Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by Bob »

More good information by Abraken Linkin! But Matthews doesn't want an education. Not when he has his 30 silver pieces, similar to people like Bill O'Reilly, to be a lying mouthpiece for the dark side. Money and power are more important than integrity and truth to people like Matthews and O'Reilly.
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by kenmurray »

Thanks Bob. Plus we have Dan Rather doing a piece called "My Days In Dallas". ... al-axs-tv/
Tom Bigg
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by Tom Bigg »

Professional journalists like this are more or less reactors and weather vanes than actual journalists with the traditional responsibilities that entailed for quite a long time. Plus they have many ties to intelligence agencies as sources and don't want to jeopardize those or the big money that backs mainstream journalism in the US. The NY Times ran a pro-conspiracy person on their opinion pages today, and as you can see from the vitreolic reaction what the "intellectuals" think about conspiracies like this: ... ts#permid=
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by kenmurray »

It has gotten really pathetic that ESPN has done a segment on the JFK Assassination and it is narrated by none other than Dan Rather!
Tom Bigg
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by Tom Bigg »

CNN ran an Oswald alone conspiracy special several times this week; it did have Mark Lane early in the fight for exposing the truth, the Garrison trial, basically the CNN "special" obscured the truth if anything. Gary North has a piece today on a historian who was in Dealey Plaza on that day who believed Oswald acted alone who dropped to the ground as soon as he heard gunshots--and he is going to give an unbiased courageous record? If you heard gunshots you would assume they were directed for political purposes because of the furious hostility against Kennedy that was out in black in white in newsprint.
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by MajaP »

The media I watched, CNN, Sky, BBC, my home country media - all digraceful.
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by kenmurray »

Speaking of getting an education, Posner gets one on forensics: ... s.cnn.html
Randy Bednorz
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by Randy Bednorz »

I'm almost surprised that others had noticed Matthews' adherence to the old Oswald canard. [I remember his remark on a news broadcast maybe a year ago that "Oswald was a communist and OSwald killed JFK."] At that time, I had lost all patience. I wrote to him, explaining the David Atlee Phillips angle, suggesting he could find some posts I'd made on this Forum in 2009. A few days or a week or so later, I heard Matthews mutter something about the "Manchurian Candidate" and the real assassination. Then a couple days after that, he was saying again that Oswald was a communist and the conspiracy milieu was nothing but nutcases and looney-toons. Some time after that, I heard Rachel Maddow joke about Bush-41's nickname that was originally coined by Ways and Means Chairman Wilbur Mills -- "Rubbers." It seems likely that Maddow may have had my letter passed on from Matthews, and read some material here at the Forum. Humbly -- I was the one who identified the correspondence between "Mr. Rubbers" in Dave Phillips' spy-novel, and chapter X in Tarpley and Chaitkin's "Unauthorized Biography [of GHWB]." I'm only saying that was possible, nor am I trying to flatter myself.Matthews had got some lucky breaks in his career. He was a Congressional Page, then he worked for Tip O'Neill. Of all the MSNBC programs, l like his the least, but it's at least tolerable. The theme music sounds like a half-time rally at a football game. He talks over his guests, frequently interrupting them.I think we're going to find even many mildly liberal news celebrities who prefer that we continue living under the post-assassination haze of the "Big Lie." After all -- what harm does it do, to continue the old fantasy that "a communist killed JFK?" Maybe -- plenty of harm. First of all, the ridicule of the remainder of the civilized world. Russians don't believe it; Brits don't believe it; the French don't believe it; the Canadians don't believe it.We must believe the Lie for the sake of National Security -- 50 FREAKING YEARS LATER?!I want to retch and heave. I'm 66 years old, and I believed that crap for 35 years of my adulthood! I was perfectly comfortable with "Oswald the Insect" bringing down a great 20th century president! You have to be a real dummy to prefer the Lie to the Truth. I'm sorry, but Matthews is a dummy.
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Re: Chris Mathews Needs An Education On The JFK Assassinatio

Post by Ron »

kenmurray wrote:Speaking of getting an education, Posner gets one on forensics: ... .htmlAfter watching this program I was irrate with the so called ballistics expert! If the 6.5 Carcano can penetrate 27 inches of pine wood why wouldn't it blow straight through the president instead of winding it's way through his back and out his throat? And then to be perfectly aligned to exit looking like a entrance wound? Why didn't they use inky say six inches of ballistic jell to see what the bullet would do instead of something like twenty four?Why wasn't there one show broadcast to contradict this BS that was presented to the American people? Who owns the networks!