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Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:05 am
by R Croxford
Please replace the movie about JFK JR it was awesome and i need to see it again. and as far as Queen Beatrix goes, Ill get right back with you on that. Thought I was gone Muhahahahahahahahahah.
I'm Back! Moo Cow I really like the way you think bro!

Were you in Dallas, Texas, when Oswald short Kennedy

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:35 pm
by Roberta Gallant
Hello, Wim -

This is Roberta Gallant again. On November 22, 1963, were you in Dallas, Texas, when Lee Harvey Oswald shot former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy? If yes, what did you do during the shooting incident? Talked
to some of former President John F. Kennedy's family, siblings, or friends
about how you felt? What did you think of Jacqueline Kennedy, former President Kennedy's wife?

Roberta Gallant
Concord, New Hampshire

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:55 pm
by John Bruno
Oswald didn't kill Kennedy!!

If Oswald did not kill Kennedy, who did?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:17 am
by Roberta Gallant
Hello, Mr. Bruno -

If Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill former President John Fitzgerald,
who did? Please tell me specifically who shot him.

Thank you,
Roberta Gallant
Concord, New Hampshire

Re: If Oswald did not kill Kennedy, who did?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:07 am
by Moo Cow
Roberta Gallant wrote:Hello, Mr. Bruno -If Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill former President John Fitzgerald, who did? Please tell me specifically who shot him.Thank you,Roberta GallantConcord, New Hampshire
Here's my answer my a nutshell.

Nelson Rockefeller ordered the hit...out of jealousy and secondly, he was afraid he would lose his role as a Federal Banker because JFK signed an order turning the Federal Reserve over to the government (Of the People and by the People) and not charging them interest, a Christian practice.
The heathen Rockefellers did not like this..

The order was handed to Dullles (CIA) to I believe mafia man Giancana to Benny Binion(Dallas crime kingpin) . Benny got his henchmen to set the shooters up. Charles Harrelson and James Files have CONFESSED TO THIS MURDER and can be linked to the Binion Crime Family of Las vegas Horseshoe Club Fame...RD Matthews casino manager for Binion's Horseshoe Club in Las Vegas was deposed (questioned) by the House Select Committee on Assassinations because he rose their suspicions via a phone call to Ruby right before the horrific hit..
The mafia took the rap as being suspectsand also Castro dissidents and Pro-castro Cubans but none of these fan out as being the chief suspect although some members of the mafia went along with it because someone convinced them that both JFK and RFK were double-crossing them even though all JFK and RFK did was question certain people like Union leader Hoffa.....

About Jack....

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:17 am
by Moo Cow
Chicago Tribune | Medical school charges expandedIn 2000, shortly after the Illinois Gaming Board found gambling impresario Jack Binion ethically unfit to operate a casino in the state, Binion retained ... chi-050721medicalschool,1,5195919.story?coll=chi-news-hed - Similar pages

[PDF] Big war chest no sure route to judgeshipFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... James M. McGing's campaign took in $103,875 and ... In April, Jack Binion, president of the Horseshoe Holding ... McGuire did not file a campaign disclosure report by ... - Supplemental Result - Similar pages

LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL: BUSINESS: Argosy to acquire riverboat in ...... deal to buy the Empress Joliet riverboat casino from Jack Binion's Horseshoe ... The Illinois Gaming Board voted June 30 to deny Binion a casino owner's ... 2001/Apr-17-Tue-2001/business/15885730.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

New from the Nations PTT Aug 15, 2001s $465 million acquisition of the Empress casino in Joliet was assured ... since it began cracking down on Jack Binion, chairman of Horseshoe Gaming, ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

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2001 Empress Casino Joliet Settlement Agreement, the Board:. 1. Accept Mr. Jack Binion's request to withdraw his application as a ... - Similar pages

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initial finding of unsuitablity of Jack Binion and Empress Casino Joliet Corporation ... allows Mr. Binion to remain as a gaming operator in Illinois. ... - Similar pages
[ More results from ] Archives January 2004 North AmericaBecky Binion Behnen took over from brother Jack Binion in 1998 after winning a lawsuit alleging ... 10th January Joliet, Illinois The Herald News ... - 105k - Cached - Similar pages

CITY NEWS USA, Inc. Members Only Page... <File your story ... sanctioned purposes without the voters' permission," said Jim Tobin, President ... bid about $460 million to acquire Jack Binion's Empress Casino ... - 36k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Late News | Crain's Chicago BusinessMeanwhile, Illinois Senate President James "Pate" Philip, R-Wood Dale, ... Gaming Board found Mr. Binion "unfit" to operate the Empress casino in Joliet, ... pl?article_id=16936&post_date=2001-08-25&rel=1 - 51k - Cached - Similar pages

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:22 am
by Moo Cow
Another thing Roberta, please look at my postings under a' Histroy Lesson on Money'..I've covered some ground here...

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:12 am
by Clemens Lowenstein
Moo Cow wrote:Charles Harrelson [...] CONFESSED TO THIS MURDER

Sure? Don't you mean Chauncey Holt ?

Edit: Oh, just saw your HARRELSON-Thread.