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Fatal Error

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:52 am
by mwilliams64
have watched the reelz special 2 or 3 times and there are so many thing that makes a lot of common sense what are yall's thoughts?

Re: Fatal Error

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:57 am
by mwilliams64
ill start the ball rolling with one thing that has always stuck in my mind from all the film footage of the event...I have always felt like there was 3 shots and to me they were like pop....far away...pop...far away...then....BANG... close up and shot miss 2nd the throat shot...and of course a straight pass thru to the front seat then the 3rd a totally different type of bullet....hollow point exploding and several that smelled gun powder at street level the smell would not be smelled from the top floor to the street....only thing that I don't buy is that it was a accident