Actual Smoking Gun in pic?

JFK Assassination
Freddy Janes
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Actual Smoking Gun in pic?

Post by Freddy Janes »

I was looking at pics on the internet and I came upon this one and started studying it. The pic was taken at the time JFK was raising his arms up. Interesting puff of smoke in window behind the motorcade...Interestingly, just found another copy of this photo by Altgens and the puff is missing.
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Re: Actual Smoking Gun in pic?

Post by JDB4JFK »

Two things come to mind when you enlarge this picture which I think is Altgens #6? 1. That's a tight window to shoot Kennedy from the second floor of the DAL-TEX building, because look how close the Secret Service car is to the President's car. #2. Is the guy with the sunglasses standing underneath the traffic light Charles Nicoletti? I've ask this question before to Bruce but I haven't heard a response. Thanks,JDB
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Re: Actual Smoking Gun in pic?

Post by JDB4JFK » ... Rww0Here's a better picture in this video. At the 15 second mark they do a close up on who they think is Roselli, and I'm saying it looks more like Nicoletti.Bruce where are you?JDB
Tom Bigg
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Re: Actual Smoking Gun in pic?

Post by Tom Bigg »

The youtube link did not work for me. Also the links on this earlier thread of mine do not work any longer either: "Pictures on knoll shooter/Dal-Tex"
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Re: Actual Smoking Gun in pic?

Post by cswoager »

One thing to notice is: though a shot has been fired (JFK hands at throat), there are still pigeons on the roost just to the viewers left of that window. This despite the report of all the pigeons taking off. Just an observation.