May 29th

JFK Assassination
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May 29th

Post by Bob »

John Fitzgerald Kennedy would be 95 today had he lived. But he died at the young age of 46 on 11/22/63. Other great leaders died at a young age as well in that tumultuous decade. People like Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. JFK's leadership was courageous, like his actions in the Cuban missile crisis, which saved the world from a nuclear conflict and WWIII. As John Lennon once sang...imagine. Imagine this world if what JFK wanted enacted was actually put in place. JFK was flawed like most politicians, and most people. But through it all, he saw what unbridled power and corruption could do. That's why he wanted to change the oil depletion allowance. That's why he was making sweeping changes to the Federal Reserve. That's why he was going to get the U.S. out of Vietnam and stop the blood money to the war profiteers. That's why he was going to tear the CIA into 1,000 pieces. But Dallas happened instead. It's now 2012. We have a world with unending wars, and the U.S. seems to be involved with all of them. Meanwhile, the CIA smiles broadly. The war profiteers, big oil and big banking have never been as powerful or rich. There are more contractors than troops on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq. Just look at Halliburton and Blackwater for instance. Look at the hundreds of billions of dollars that Wall Street has received in bailouts. Look at the huge profits by Exxon, BP and their ilk. Look at the massive damage that BP has done to the Gulf of Mexico and the environment with their oil spill. JFK saw the future. He tried to change it. And he paid for it with his life. Happy Birthday Mr. President, you are missed, but will NEVER be forgotten. I am VERY proud to share your birthday.
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Re: May 29th

Post by JDB4JFK »

WELL SAID MY FRIEND I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF! And do you want to know the sad thing about what you just said about JFK? Most of Washington knows what you just stated is true, but they are to coward to do anything about it. The Only man in Washington who would do something about it, if he had the power, or the following, would be Ron Paul!HE'S THE LAST TRUE PRESIDENT WE'VE HAD! THE REST OF THEM SINCE HIM HAVE BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR PUPPETS!
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Re: May 29th

Post by scottjfkmad »

I am ashamed to say I forgot Jack’s birthday this year, so had so much going on it slipped my mind!Some great posts guys, could you tell me why Ron Paul would try and do something about the JFK assassination and its hidden files?Also, when Bill Clinton became President in 1992, wasn’t one of the first things he requested to know what happened in Dallas?Scott
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Re: May 29th

Post by Bob »

Scott, one of the things I have learned in recent years is that the last four American Presidents have clear CIA connections and associations BEFORE they became President. That would include Poppy Bush, Bill Clinton (Mena), Dumbya Bush and the current President...Barry Obama. There is NO way the the CIA wants to tell the real truth about what really happened on 11/22/1963. Getting "their" people in the White House helps to keep the truth hidden under the rug. The White House House is controlled by a number of factions. Big banking, big oil and big war (CIA). All of those factions were responsible for what happened in Dallas in late November, 1963.
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Re: May 29th

Post by Bob »

Another year has passed since I posted this. It's a privilege to share the same birthday as JFK, as I do. JFK would have been 96 today. A young 96. Why do the real good people (politically-speaking) almost always die young? JFK was 46. RFK was 43. MLK was 39. JFK Jr. was 38. Meanwhile, you have the opposite side of the spectrum, where the evil Poppy Bush is now 89 years old. It just doesn't seem fair.
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Re: May 29th

Post by kenmurray »

Happy birthday Bob.
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Re: May 29th

Post by Bob »

Happy Birthday, Mr. President! You would have been 97 years old today. I'm proud to share your birthday and your brother Bobby's name (Robert Francis), even though I was actually named after my uncle Bob who was killed in Korea.
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Re: May 29th

Post by katisha »

Yep, JFK's birthday was the thing I thought most about today. You (America) and we (the rest of the world) were so lucky to have him, even for that tragically short time. All honour to him.And happy birthday to you, Bob.
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Re: May 29th

Post by kenmurray »

Happy Birthday Bob!
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Re: May 29th

Post by Bob »

Thanks Katisha and Ken. I appreciate it. I've made 11 years past the age that JFK was when he was assassinated. I saw another documentary last night about JFK's trip to Tampa four days before Dallas. The security was completely different. JFK still went to the crowd and shook hands at times, but when he rode in his limo there were two Secret Service agents behind on the rear bumper. I guess Emory Roberts wasn't around for the Tampa trip. Jackie wasn't there either, but you could see that security was fairly tight. Unlike Dallas, which had Earle Cabell as Mayor. Cabell was the brother of General Charles Cabell, who JFK fired along with Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell after the CIA's failed Bay of Pigs fiasco.