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Body alteration, when?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:12 pm
by MajaP
With such discrepancy between medical reporting at Parkland and Bethesda, I believe the body alteration surely was done. But I am somewhat confused about when. The theories I have heard state the body left Parkland unaltered and came to Bethesda altered, meaning something happened to it during the trip, flight. But other sources state Jackie never left coffin (except when Johnson was sworn in). And even if the switch happened at that time somebody would see two coffins coming out of the plane. And the short time when Johnson was sworn in wasn't enough for the alteration to take place. What is your theory, when did it take place? How does Lifton explain that in Best evidence (I am still trying to find a book)?

What Happen To JFK'S Body? - A Coverup On The Fly

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:33 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Body alteration, when?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:17 pm
by Bob
David Lifton almost had it nailed correctly...even in 1981. But if you want to know the REAL truth about what happened to JFK's body, please read Volume IV of Inside the ARRB by Douglas Horne. That particular volume talks about what really happened at Bethesda, plus discusses the Zapruder film and what happened to it the weekend of the assassination. ... 0984314431

Re: Body alteration, when?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:35 pm
by MajaP
Thank you both. I will read the blog and also order the book.

Re: Body alteration, when?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:57 pm
by MajaP
I have been reading the blog for the past hour. I am wondering about the Dallas part. There had to be an extra casket onboard before the one with president's body arrived. That part is not explained in the blog.

Re: Body alteration, when?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:18 am
by kenmurray
More Evidence JFK's Body Was Tampered:

Re: Body alteration, when?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:55 pm
by Dealey Joe
Maybe JFK's body wasn't even on that plane?To me it's more likely than a switch.I say the body was switched before hand?

Horne follows Lifton, clarifying

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:30 am
by Phil Dragoo
In Horne, the 6:35 pm arrival is documented. Humes wielding a skull saw in a modified craniotomy prior to the official start at 8.McHugh states he never left the coffin when Jackie went to the swearing in. Perhaps he aided the drop through the hatch into the cargo compartment.He normally rode between the agents in the front seat; not that day. He'd even dated Jackie. Is he above suspicion.Craig Roberts in Kill Zone presents a two-page spread of diagrams of the aircraft type of 26000 showing the hatch in the floor and the right-side cargo hatch.A good deal of chatter on the Clifton AF 1 tape re a black Cadillac hearse. We know a chopper was on the right side at Andrews.Siebert and O'Neill speak of surgery of the head, a remark by Humes upon seeing the body. The tracheotomy was grotesquely stretched.Custer told ARRB counsel Gunn of a missing X-ray of C-3/4 area showing metal fragments:Douglas Horne, Inside the Assassinations Record Review Board, Volume II, Chapter Five: The Autopsy X-Rays, pages 530-2:Custer Examines the X-Rays of the BodyThe noteworthy highlights of Custer's review of the x-rays of the body was Jeremy's attempt to see whether Custer could identify metal fragments near any of the cervical vertebrae, which Custer had mentioned earlier in the deposition.Jeremy showed Custer x-ray no. 9, a view of the chest prior to removal of the lungs, and the exchange went as follows:Gunn: Previously, you referred to there being metal fragments in the cervical area. Are you able to identify any metal fragments in this x-ray?Custer: Not in this film.Gunn: Does this film include a view or an exposure that would have included such metal fragments?Custer: No sir.Gunn: Where would the metal fragments be located?Custer: Further up in there. This region.Gunn: Can you—and you're pointing to?Custer: Up into the, I'd say, C3/C4 region.Jeremy asked Custer to review x-rays no. 8 and 10, of the right shoulder and chest, and left shoulder and chest, respectively—both are images following the removal of the heart and lungs. Custer could not identify metal fragments in either x-ray.Later, Jeremy asked Custer the following questions:Gunn: Now, you had raised, previously in the deposition. . .the possibility of some metal fragments in the C3/C4 range.Custer: I noticed I didn't see that.Gunn: You didn't see any x-rays that would be in—that would include the C3/C4 area?Custer: No sir.Gunn: Are you certain that you took x-rays that included the—included C3 and C4?Custer: Yes, sir. Absolutely.Gunn: How many x-rays did you take that would have included that?Custer: Just one. And that was all that was necessary, because it showed—right there.Gunn: And what, as best you recall, did it show?Custer: A fragmentation of a shell in and around that circular exit—that area. Let me rephrase that. I don't want to say “exit,” because I don't know whether it was exit or entrance. But all I can say, there was bullet fragmentations [sic] around that area—that opening.Gunn: Around C3/C4?Custer: Right.Gunn” And do you recall how many fragments there were?Custer: Not really. There was enough. It was very prevalent.Gunn: Did anyone make any observations about metal fragments in the C3/C4 area?Custer: I did. And I was told to mind my own business. That's where I was shut down again.Gunn: You have, during the course of this deposition, identified three x-rays that you are quite certain that you took, but don't appear in this collection. Are there any others that you can identify as not being included?Custer: That's the only three that come to my mind right now; the two tangential views, and the A-P cervical spine.Gunn: Okay.Custer: Can I add something to that?Gunn: Sure.Custer: In my own opinion, I do believe, basically, the reason why they are not here is because they showed massive amounts of bullet fragments.

The Ongoing Kennedy Casket Mystery

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:41 pm
by kenmurray