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A secret code to information?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:46 pm
by dankbaar
Here are page 165 and 166 from "The Carlos Contract", a novel based on true events, published in 1978 by David Atlee Phillips.

"The Carlos contract" could well be a hint to Carlos Marcello who may have initiated the contract on Kennedy.

As we know now, Phillips was the CIA controller of Lee Harvey Oswald and James Files. On page 165 he describes a "Hal Benson" who "retired recently".

We know from Cuban general Fabian Escalante Font that "Harold Benson" was a cover name that Phillips used. This was disclosed by Cuban state papers in the early nineties, well after Phillips died. Also, In 1978 Phillips had recently retired from the CIA. So it is very likely that with "Hal Benson", he refers to himself.

We also know that Phillips was a smart and very narcistic guy. Initially he wanted to become a celebrated actor and then a director. However, he found he lacked the talent. I'm sure that he was actually proud of his role in the Kennedy assassination. But of course he could not freely talk about it.

Read on and you'll see that "Hal Benson" can crack a secret code. The basis for the code is "a book with lucky numbers written in it", which turns out to be a screenplay of Cervantes, "La Galatea".

I need to get a copy of that. I think there may be a list of numbers in it. This is what Phillips writes on page 166. He is talking about a secret code and explaining how it works: "The digits 23-7 mean something like the twenty third word on page seven". It may just be that when you apply the numbers on the pages of his book "The Carlos Contract", we may get Phillips' confession on his role in the assassination.

As Phillips puts it on page 166: "Find a copy. It was the key to the safe for you, and it just might be the key that Hal's looking for so he can break the out the message from numbers to words. We might be able to learn the details of Carlos's operation by breaking the code on that paper"

Maybe I am seeing too much in it, but "No shot is always a miss."

So? ........... Help me find a copy of the Galatea !


Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:42 pm
by francois bertrand

Re: A secret code to information?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:49 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:So? ........... Help me find a copy of the Galatea ! Wim ... latea&x=32

- Jim

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:07 pm
by dankbaar
francois bertrand wrote:

Thanks Francois,

No list of numbers in there as far as I can see.


Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:09 pm
by francois bertrand
can't read spanish but.... good luck to you !

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:11 pm
by francois bertrand
if somebody give me numbers in spanish, i can scan the text and get the numbers
(i'm a programmer...)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:12 pm
by dankbaar
Or it must be the Erratas:

Yo, Miguel de Ondarza Zavala, escribano de cámara de Su Majestad, de los que residen en el su Consejo, doy fe que, habiéndose visto por los dichos señores del Consejo un libro que con privilegio real imprimió Miguel de Cervantes, intitulado Los seis libros de Galatea, tasaron a tres maravedís el pliego escripto en molde, para que sin pena alguna se pueda vender. Y mandaron que esta tasa se ponga al principio de cada volumen de los que ansí fueren impresos, para que no se exceda dello; y, en fe dello, lo firmé de mi nombre. Fecha en Madrid, a trece días del mes de marzo de mil y quinientos y ochenta y cinco años.

Miguel de Ondarza Zavala.


Folio 2, página 2, línea 1: la desdeñaba, le desdeñaba; folio 3, página 1, línea 8: tal mala, tan mala; folio 20, página 2, línea 9: acababan, acababa; folio 25, página 1, línea 14: sus a padres, a sus padres; folio 29, página 2, línea 15: esfogado, desfogado; folio 69, página 2, línea última: por toda, por todo; folio 90, página 1, línea penúltima: valla, allá; folio 90, página 2, línea 10: ne se diese, no se diese; folio 93, página 2, línea 5: que tan doloroso, que en tan doloroso; folio 98, página 2, línea 1: no da la luz, no da luz; folio 105, página 2, línea 18: se hallase, me hallase; folio 107, página 1, línea 2: acordara, acobardara; folio 119, página 1, línea 11: ePro, Pero; folio 138, página 1, línea penúltima: no pudo, no puedo; folio 144, página 1, línea 4: tierra, tierna; folio 147, página 1, línea 2: flor tierra, flor tierna; folio 203, página 2, línea 22: derriban, derivan; folio 214, página 1, línea 13: deleitar, dilatar; folio 219, página 1, línea 4: alegar, alegra; folio 221, página 1, línea 5: creer que, creer lo que; folio 223, página 1, línea 14; es gusto, es justo; folio 229, página 1, línea 17: al te adora, al que te adora; folio 262, página 2, línea 8: ímpelu, ímpetu; folio 278, página 1, línea 19: valeroso amo, valeroso ánimo; folio 330, página 2, línea 2: Y así, Y si; folio 335, página 1, línea 2: León el que, León es el que; folio 339, página 1, línea 10: Romero, Romeo; folio 343, página 1, línea 14: sin las obras, sin las sombras; folio 344, página 1, línea 16: un fin hermoso, si un fin hermoso; folio 354, página 2, línea 5: desechas, endechas; folio 355, página 1, tras el verso 5: di este, anchas, cortas y extendidas; folio 362, página 2, línea 1: a[r]diente, ardientes; folio 193, página 1, línea 13: después que dice el oro, el brocado, diga que sobre nuestros cuerpos echamos. Como, &c.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:00 pm
by Johan van Leeuwen
The way I read this is that Frank took a piece of paper to Hal with a number of digits on it that Hal thinks are references to words in a book.

They recall that Schwarz had only one book in his library, Galatea, with some numbers written in it. So they figured that that might be the book which translates the digits on the piece of paper to words. Schwarz used it to encode some message (of which he wrote the numbers in the book), perhaps to transfer them to Carlos.

So Hal has a piece of paper with digits on it which he can transfer to words with the Galatea.

What makes you think it is the other way around?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:10 pm
by Johan van Leeuwen
Simply put: Hal needs the Galatea to convert the numbers on the paper to words by looking them up in the Galatea. But we do not have the paper with the numbers on it, do we?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:20 pm
by dankbaar
Johan van Leeuwen wrote:Simply put: Hal needs the Galatea to convert the numbers on the paper to words by looking them up in the Galatea. But we do not have the paper with the numbers on it, do we?

The paper is the Galatea is what I understand