. Retrieved 2011-09-11. 2.^ Matheson, Kathy (2008-02-23). "Man amasses black history treasure trove - USA Today". Retrieved 2010-05-28., USA Today 3.^ Frost, Karolyn Smardz; Osei, Kwasi (Cover design); South, Sunny (Cover art) (2007). I've Got a Home in Glory Land: A Lost Tale of the Underground Railroad. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 978-0-374-16481-2. ISBN 978-0-374-53125-6. Winner, 2007 Governor General's Literary Award for Nonfiction; nominee (Nonfiction), National Books Critics Circle Award 2007. See Governor General's Award for English language non-fiction.
Dealey Joe
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Cerrar ventana The CIA, the Miami mafia and terrorism against Cuba in DecemberPercy Francisco Alvarado Godoy 2004Now, more than ever, I am convinced that there is a reason for everything that happens in life, which can explain it or provide an answer, even though, in order for that to happen, some time has to pass or a succession of apparently disconnected events are eventually linked together.When dawn broke on that December 23, 1963, Cubans resident in the area of the Siguanea dock, located on the Isle of Pines (now the Island of Youth), had no idea that the place was about to be shaken by two explosions, a smaller one followed by a more powerful one. The criminal hand of the U.S. CIA had carefully selected its target: a unit of the recently created Revolutionary Navy.Everything happened in a carefully planned way, with no concern on the part of the killers as to the damage they were going to cause. A team of CIA frogmen surreptitiously placed two deadly submarine charges under the LT-85 torpedo vessel, which happened to be next to a similar boat, an LT-94. The first, as I mentioned, created a small explosion, and when dozens of people approached the area, the second explosion went off, which is what caused the real damage. That’s how it happened. The powerful blast threw mutilated bodies and a jumble of metal in all directions. Seventeen people were injured and four died: sailors Jesús Mendoza Larosa, Fe de la Caridad Hernández Jubán and Andrés Gavilla Soto, as well as midshipman Leonardo Luberta Noy.The criminal attack would devastate Cubans precisely as festivities for the New Year were approaching. As Fidel stated at the time, "it was a criminal attack, a cowardly attack. The CIA’s gift to the Cuban people." The details of the criminal action emerged shortly afterwards. The saboteurs had set sail from the mother ship Rex, used by the CIA to perpetrate acts of terrorism against Cuban territory. It was, without a doubt, part of the strategy of terror implemented by the CIA to terminate the Cuban revolutionary process.For instance, it was discovered that each one of these criminal actions was planned and organized from within U.S. territory, specifically from the JM/WAVE station in Miami in charge of directing the activities of terrorist groups against the island. Based in that center of terror, located on land rented from the University of Miami and under the cover of a company called Zenith International, Ted Shackley, a senior agency member, directed more than 300 officers and 4,000 terrorists of Cuban origin, with a large budget in excess of $50 million a year.Everyone in Miami knew that the complex of buildings on 1,571 acres of land, fortified and with restricted access, was only the headquarters of dozens of safe houses dispersed throughout the city, training grounds, fleets of vessels and airfields, where violent plans were concocted and where those engaging in acts of terrorism on Cuban territory were based. Along with aircraft and the most sophisticated weapons of the time, JM/WAVE possessed a maritime fleet responsible for aggressions on Cuban coastal targets, the infiltration of terrorists and provocateurs, and providing supplies to subversive bands operating throughout Cuba.This CIA flotilla included various mother ships similar to the Rex, such as the Leda, the Villaro, Explorer II, and Tejana III, as well as the cargo ships Joanne and Santa María, all equipped with 20- and 40-millimeter cannon, 50-caliber machine guns and other weapons. The CIA also had at its disposal various ships such as the Dart, the Barb, the USS Oxford and the USS Poccono.It was established that each mother ship would sail to some 50 miles off the Cuban coast, where it would launch lighter and faster boats known as V-20’s. These speedboats, close to 20 feet long, had powerful, 100-HP Graymarine engines, capable of reaching 35 knots. It was common for both the mother ships and the V-20 boats to be disguised as fishing vessels.To approach the coast, the CIA agents charged with carrying out the attacks, sabotage or infiltrations used RB-12’s, small rubber rafts equipped with special electrical engines that were totally silent.The atrocious crime in Siguanea was executed by CIA agents transported to the island by the Rex, an old U.S. Navy patrol boat close to 174 feet long, dark blue, and equipped with 3,600-HP diesel engines allowing it to reach 20 knots. The vessel was fitted with sophisticated electronic equipment and was capable of transporting a number of V-20’s. Today, everything indicates – as I mentioned – that it was precisely this vessel that brought the CIA frogmen close to the Isle of Pines. Transferring to a V-20 and a B-12, the criminals approached under cover of darkness, reaching the Siguanea dock to execute the shameful act. The entire operation was directed by no less than Alfredo Domingo Otero, captain of the Rex, who 30 years later, again in December, would be linked to other criminal conspiracies against Cuba.In 1993, Alfredo Domingo Otero, a well-known terrorist of Cuban origin and an ex-CIA officer, was acting as chief of operations for the Cuban National Front, the secret, paramilitary arm of the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF). During the years I was working with him as a supposed terrorist, I was able to confirm the criminal nature of these enemies of the Revolution.Perhaps recalling the mission accomplished in Siguanea that December 23,1963, Otero gave me the task of smuggling in various explosive and incendiary devices, propaganda and weapons for the terrorist act on that same day 30 years later. My mission, and that of the cell I supposedly led, was an attack on four tourist facilities in Varadero and City of Havana, as well as eight theaters and cinemas in the capital.The crime perpetrated on that Navy unit was atrocious and repugnant enough, but the new criminal action would hurt Cubans even more. Luckily, this time, there was no mourning in Cuban homes. I, Agent Fraile, was there with my comrades-in-combat to prevent such actions, fulfilling the same honorable mission of protecting Cuba from its enemies as the one being fulfilled by René, Gerardo, Tony, Fernando and Ramón, the five Cuban heroes unjustly imprisoned in U.S. jails.A few years later in 1997, Otero was involved in the planned assassination of Fidel Castro during the 7th Ibero-American Summit on the Isle of Margarita. The confirmation that Francisco Secundino Córdova Corona, a crew member of the mother ship Explorer operated by the CIA at the time, as well as Angel Moisés Hernández Rojo, former captain of another CIA mother ship, were potential executors of the planned action against the president during the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State, came as no surprise. All of those mercenaries in the service of the Agency, were continuing – as demonstrated – their terrorist operations on Cuba.That is how I was able to explain the reason for this coincidence. The CIA trained those men and stimulated their excessive hatred of the Cuban revolutionary process. It trained them to kill, and later, with the passing of time, when their masters – on the surface – attempted to distance themselves from such actions, they maintained their obsessive behavior. That is the first truth.Of course, without any doubt, individuals like Alfredo Otero, Secundino Córdoba, Angel Moisés Hernández and many other known terrorists and ideological enemies of the Revolution freely strolling the streets of Miami, are painstakingly attempting to maintain a long and dangerous belligerency against Cuba, expressed through the most abominable acts of terrorism. All of them, supported by the CANF, have enjoyed the complicity of their former masters, and still enjoy it. That is another truth.No one in the United States has demanded any legal explanation for their many crimes. On the contrary, the five Cubans who attempted to prevent such barbarities have been unjustly prosecuted and imprisoned. That is another truth.They will try to repeat actions like that of Siguanea, bringing mourning to Cuban homes and killing valuable young people in the prime of their lives. For them – why deny it? – there will always be another December full of death and threats. For our part, we will continue to defend ourselves.But the supreme truth in all of this is that, 40 years after the horrendous crime, the accusing finger of the four martyrs of Siguanea continues to point toward the North, from whence their killers came, demanding the justice they have been awaiting for so long.As can be appreciated, dear reader, everything in life has a reason, even when it happens in December.* PERCY FRANCISCO ALVARADO GODOY is a Guatemalan writer
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

This topic has been started specifically to list and identify as clearly and accurately as possible "safe houses" of intelligence agencies that were operational in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas during and around the time frame of the Kennedy assassination. This is not a catch-all topic for "Buildings and Architecture of Dallas That Might Have a Suspect Cachet." Please make contributions that are on-topic and informative.EDIT NOTE: I will continue to edit with updates the list of safe houses immediately below to keep it as current as possible when new information is supplied in this thread. I'm am preserving all versions of the list, but I see no point in perpetuating here in the first message some of the early confusions that existed when this topic was started. My deep appreciation to all who have contributed to sorting this out. —AshtonHere is the current list:THE 1026 NORTH BECKLEY STREET SAFE HOUSEJack White has supplied an address for this safe house as being 1026 North Beckley. That is exactly the same address as the rooming house in which Lee Harvey Oswald was renting a room at the time of the assassination. Jack says that the safe house is a separate building on the same property, in back of the main house, that it faces an alley, and was "only about 50 feet from Oswald's room." Jack says he was taken there and shown the place by Jim Marrs, who had been shown it by Tosh PlumleeTosh Plumlee has said the following in pertinent part: "When I later learned that Oswald had been arrested as the lone assassin, I remembered having met Dallas at an Oak Cliff safe house on North Beckley Street run by Alpha 66's Hernandez group, who had worked out of Miami prior to the assassination." In another place, Plumlee said: "I went to another safe house and that safe house was directly behind where Oswald had rented a room, in the alley, and I carved my initials on the draining board up there at that time and that was a gun running operation and Oswald was renting the front house. I saw him there briefly but did not talk to him."In another reference to this North Beckley Street Safe House, Plumlee introduces a reference to "Zang's [sic] Blvd" in association with "Hernandez" and "Alpha 66," something which caused some confusion temporarily. But N. Zang Boulevard diagonally intersects N. Beckley Street very close to 1026 N. Beckley Street, so this is being interpreted as a cross-street reference to the same safe house. [NOTE: As Zang Boulevard continues northeast from N. Beckely Street, it becomes Houston Street Viaduct, which becomes S. Houston Street, through Dealey Plaza.]THE COUNTRY CLUB SAFE HOUSESo far there is no specific known address for this safe house. Tosh Plumlee is on record saying it was "in Oak Cliff right next to the [Oak Cliff] Country Club on Bar Harbor Drive." Peter Lemkin indicates that he has seen this safe house, but he says that it was "a few streets away" from the Oak Cliff Country Club. Since the Oak Cliff Country Club appears to be on W. Red Bird Lane, the reference to Bar Harbor Drive may be the street the safe house was on, since Bar Harbor Drive appears on a map to be "several streets away" from the entrance to the Oak Cliff Country Club. An address is needed for it. Peter Lemkin suggests that Jim Marrs has an actual address. So far Jim Marrs hasn't joined the discussion on this.The Country Club Safe House is where Plumlee said he went first after arriving in Dallas at Dallas Executive Airport—which Plumlee uniformly calls "Redbird Airport"—and then went to again after the assassination before returning to the airport to depart. The airport that Plumlee calls "Redbird" is on W. Red Bird (two words) Lane, diagonally northwest across W. Red Bird Lane from the Oak Cliff Country Club, where S. Polk Street intersects W. Red Bird Lane.THE SPORTATORIUM SAFE HOUSEThe Dallas Sportatorium was at 1000 S. Industrial Boulevard in Dallas, at the intersection of Cadiz Street on the outskirts of the Oak Cliff area. It is no longer there.The information on this safe house comes from Peter Lemkin, citing Plumlee, who says that it was used very shortly after the assassination by "Sergio," who had been with Tosh Plumlee in Dealey Plaza at the time of the murder. The supplied "reason" for Sergio going into this safe house just after the murder was "to change clothes." This is absurd on its face; Plumlee and Sergio went from there to the Country Club Safe House.Lemkin goes on to say: "The Sportatorium was yet another catagory - places not a home that could be used to hide, blend-in, find a contact, ask for help, change clothes, use as a dead drop, know that you were safe for a short time, hide a weapon, pick up money or weapon, shower, change clothes, etc. et al...even leave a dead body no questions asked, if needed."THE HARLANDALE SAFE HOUSEAccording to information in a County of Dallas Sheriff's Department Supplementary Investigation Report of 23 November 1963, there was a house at 3128 Harlandale Avenue in which "some Cubans had been having meetings on the week ends" for several months "and were possibly connected with the 'Freedom for Cuba Party' of which Oswald was a member."Plumlee makes an oblique and very unclear reference to Harlandale (which in the transcript of his interview is misspelled "Harlendale") in the context of discussing several safe houses.In an addendum to the Supplementary Investigation Report cited above, but dated 26 November 1963, it says: "I learned today that sometime between seven days before the president was shot and the day after he was shot these Cubans moved from this house. My informant [unnamed] stated that the subject Oswald had been to this house before."Thanks to Michael Hogan for supplying pointers to the available records on this place.THE ZOO SAFE HOUSEHere is everything that I have on this purported Zoo Safe House, and it is pretty vague in the way it's presented by Tosh Plumlee: "...In '62 when I came back into Dallas area, that, through the Dallas Cubans...there was a safe house here in Dallas, Oak Cliff, two of 'em. There was a small two bedroom frame type house that was located in Oak Cliff not far from the zoo where the old inner urban track used to go through. I mean there's a highline [sic—?] down through there now, at that place..."On maps there is the indication of a railroad track not far at all southeast of the location of the Dallas Zoo, which is at 650 R L Thornton Freeway (35E), at the Marsalis Avenue exit. It must be noted that this is just a few blocks from where Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippet was murdered. THE TRUE SAFE HOUSEThere are persistent rumors of a safe house purportedly run by a stripper with the nom de nude of "Tammi True." Any information that anyone can supply on this would be greatly appreciated.That's all I can determine with any relative certainty so far.My hope is that others will come along to clarify and amplify, not further muddy the waters on these safe houses.Ashton Gray
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe » ... _0269b.htm(bottom of page)In his excellent book Someone Would Have Talked, Larry Hancock writes:Author Eric Tagg reports in Brush with Destiny, an excellent manuscript on the life of Buddy Walthers, Dallas County Deputy Sheriff, that Walthers was contacted on the evening of November 22 by his mother-in-law. She lived next door to the house on Harlandale that had started to receive a lot of mysterious late night visitors in October and November. She had become suspicious of her new neighbors who had moved in only 2-3 months before, and who held frequent meetings lasting long into the nights. Apparently, she felt that these Cubans might somehow be connected to Lee Oswald; in fact she told Walthers that she had seen someone looking very much like Oswald going into the house.Walthers continued his own investigation of the house and its occupants. He found that one occupant was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberrio, and that Frank Ellsworth of the ATF was indeed monitoring Orcarberrio's armaments buying efforts at the time of the assassination. Walthers concluded his investigation and on November 26, he submitted a follow-up report. There are no records indicating the Secret Service ever pursued Walther's report. The CIA did, but was confused (it would seem) by a misspelling of Harlandale in Walther's original report and dropped the inquiry on the grounds that no such address existed. The FBI managed to locate the address but did no more than simply confirm that the Cubans and Orcarberrio had been there and departed.An examination of an FBI follow-up on Walther's report is even more revealing. It seems that the FBI had a source within Alpha 66 in Dallas who reported to it that Oswald was not associated with Alpha 66 in any way and had never been to the house on Harlandale. The same report notes that the source later moved to Puerto Rico after the assassination. Since we know the Rodriguez Orcarberrio made such a move, it is possible that the FBI's source clearing the house on Harlandale may have been one of the persons reported as being in contact with Oswald. The FBI report made no mention of the fact that in 1964 the Secret Service listed Orcarberrio as a potential Presidential threat, nor does it mention yet another, separate FBI report in which a witness reported Orcarberrio in the company of a man closely resembling Lee Oswald.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Take this with grain or two of salt...............Its quite possible that Sprague got this information from Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, a manuscript by William Torbitt (aka David Copeland) written in 1970. In Chapter 2, Torbitt writes: On November 22, Osborne and about ten of his riflemen were living at 3126 Harlendale in Oak Cliff, a section of Dallas. Three of his professionals were at Tammie True's house in Fort Worth and Leon Oswald, alias William Seymour, had been at the Oak Cliff address for about four weeks. Before dark on November 23, l963, Osborne, Seymour, Gonzales and the other riflemen were out of Dallas. (CH XXV, 75 et seq.)And in Chapter 7:However, at least seven of the Mexican professionals were in firing position in Dallas on November 22nd. Three of the Mexican assassins stayed at Tammie True's house in Fort Worth while waiting their assignment. Tammie, one of Jack Ruby's strippers, allowed them to stay at Ruby's request and they left for the return trip to Mexico on Saturday, November 23rd.Richard Sprague in The Taking of America 1-2-3 (1976) writes:DallasThe assassination group, having failed in Miami and Chicago, moved an operational team into Dallas during the second week in November of 1963. Shaw, Ferrie, Gabaldin and other high-level plotters travelled in other directions, establishing alibis as planned. On November 22, Gabaldin was in Mexico City, Shaw was in San Francisco, and Ferrie was in New Orleans. The team moving into Dallas included Albert Osborne, William Seymour, Emilio Santana, Frenchy, Fred Crisman, Jim Hicks, Jim Braden, and a new recruit from Los Angeles, Jack Lawrence. There was also a back-up rifle team of Cubans to be used at a location near the International Trade Mart in the event something went wrong at Dealey Plaza.Where the Teams StayedThe teams stayed at two locations in Dallas for two weeks. One was a rooming house run by a woman named Tammie True. During this period final preparations for the assassination in Dealey Plaza were made. These included the collecting of and planting of evidence used to frame Oswald, the recruiting of the Dallas police participants, and the plans for the escape of the team members by car and by train. The riflemen selected were William Seymour in the Depository Building, Jack Lawrence and Frenchy on the grassy knoll, and Emilio Santana in the Dal Tex building. Jim Hicks was set up as radio coordinator and a man with each of the riflemen had a two-way radio. They were Jim Braden, Dal Tex; Fred Crisman, knoll; unidentified American (tall tramp), knoll; and a man in the TSBD Building. Osborne was in overall charge of the Dallas teams, but he did not go to Dealey Plaza. A fifth gunman, known to researchers as the umbrella man, was stationed on the street with an umbrella weapon furnished by the CIA. He was accompanied by another Cuban acting as a radio man.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

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Post by kenmurray »

There is a new movie called "Safe House" coming to theaters this friday. ... _SafeHouse
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Ed Teach
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Post by Ed Teach »

Maybe the 'safe house' is still used for none the less crimes?..everyone with their fingers in the pie using the technique..always leads to evil and death...just as corrupt as it ever was and now more prevalent. No honor among pirates. ... for-weeks/