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Hello from Oklahoma

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:03 am
by Ed Teach
Hello all I have just joined in your forum and thought I would introduce myself.My name is Jeff (I like handles but I don't mind giving out my real name) and you may call me that if you wish. I am 43 live in Oklahoma with a wife and two boys. I am an upholstery guy by trade. I would add that I have made many secret compartments in various vehicles within their upholstery over the years but I digress. lol I got my start with the JFK assassination as a youngster of about 10 years of age when my grandmother's sister, my aunt, gave me a stack of Life magazines from late 1963 concerning the assassination. I have always been fascinated by the event and JFK's presidency too. Many years later probably late 90's early 2000's I was into reading serial killer books and military books and one day while in the book store I came across a book by a fellow Tulsan named Craig Roberts called Killzone. That sort of got me back into the Kennedy thing again and I pittled around with it for a while. Now back at that time in my life I was an assistant manager or manager at various fast food restaurants and always had the ubiquitous police officer coming into these establishments to grab a bite to eat. Because of my interest in crime and the such I used to talk with them about it and over the course of time became friends with several police officers and detectives. One of my stock questions was always "Do you know Craig Roberts?" Craig Roberts was very well known to almost all of them and sort of a legend in the TPD. I believe at the time Roberts had written a few books and was a TPD helicopter pilot. I had one officer friend who I used to let come in at close on the weekends and I would let him eat there in peace by himself while we closed the restaurant down. Good robbery protection I figured and him and I would get into some pretty interesting discussions about all sorts of crime topics and Roberts etc. I remember him telling me one time that there was a deal so big that one day they would make a movie about it and it would blow everyone's mind. Unfortunately he would never let me in on what it was but I suspect it had something to do with JFK because we were discussing Killzone that night.At any rate that is sort of who I am and how I came to be interested in JFK.Thanks for letting me become a member of the forum and although I am know where near as knowledgeable as a lot of you folks are about the case (I have read just about every thread on this forum all 50+ pages of them already ) hopefully I can maybe add some food for thought or learn something from you folks.JeffPS I would like to also say that last week one night I got to looking at various JFK websites and I concluded that this one was probably the best one to join.

Re: Hello from Oklahoma

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:29 pm
by kenmurray
Welcome to the forum Jeff.

Re: Hello from Oklahoma

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:45 pm
by Dealey Joe
Welcome Jeff from a fellow okie.

Re: Hello from Oklahoma

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:44 am
by Holly
Hi Jeff! I'm new too. I'm about 20 miles across the Red River between it and Paris, Tx. Nice to meet you here!

Re: Hello from Oklahoma

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:47 am
by Ed Teach
Thank you folks! Good to meet you all.

Re: Hello from Oklahoma

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:37 am
by Ed Teach
A little bit of Tulsa history for you guys. I used to work in this building about 20 years ago. It is the little brother of the twins. ... cle_taylor