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"The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:54 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
Our investigation showed that on March 3,1975 George De Mohrenschildt told Willem Oltmans that the 1500 US trained Cuban fighters at The Bay of Pigs that were cowardly abandoned by the Kennedy's during the heat of the battle and left to be captured , tortured and imprisoned by Castro held a deep angry grudge and wanted revenge . De Mohrenschildt went on to say that each and everyone of those 1500 who had been released and allowed to enter the United States in a trade for 68 million dollars in Medical supplies and medications would have gladly volunteered for nothing no money to have killed both the Kennedy's. This came from Willem Oltmans own personal notes stored in Den Haag The Netherlands.

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:22 am
by Tom Bigg
The Kennedys were lousy tacticians on many fronts, you don't antagonize dangerous elements if you know what's good for you. RFK did that big time with the mafia and organized crime in general. After how his father Joseph Kennedy had been involved in unsavory dealings, but seemingly was given many political benefits as the ambassador to Great Brittain, etc., apparently the sons forgot about, or chose to subscribe to the theory that there is a wall of separation between a person's business dealings, their religion, their politics, their family life, and their sexual shenanigans, etc.. There were too many tactical errors to count. PBS ran a series on Kennedy this week that showed the Addison's disease and pharmacology connected to JFK's fight for physical health, how many drugs he was on for his health problems.

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:46 am
by Tommy Wilkens
Very well said Tom !!!!!

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:04 am
by Douglas 606
Tom Bigg wrote:The Kennedys were lousy tacticians on many fronts, you don't antagonize dangerous elements if you know what's good for you. RFK did that big time with the mafia and organized crime in general. After how his father Joseph Kennedy had been involved in unsavory dealings, but seemingly was given many political benefits as the ambassador to Great Brittain, etc., apparently the sons forgot about, or chose to subscribe to the theory that there is a wall of separation between a person's business dealings, their religion, their politics, their family life, and their sexual shenanigans, etc.. There were too many tactical errors to count. PBS ran a series on Kennedy this week that showed the Addison's disease and pharmacology connected to JFK's fight for physical health, how many drugs he was on for his health problems.I remember when JFK nominated his brother for Attorney General. My gut reaction was this was a BIG mistake. As it turned was.

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:34 pm
by Tom Bigg
You look at all the attorney generals we have had in the USA, how many of them have been political appointments? Certainly the current one, a political hack and incompetent, and justice is supposedly blind? It should be, bias should not come into play. RFK was not the best guy for the job, with all the brilliant people JFK had known at Harvard and elsewhere, surely Ted Sorensen or other adviser could have come up with someone close to the best person for the job. Nepotism was a major failing in the Kennedy clan. Personally I believe in letting the truth and natural law play out, not winning at all costs. If Nixon had won, the US probably would have invaded Cuba, to what effect? I had a landlord whose family lost everything after the revolution, the pain, suffering and anger and resentment over the Cuba/Bay of Pigs failure cannot be overstated. There is a member of the local coin club, Howard, who was in the military force that went into Bay of Pigs, the guy is proud of his military service, has war wounds and knows the martial arts, etc.; it would be interesting to get his take on the Kennedy presidency and counter-factuals, ie what would have happened if?

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:29 pm
The CIA brainwashed the Cubans into believing it was Kennedy's fault for not giving them air support when it was the CIA'S secret invasion. The CIA knew a week before the invasion that the Russians and Castro knew about it, and they knew they would be waiting for them, but still went through with the invasion. My guess to make Kennedy look bad, but Dulles, Bissell, and Cabell didn't think Kennedy had the balls to fire them. As far as, Robert Kennedy goes he probably wasn't the best pick for the Attorney General, but Joe Kennedy knew that Jack needed someone in there that JFK could trust and could watch his back so he convinced Jack to put his brother Bobby in there. The problem was Bobby got so busy into trying to make a name for himself that he forgot the main reason he was in there, and that was to watch his brothers back. Another thing that bothers me about Bobby is why he didn't demand to be part of the investigation of the assassination? Johnson would have had to let him if he demanded too. Bobby knew these were hand picked men by Johnson and he knew Hoover hated the Kennedy's, so he had to know by letting them do the investigation it was going to come out with a rigged verdict!

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:12 am
by Tom Bigg
When has the US government or intelligence services ever been held to account? They are professional liars. Look at all the hostility that has been dumped on Wikileaks and Snowden for...honesty! Look at all the people who came to the defense of Calley over ordering the My Lai massacre. People are going to argue it is "unpatriotic" to embarrass the US by telling the truth, what does it do to our political/cultural icons and American prestige?Did RFK have the emotional reserves to fight for the truth? How about Sorensen and the other Kennedy insiders? Did they really have the bellies for a long battle to expose the co-conspirators. I doubt it. Those who fought for the truth did not fare well. Whistleblowers never do.

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:37 am
by Bob
Regarding RFK being named Attorney General, I'm sure some of the thinking behind that was because of RFK's work in the senate hearings which involved Jimmy Hoffa. If you ever watched those hearings, you can see that RFK was a bulldog going after Hoffa. He did the same thing as Attorney General, at least in terms of going after the mob. That certainly did not help, especially after Joe Kennedy had worked out a deal with the mob in the 1960 Presidential election in Illinois. With the mob being closely connected to the CIA in those days, it was natural that those two forces would be involved in JFK's assassination, especially when one looks at the policies that JFK and RFK were enacting against both the CIA and mob.That being said, if RFK would not have been in JFK's cabinet, there is a decent chance that JFK might have listened to the joint chiefs and CIA about attacking Cuba in the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, because RFK was indeed in the cabinet, and was the closest advisor to JFK during this time, a blockade was used instead, and nuclear war was averted.

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:46 am
by Tommy Wilkens
I agree Bob totally...........And thank God for Bobby Kennedy...When we needed it the most he was our steady as you go at the helm !!!!!

Re: "The Bay of Pigs"

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:25 pm
by Tom Bigg
Is it that clear that if Nixon had been president then we would have had a nuclear exchange? You would have had a totally different set of dynamics, you can be sure that Cuba would have been invaded, liberated from Castro, the Soviet Union would have probably decided the cost was too great to cover Cuba. At least if Nixon had won in 1960, we would not have had him later, and Kennedy having lost probably would not have run again, that is the usual result. What politicians would have filled the void?