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JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:08 am
by kenmurray
Here is a list of upcoming JFK specials in November: ... rogramming

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:34 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
Very helpful thank you Ken...

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:21 am
by Slav
I just finished watching JFK the smoking gun and wasted 1 hour of my life, has anyone watch this crazy show?It tells of a secret service person in the follow up car that had a AR15 that he was holding and went off accidentally when they accelerated and it was the fatal 3rd shot. Well I cant believe what nonsense it was who made this story up and how was it ever aired. When did this version come to life and I never heard of this story ever.I really cant believe they could actually show something like this on the air what an insult to doesnt mention anything about dal tex or the grassy knoll or James F

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:03 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
After viewing "The Smoking Gun" I was left wondering on several points.The first thing that left me shaking my head was they kept showing the guy in his basement drilling a hole with a Black and Decker drill into a manikins head.No exact measurements no nothing ????? And then if we are to believe this theory then all that Lee Bowers told of what he saw that day is thrown right out the window ?????? And I guess the most disturbing of all was what about the Z film showing President Kennedy being thrown back and to the left back and to the left ???????? Makes me kind of wonder if this whole thing was put together to mislead and to put this 50 year old mystery to bed once and for all. For me it didn't work !!!!!

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:45 pm
by Bob
Sadly, just about every JFK assassination-related program you will see on the MSM until the 50th anniversary will be full of disinformation. It will either point to LHO as the lone nut assassin, or come up with some other ridiculous theory, which will keep hiding the REAL truth from the sheeple. So...why is that? I've said this before and I'll say it again. The last four Presidents (including Barry O) have all had clear connections and associations with the CIA before they entered the White House. Basically, the fox (CIA) is in the hen (White) house, folks. Plus, even though Operation Mockingbird (CIA operatives being placed in the MSM) is now supposedly gone, it's still VERY much going on. The MSM doesn't want to reveal the real truth about what happened on 11/22/1963? Why? Because they have covered up the truth for close to 50 years, and have protected the conspirators, as has the government. Both walk hand in hand. As do the other bed partners, which are big war, big banking and big oil. All have never been more powerful or corrupt. The USA has become the United Corporations of America. Find out who owns FOX News. Or NBC or MSNBC. Or ABC and CNN. The same goes with the Discovery Channel or the History Channel. They have all been bought by corporations who will never reveal the true facts about 11/22/1963, or for that matter, 9/11/2001.

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:17 pm
by kenmurray
As far as these specials are concern, The only one I see is worthwhile is "JFK: The Lost Tapes" which has been on before that shows rare footage not seen before.Now Jim Marrs is doing a documentary on his updated "Crossfire" book. But I don't know when it is coming out.

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:42 pm
by kenmurray
Well, good news. Bill Kurtis is doing a rebuttal on that Smoking Gun special with JFK: Inside The Evidence" : ... ember-4th/

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:12 pm
by Bob
Thanks, Ken. Bill Kurtis is one of the good guys. A guy who is a REAL investigative journalist, unlike so many others who have sold their journalistic souls. Right Bill O'Reilly?

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:58 pm
by Mike Beutel
Bonar Menninger (re:Mortal Error, Smoking Gun) was just on radio discussing the SS agent theory. I can't put any weight behind it....he rattled on about ballistics & who smelled gunfire where. Ughh..

Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:35 pm
by Douglas 606
RE: "The Smoking Gun"....The silliest part of this theory is that the hapless SS agent hit a bulls eye target [JFK] "accidentally" while he was standing in a car and both cars were moving. Yeah...that's real believable. Really pathetic nonsense.