Hale Boggs

JFK Assassination
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Hale Boggs

Post by JDThomas »

Does anyone know of an online source of Boggs papers? His official papers are held at Tulane University, but are offsite and not available on-line - you have to make an appointment to go view them in person. A lot of people have talked about what Boggs said, but there is nothing like seeing original documents, including his Warren Commission notes.Best to you all
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by JDThomas »

Hi Ken,I am aware of this, but unless I am missing something, all it does is give the repository box titles and numbers for you to make an appointment to go examine in person, not to view on-line. It is also worth noting that some of Boggs' collection has been lost due to Hurricane Katrina, though it appears that his Warren Commission Papets have survived. Still searching!
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by JDThomas »

A sad end to my inquiry here I'm afraid:In A Farewell to Justice:.. By Joan Mellen 2005Footnotes p392Romney Stubbs at one time viewed Jack Ruby's telephone records in Hale Boggs' papers collection at Tulane University. The record is no longer there.Curator Bill Meneray says that one day FBI Agenets arrived, declared that they had permission of Mrs. Lindy Boggs, and removed most of the material from the Boggs papers relating to his work on the Warren Commission. A freedom of information request to the Department of Justice has failed to produce these documents.Curator Meneray has been with the Tulane library for 32 years, yet he can not confirm how or when the raid took place. The library only became aware of the missing Oswald files after finding a receipt left behind by FBI agents.It appears that the stables still get cleaned, without warning and it appears in secret.
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by Slav »

Who was hale Boggs ? He was on the warren Commision ? And what happened did he discover something ?
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by JDThomas »

Basic biog here:http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKboggs.htmPlease read to the bottom of the page - many people reach the advertisment, thinking its the end, but more useful information followsIn addition to this, shortly before his death, he publically called for the resignation of J. Edgar Hoover.Died in a plane crash, body never found. Apparently he was driven to the airport on that fateful day by a young Democratic Party volunteer by the name of Bill Clinton.Boggs was an early sceptic of the FBI's investigation for the Warren Commission and also of what assistance/hinderence the CIA was giving.He apparently refused to sign the first version of the WC report and may have been deceived by the last Commission meeting to sign the final version.Boggs' papers were said to contain his handwritten notes including some 'thinking out aloud' jottings about the evidence .... alas they seem to be lost to us now.
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by Slav »

So basically Hoover and company got rid of him, I'm amazed .Wow further corruption and calls Hoover a liar no wonder he dissapearedOn April 5, 1971, House Majority Leader Hale Boggs took the floor of the House to deliver a speech that created a major stir in Washington for several weeks. Declaring that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was incompetent and senile, and charging that the FBI had, under Hoover's most recent years adopted "the tactics of the Soviet Union and Hitler's Gestapo"; Boggs demanded Hoover's immediate resignation. Boggs also charged that he had discovered that certain FBI agents had tapped his own telephone as well as the phones of certain other members of the House and Senate. In his emotional House speech, Boggs went on to say Attorney General Mitchell says he is a law and order man. If law and order means the suppression of the Bill of Rights . . . then I say "God help us." As the Washington Post noted, "The Louisiana Democrat's speech was the harshest criticism of Hoover ever heard in the House . . . It was the first attack on Hoover by any member of the House leadership."
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by Slav »

Bill Clinton of the powers that be drove him to the airport well there a connection right there, just imagine in 2016 we will have another Clinton or Bush in the White House from the powers that be and more and more cover ups.
Freddy Janes
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Re: Hale Boggs

Post by Freddy Janes »

I doubt that driving them to the airport makes him a part of a big conspiracy of any sort. Was it pre-planned in 1972 that he was going to go on to Gov of Arkansas and then POTUS? If it is so we are all "pissing in the wind" trying to find out about JFK or anything else for that matter...