The Fox (CIA) is in the Hen (White) House

JFK Assassination
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The Fox (CIA) is in the Hen (White) House

Post by Bob »

As most of you know, I've been saying for years now that the CIA is basically running policy for the United States, and has been for decades. I've also mentioned that our last four Presidents, including our current one, have all had associations and connections to the CIA prior to their election as President. Poppy Bush is obvious. Bill Clinton was connected to the hip of Poppy and the CIA drug running out of Mena, Arkansas when Slick Willie was Governor and Poppy was VP. Dumbya Bush learned well from his old man, and he used an oil company (Arbusto) as a front for the CIA, just like Poppy did (Zapata). Wayne Madsen has done terrific work detailing the CIA connections and associations for Barry Obama. The CIA tries to get Presidential candidates from either bought-off party who will do exactly what the CIA wants them to do. Mitt Romney would be doing the same thing is he would have been elected, as he too was a CIA operative in his past.If you haven't read JFK And The Unspeakable by James Douglass, you need to. For many reasons. But one point that sticks out is that the CIA was trying to run the country back in that era as well, and they obviously sealed that goal on 11/22/1963.The two Presidents who preceded JFK in the White House tried to warn the country about the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex. Ike did in his farewell speech to the nation. wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post exactly one month after JFK's assassination, in which he writes about limiting the power of the CIA. ... le.htmlRay McGovern wrote about this situation a couple of days ago. ... -ciaBottom line, just think about it. Who are the bed partners of the CIA? Certainly the Military Industrial Complex. The CIA has also always been associated with big banking and big oil. Just think about how all those industries have flourished over the past quarter century or so. Plus, you also have the gutless MSM. An industry which has CIA operatives in it today without a doubt, just like the days when Operation Mockingbird was in full flight. FOX News is the poster child of that, but they are everywhere. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and the major newspapers.The real irony for me is that my first major in college was Criminal Justice. I wanted to become a member of the CIA. That was before I learned about all of their nefarious deeds, including their part in the conspiracy to kill JFK. I then switched my major to Journalism. Thankfully I aligned myself with covering sports, instead of covering the "news", an area where so many have sold their journalistic souls. Right Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews?
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Re: The Fox (CIA) is in the Hen (White) House

Post by Bob »

The CIA is fully entrenched in everything. Please see this... ... inquiries/
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Re: The Fox (CIA) is in the Hen (White) House

Post by Bob »

More evidence that the CIA is entrenched in the White House. ... house.html#
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Re: The Fox (CIA) is in the Hen (White) House

Post by Slav » ... ing-liveIt appears the C cocaine I importing A agency Has it ties to Texas bush and drugs.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The Fox (CIA) is in the Hen (White) House

Post by Bob »

Nice job with the links, Slav. Good information. Is it any wonder why the U.S. is in Afgahnistan? Not if you really think about it. First off, it was Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bush, with the help of the CIA, who funded and armed Osama bin Laden and his minions in the fight against the Soviets in the '80s. Basically, the CIA created al qaeda right then and there. Now, the U.S. is involved in the country. Why? Oil is a big reason because of the oil pipeline there. But the second reason is for the CIA to take advantage of the huge amount of opium in that country for drug-running purposes.