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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:01 pm
by Dealey Joe
What do you all think about the seeming takeover of the social networks like Face Book?they are attracting literally millions of members. The forums on Face Book are very active but don't seem as productive of the old style forum.My desire is to restore this internet forum, to do so we have to have participation.If you read the forum why not post?Your ideas and opinions are as good as anyone, If you are an old member please post and help get this forum back.If you are a reader and would like to post send me a message and we will add you to the forum.The JFKMURDERSOLVED forum is without question the very best on the internet. Why not be part of the me at and request membership.


Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:42 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - In my opinion you have been the most consistent, most dedicated, most energetic, most focused, most loyal member to Mr. Wim Dankbaar's JFK Murder Solved Forum, ever. Few may realize that you are a retired gentleman with vision problems. But as my cousin often states, on the island of blind men, the man with one eye is king. Nothing has held you back, and I am humbled to call you my friend, Sir.Joe - Those interested in analyzing, reading, researching, or writing about these many issues covered here within would be ill served to go anywhere else but Mr. Wim Dankbaar's JFK Murder Solved Forum.Joe - As you know I own seven (7) computers and often let visiting family, friends, and relatives from around the world use them for days, weeks, and months at a time. They have often joined other Space Book Groups, and Forums, then made me read the garbage on my own computers that I would not seek out myself. God help them. God help me !My cousin likens the Space Book Groups to phone sex, compared to a totally fulfilling, completely satisfying, romantic evening with your loved one.I liken the Space Books to Flag Football, or No Contact Karate Tournamnets vs. N.F.L. Football or Full Contact Karate Matches. Think of Jean Claude Van Damn in Bloodsport vs. No Contact Karate Matches, Touch Karate Matches as they used to be called. Ever see a WEC match today ???Moving On:In my opinion Mr. Wim Dankbaar has provided the finest, most complete, most focused, most intense, yet most open minded research forum for JFK, MLK, RFK, 09.11.2001, and other related matters, ever, anywhere. While there have been many greats, I now think that Mr. Wim Dankbaar and his cummulative efforts and works have surpassed everybody, everywhere. PERIOD. Wim and I have different approaches and different objectives, but that does not stop me from applauding that man's greatness.Wim provides philosophical and visionary insight when he states that: "Understanding the JFK Assassination helps one understand the world today." Perhaps akin to President Abraham Lincoln's Gettsyburg Address that took over 100 years to fully appreciate and understand by most. Originally overlooked because of its brevity, and totally missed for its depth, intelligence, and perceptive philosophical understanding of major interwoven complexities at the time. Sound familiar ?Wim Dankbaar, Joe Hall, Bob Fox, Phil Dragoo, Ken Murray, Michael Calder, and so many other greats have gathered here. Appologies to the people whose names I can't think of as I type. I will try to add more when time permits. But we all know who they are, and respect them all, even when we disagree. And my Greatest Respects to the Memory of Mr. Tom Jeffers, the very close friend of many of us, who lived a tremendously challenged life, and taught me the truest meaning of internal courage.I notice that on the Space Book Phone Sex versions of research and writing they are filled with cryptic, sarcastic, snide comments, and never any real research and writing. And blink and they are gone, like phone sex I suspect. Simple minded, short term nonsense for nonsensical minds.If you want meat and potatoes oveall, then analyze, contribute, read, research, and write on Mr. Willem Dankbaar's JFK Forum.If you are atune with Mental Masturbation, by all means focus on the Space Book Forums. To me, there seems to be no real choice or decision to be made.Joe - Great point as always, my respected, and trusted friend.With Best Regards to you and Martha.And with Best Regards to Wim, Corrine, and his children.Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:52 pm
by Dealey Joe


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:09 am
by Mike Bruni
I'm glad that this subject has turned up. I am a long time reader of this forum and have been interested in the JFK coup for many years. i actually attended a presentation by Carl Oglesbee (sp?) in the basement of a church here in Boston sometime in the '70s. The Boston Phoenix made a big deal out of it because whenever Carl gave his presentation, there was always a "black suit" in the back of the room.Anyway, I must say that I have not kept up with the information presented on your Facebook page because I found it kind of difficult to follow along. Here on this forum format, things are much easier to pick and choose and to follow a thread because the whole thread is laid out in front of you.The idea of a Facebook page is a good idea, however I believe that instead of being the "forum", it should direct interested people here. I am much more of a "reader" than a "contributor", mostly because I am not a researcher and cannot come anywhere near the expertise of the majority on this forum.My only "claim to fame", if you want to call it that, is that when I was about three years old, JFK came out of one of the office buildings here in Boston, knocked me down, then picked me up and apologized to me and my mother. My brush with fame!!So, the "Readers Digest" version would be.....keep the FB page but direct it here and reinstatute the forum to the original format.Thanks....MIke Bruni


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:34 am
by Dealey Joe
Mike thanks for posting, your opinions count, I enjoy hearing about your brush with fame, I had the opportunity to speak with Bobby for a few seconds when he came to my hometown. I too am not a researcher but there is always room for a common sense approach, it is the glue that holds the facts together, Please feel free to post, you are needed.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:25 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Joe Hall:Joe - The cartoon certainly explains the cartoon mentality of Face Book Forums,members, and readers.Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:42 pm
by Mike Bruni
Joe...Thanks for the memory jog. I also had an experience with RFK some years ago. I was a junior counselor for a trip to Wash DC in early '64, if I recall. One of the leaders tried to get an appointment with Bobby but he was not taking public visitors at the time because his brothers death was so fresh. When he heard that we were a group from Boston, he allowed us some time. We were the first group of "tourists" that he saw after the assassination. It was a long time ago and I was pretty young but I do remember all 70 or so of us filing into his office. It seemed to be the largest room that I had ever been in and he stood behind his desk and spoke to us for a few minutes.I don't recall what he said or what we did afterwards but I do remember that it was quite an experience.I was in the Attorneys General's office!!! Wow!MikeDealey Joe wrote:Mike thanks for posting, your opinions count, I enjoy hearing about your brush with fame, I had the opportunity to speak with Bobby for a few seconds when he came to my hometown. I too am not a researcher but there is always room for a common sense approach, it is the glue that holds the facts together, Please feel free to post, you are needed.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:26 am
by katisha
Wow, that must have been a great experience, Mike.Joe, I'm so glad you're bringing this place back. Will post whenever I can think of anything intelligent to say


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:29 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Joe Hall:Joe - I underscore Ms. Katisha's compliment to you.Keep up the Great Work, Joe.Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:05 pm
by Dealey Joe
Im not sure intelligence is a requirement you all are the backbone of this forum.