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Help with old Magazine search...

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:56 pm
by Freddy Janes
Around 1977? I met a guy who was selling US silver dollars. I met him at his house and purchased a few from him(I think they were about $5 ea). Anyway I noticed he had a bunch of JFK books and stuff and started talking about the assassination. He got out 2 magazines, either Life , Post, Look or something in the larger format. One was immediately following the assassination, and the other was around a year later. The later article was titled something like "Dallas One year later" or "Dealey Plaza One Year later" or something along those lines. Seems like both the photos were centerfold-type pics covering both sides of the open-book. It was exactly the same photo, but in the later one there are clear differences and also actual entire people missing !!! I was shocked...Especially of the fact that the same magazine would print the same photo with such glaring differences. About 10 yrs ago I started thinking about what I had seen and tried to find copies of the issues that I had seen, searching flea markets, garage sales, etc. I have since searched online and cannot find anything. Seems like it would almost have to be from the Z-film, since the camera position was in a similar position as Zapruder. Anyone out there ever seen these 2 magazines? HELP..I'm going out of my mind...Since Life purchased the rights to the Z film, seems it would almost have to have been in Life Magazine, but maybe it wasn't from the Z-film.

Re: Help with old Magazine search...

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:41 pm
by JDThomas
Might be worth checking at a university library. Most big institutions started to microfilm their archives in the 1960's and '70's, but it all depends on what publications that they kept. What they have has probably been digitised now.I know that my local university has digitised copies of most of the British newspapers from about 1910 and a number of current affairs publications from whenever they started to collect them. Off the top of my head I might suggest contacting the like of Baylor university who have been forward thinking in digitising archives and also have on-line collections of JFK researchers.

Re: Help with old Magazine search...

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:01 am
by Freddy Janes
I just now tried to contact the guy that had the magazines. After several years of looking for him, his first name magically popped into my head. I think it was back in 1977-78...I'll update on any new discoveries.