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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:28 am
by Mark Johansson
Trailer of Emilio Estevez new movie â€

Patricia Kennedy Lawford...

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:40 pm
by Pennyworth
Thank you for sharing this info with us Mark...

Patricia Kennedy Lawford sister of the late great JFK died Sunday...I am adding this because no one on the board mentioned it....maybe they didn't hear... I will add some paste and copies coming up ...Mickey Hargitay (Jayne Mansfield's husband) also died Sunday at the age of 80.. strange news they died the same day ... Arnold S. was connected to both of them in different ways..he made a statement that Mickey Hargitay was his inspiration.... I saw Maria S. at church on Sunday night (It's so much fun to see celebrities ) She was standing in the back of the church by herself. She looked in a daze and somewhat upset and pre-occupied I smiled at her as I passed by ..she didn't make eye contact .. she lowered her gaze ...she did look lovely in a dark purple suit and prettier in person than mere photos..(although she has taken terrific shots) ...the next day I heard the news of JFK's sister (Maria's aunt) passing away...

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:43 pm
by Pennyworth
News results for patricia kennedy dies - View today's top stories
Patricia Lawford, sister of President Kennedy, dies at 82 - Boston Globe - Sep 18, 2006

The Democratic Daily » Blog Archive » Patricia Kennedy Lawford ...Patricia Kennedy Lawford was the sister of President John F. Kennedy and wife of actor Peter Lawford. She died at her New York home of complications of ... - 47k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

CompuServe Search: Results for "Patricia Kennedy Lawford"Patricia Kennedy Lawford Dies at 82; Had Front Seat to History . ... Patricia Kennedy Lawford, the sister of President John F. Kennedy, died at her New York ... - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

News » Patricia Lawford, sister of President Kennedy, dies at 82News » Patricia Lawford, sister of President Kennedy, dies at 82 ... Patricia Kennedy Lawford at a party at Tavern on the Green restaurant in New York in ... - 41k - Sep 19, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Patricia Kennedy Lawford, sister of JFK, dies at 82 » Netscape.comPatricia Kennedy Lawford, sister of JFK, dies at 82 Visit the Site ... Patricia Kennedy Lawford, the sister of President John F. Kennedy and wife of English ... - 29k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages News - Latest News - Patricia Kennedy Lawford dies at 82By Christopher Wilson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Patricia Kennedy Lawford, the sister of President John F. Kennedy and wife of English actor Peter Lawford, ... - 24k - Sep 19, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

JFK's Sister Patricia Kennedy Lawford Dies - AOL NewsBOSTON (Sept. 18) - Patricia Kennedy Lawford, the sister of President John F. Kennedy and wife of actor Peter Lawford, died at her New York home of ... - 30k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Patricia Kennedy Lawford Dies at 82 - Newsday.comPatricia Kennedy Lawford, the sister of President Kennedy whose marriage to Peter Lawford lent Hollywood glamour and Rat Pack cool to her family's political ... ... -headlines - 60k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Patricia Kennedy Lawford DiesPatricia Kennedy Lawford Dies - News, gossip, info, related, entertainment, fun. - 45k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

PATRICIA KENNEDY LAWFORD DIES - Netscape CelebrityRead celebrity and entertainment news, Hollywood gossip and find celebrity photos at Netscape Celebrity. - 29k - Sep 19, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS | | News for Louisville, KentuckyPatricia Kennedy Lawford dies at 82 ... BOSTON – Patricia Kennedy Lawford, a sister of President John F. Kennedy who forged a marriage between politics and ... ... 57b5a.html - 65k - Sep 19, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages


Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:46 pm
by Pennyworth
Actor Mickey Hargitay Dies At 80

September 19, 2006 5:00 p.m. EST

Shaveta Bansal - All Headline News Staff Writer
New York, NY (AHN) - The 1955 Mr. Universe and father of actress Mariska, Mickey Hargitay, has died in Los Angeles at the age of 80. Hungary-born actor and champion bodybuilder had emigrated to the U.S. after World War II. He later married Hollywood starlet and sex symbol Jayne Mansfield in 1958.

"Words cannot express how saddened we are by the loss of Mickey," his family said in a statement.

"At the same time, we are so grateful for who he was and is to all of us, and the love he gave us in our lives. He will continue to be our source of inspiration and strength," the statement said.

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who played Hargitay in the 1982 TV movie "The Jayne Mansfield Story," extended his condolences to the family calling Hargitay a "role model."

A carpenter and plumber by profession, Hargitay had three children with Mansfield during their six-year marriage. The latter died in a car crash in 1967.

More recently Hargitay appeared with his daughter Mariska on an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. The 42-year-old actress paid tearful tribute to her father while accepting her Emmy in August, saying he was "the reason I'm standing here today".

Last year, in a radio interview, Mariska described her father as "a bit of a superhero."

Re: Mickey...

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:15 am
by myra
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Actor Mickey Hargitay Dies At 80

It's rather nice to see a Kennedy grow old before they die.



Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:43 pm
by Pennyworth
Commentary Last Updated: Nov 27th, 2006 - 01:42:05


Beyond "Bobby": Exposing the continuing conspiracy and cover-up of the RFK assassination
By Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

Nov 27, 2006, 01:38

With the film Bobby, director-writer Emilio Estevez captures a snapshot of 1968 America, and the many hopes and dreams lifted and crushed on the night Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. But the real story that still begs to be told begins where Bobby leaves off: with the assassination itself.

For it is only through investigation of the assassination and its cover-up, the murder’s direct connection to the other 1960s assassinations (JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and others), and its relevance to subsequent (and also directly connected) wars and political crimes (Nixon/Watergate, Iran-Contra, and both Bush administrations) -- that the soul of the American Empire is truly revealed.

RFK case wide open

The RFK assassination was, like the assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other prominent figures, a political murder committed by operatives and agents of the US government (including, but limited to, the CIA and FBI), in conjunction with local police (operating as CIA cutouts), and intelligence-connected organized crime figures and mercenaries.

There is overwhelming evidence that the RFK murder was a CIA operation involving the Los Angeles Police Department.

More proof continues to emerge, including this fresh piece of evidence uncovered by BBC investigator Shane O’Sullivan. Conducting research for his own film on the RFK assassination, O’Sullivan has identified and corroborated the presence and identities of three former CIA operatives at the crime scene:

Michael Ruppert, former Los Angeles Police detective, author, journalist and editor of From The Wilderness, conducted his own investigation of the RFK assassination, tapping into inside contacts deep within the LAPD. His investigation definitively proves that the assassination was a CIA operation, and names some of the perpetrators:

Following the trail of evidence

If there is a call to action inspired by Bobby, it must not stop with a revival of the causes that purportedly died with RFK. It must begin with a furious worldwide call to break down the doors of the national security state, with the immediate reopening of real and legitimate investigations into not only the RFK assassination, but every other political murder and crime of the past 40 years. The CIA, the FBI and other agencies must be held accountable.

Nothing less will do.

The RFK assassination physical evidence was, predictably, destroyed, manipulated, and subjected to a massive and continuing cover-up shortly after the murder. Investigations have been meticulously sabotaged. Whistleblowers, eyewitnesses, investigators and researchers have been silenced and murdered. The Kennedys, physical evidence and 9/11

The crime scene, the kitchen of the historic Ambassador Hotel, was manipulated shortly after the assassination by the LAPD, but not before many forensic investigators, including Chief LA Medical Examiner Thomas Noguchi, raised questions that, to this day, remain unanswered -- and still offer a compelling and damning case for a conspiracy. The Ambassador was demolished in 2005. It is sickening, but no surprise, that this hallowed ground was torn down by the city of Los Angeles, despite the legal petitions before the California Supreme Court to save the site. RFK Assassination Far From Resolved It is bitterly ironic that the Bobby film was shot in the ruins of the Ambassador just before the building went down forever.

Sirhan Sirhan, the manipulated patsy who could not have committed the RFK murder as described by the ridiculous official version, has languished in prison for years, awaiting a retrial. His attorney, Lawrence Teeter, fought for years to reopen the RFK case, but died in July 2005.

Still, there is more than ample evidence, old and new, that demands that the case be reopened.

With respect to the RFK assassination specifically, there is a wealth of information waiting to be found, bought, read, studied and absorbed. The many sources include the following:

Philip Melanson was a professor of political science, a specialist in the study of political violence, and the former director of the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Archives. Melanson, one of the premier RFK assassination authorities, died in September 2006, just as he was completing a new work exposing US government drug trafficking. Tragically, Melanson joins Gary Webb atop the list of courageous and recently deceased investigators of the same milieu. The Archive still exists (under someone else’s direction). Follow the link to the extensive list of Melonson's books and articles, which include The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination: New Revelations on the Conspiracy and Cover-Up (1991) and Shadow Play: The Murder of Robert F. Kennedy (1997).

Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation (1993)

Lawrence Teeter, attorney representing Sirhan Sirhan, fought doggedly to reopen the RFK case for years. In a July 6, 2005 interview for KPFA’s Guns and Butter, Teeter discussed the case and his hopes for its reopening. Sadly, Teeter died in July 2005.

Probe Magazine offers a full archive on every assassination of the 1960s. Probe’s editors, Jim DiEugenio and Linda Pease, are the authors of the important The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, Malcolm X, MLK and RFK.

William Turner and Jonn Christian, The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1978, 1993). One of the first, and still best, investigations that prove that Sirhan Sirhan was a manipulated government asset.

William Turner, Rearview Mirror: Looking Back at the FBI, the CIA and other Tails (2001). Turner’s memoirs, which include extensive chapters on the RFK hit.

The Robert F. Kennedy assassination (a web site that serves as a good general overview)
RFK assassination and deep political reality

The conspiracy and cover-up of all the 1960s' assassinations must be understood not as isolated murders, but parts of a long and seamless continuum. To borrow the words of Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, authors of The Iran-Contra Connection, they are merely “the outgrowth of a long tradition of covert US activities."

Any sober examination of any of the assassinations leads directly to the same master list of agencies, political suspects and covert operatives, from the Kennedy killings to the crimes of Watergate and Iran-Contra, to the present day. The system that made the RFK murder and cover-up possible is at its zenith today, with the openly criminal, overtly brutal George W. Bush administration.

Anyone who has studied his history must have been disgusted and outraged by the official ceremony in which George W. Bush named the Justice Department building after RFK, given the fact that the Bush crime family and its network can be directly connected to the Kennedy killings.

With due respect to Emilio Estevez and the well-meaning producers and cast of Bobby, tomes about suffering and symptoms, no matter how brilliant, artful or poignant, are useless if the root causes and agents of the problem are not identified, directly faced, and courageously eradicated. It is foolish to speak of a Bobby Kennedy legacy without the same attention paid to those who plotted, committed and covered up his murder.

Hopefully, the continuing efforts of researchers and investigators, and people like researcher/film maker Shane O'Sullivan will be a part of a new wave.

In short, there is an arduous and long-running battle for justice that must be joined. Let it start now.

Copyright © 1998-2006 Online Journal
Email Online Journal Editor

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Morales mentioned in this article....

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:53 pm
by Pennyworth
Did the CIA Kill Bobby Kennedy? The BBC's Blunder
By Mel Ayton
Mr. Ayton is the author of ‘The JFK Assassination : Dispelling The Myths’, ‘A Racial Crime – James Earl Ray And The Murder Of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’ and ‘Questions Of Controversy – The Kennedy Brothers’. He has worked as an historical consultant for the BBC and has written articles for UK newspapers, David Horowitz’s Frontpage magazine, History Ireland, Crime Magazine and History News Network. In 2006 he was interviewed about his latest book, ‘The Forgotten Terrorist - Sirhan Sirhan and the Murder of Senator Robert F. Kennedy’, for the NBC television documentary ‘Conspiracy: Mind Control’. ‘The Forgotten Terrorist’ will be published by Potomac Books in April 2007.

A recent BBC news program, Newsnight (November 20th 2006) broadcast a report by an Irish screenwriter, Shane O’Sullivan, that purported to prove that three CIA agents had been present in the Ambassador Hotel on the night Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. The agents, O’Sullivan claimed, had been responsible for the assassination. Newsnight editors believe O’Sullivan is correct in his assumptions. A related article on their website states, “[O’Sullivan’s investigation] reveals that the operatives and four unidentified associates were at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles in the moments before and after the shooting on 5 June, 1968.â€

Ambassador's Last Stand....

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:02 am
by Pennyworth

Sirhan sues...

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:06 am
by Pennyworth

Ethel and the Ambassador...

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:11 am
by Pennyworth
PopCulture - Bobby's Ambassador HotelOnce one of Los Angeles’ swankiest spots, the 500-room Ambassador Hotel was ... Explains Sheen: “Ethel Kennedy had asked if I would support the family’s ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

The Ambassador's Last StandIt's been nearly a year since the Ambassador Hotel was demolished. ... One of the project's backers was Ethel Kennedy, the senator's widow, who saw it as a ... - 250k - Cached - Similar pages

The Ambassador's Last Stand: December 2005Our recent series of shots from the Ambassador Hotel's pantry -- where Robert F. ... One of the project's backers was Ethel Kennedy, the senator's widow, ... - 52k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Washington City Paper: : Finders KeepersIt was June 5, 1968, the day Robert F. Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Back in D.C., a young campaign worker named Phillip Bailley ... ... vCenterTop - 15k - Nov 29, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Interview: Emilio EstevezInterview: Emilio Estevez Emilio Estevez was only a child when Robert F. Kennedy was shot in the kitchen of the Ambassador hotel. ... ... -3892.html - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

Marin Independent Journal - Remembering the tragedy of the day ...Roy Varrow, of Mill Valley, who was the banquet supervisor at Hollywood's Ambassador Hotel the day Bobby Kennedy was killed, reflects on the historic events ... - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

‘Bobby’ director wants Kennedy’s 1968 message to resound today ...Less than two months later, on June 6, Kennedy was assassinated at Los Angeles’ Ambassador Hotel shortly after winning California’s Democratic presidential ... ... und-today/ - 44k - Cached - Similar pages

Robert F. Kennedy’s widow praises ‘Bobby’ - MORE MOVIE NEWS AND ...‘Our family is grateful to Emilio Estevez’ says Ethel Kennedy ... 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after winning the California primary. ... - 44k - Nov 30, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Robert F. Kennedy: A Who2 ProfileHe was shot by Sirhan Sirhan at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June ... Ethel Kennedy is an aunt of Michael Skakel, who in 2002 was convicted of the ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... morning hours of June 5 in a ballroom at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. ... Ethel Kennedy now lives full time at the family's vacation home in ... - 84k - Cached - Similar pages