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JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:15 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

What about an experimental, and annual if it works, JFK Forum Annual World Meeting.

I would suggest possibly:

1. Year 1, Chicago, Illinois, because it is the home of Jimmy Files, and
his take off point for his journey to Dallas, Texas. Also, it is about in the
middle of the USA, with good transportation, and facilities. I have other reasons for suggesting Chicago, Illinois first. They would be surprising, and impressive, but if nobody likes my idea in the first place, then my other ideas fall by the way side.

2. Year 2, Dallas, Texas. This way, all the kinks and planning would hopefully be worked out, or improved. What other place could be more
appropriate for our Second Meeting.

I ask for feedback from all JFK Forum Members.

Also, understand that I have no authority to "arrange this" under the name JFK Forum. Wim Dankbaar is in charge. I offer this in the Spirit of a Suggestion.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:45 pm
by Pennyworth
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,What about an experimental, and annual if it works, JFK Forum Annual World Meeting.I would suggest possibly:1. Year 1, Chicago, Illinois, because it is the home of Jimmy Files, andhis take off point for his journey to Dallas, Texas. Also, it is about in themiddle of the USA, with good transportation, and facilities. I have other reasons for suggesting Chicago, Illinois first. They would be surprising, and impressive, but if nobody likes my idea in the first place, then my other ideas fall by the way side.2. Year 2, Dallas, Texas. This way, all the kinks and planning would hopefully be worked out, or improved. What other place could be moreappropriate for our Second Meeting.I ask for feedback from all JFK Forum Members.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

AMAZING!!! My mind is on the same plane(mental). I was just thinking about this YESTERDAY!!!! I was thinking how I would like to go see Dallas, (never been there)and imagining how much fun it would be if we all could meet! YES!

Reply To Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:50 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

Thank You sincerely, for your enthusiastic, immediate response.

Paul, I know that you are a serious contributor to the JFK Forum, and I
enjoy reading your material.

I hope that I provide some benefit to you, also.

I really think that an event like this would gain World Wide Publicity, and everyone who attended would benefit.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:39 pm
by Bob
I would definitely try and make the meeting, depending on the dates. I get up to the midwest every summer (Chicago) and Dallas is easily accessible from Florida. Florida wouldn't be a bad location for an event either. How about Amsterdam some day?

Reply To Bob And Paul Pennyworth:

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:32 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, and Paul Pennyworth, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

I find it interesting to note that two (2) months from the day of my original post only two (2) JFK Forum Members responded showing any interest in a JFK Forum Annual Meeting.

I note that JFK Lancer, and other groups held a variety of functions last week.

We held nothing.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

JFK Forum Annual World Meeting, Summer 2007, Chicago, Ill.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:18 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

I have raised this idea several times before. It was on the JFK Forum before it was crashed 3 - 4 times, and still remains on our current records.

Testing the waters.

Are we ready yet ?

Wim is producing a major JFK Documentary which is being prepared in Chicago, Illinois right now. What better place and time to release it to the world, along with our First Annual JFK Forum Meeting ?

Thoughts ?????

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:50 am
by Billy Boggs
Im all for it, in fact I didnt respond because I thought it was already a go. Hey, are you going to make me wear a suit and tie, or can I come in jeans

It would be great to meet all of you.

Just tell me when and where.......

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:49 pm
by Rob Waters
im in!

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting, Summer 2007, Chicago, I

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:40 am
by Pennyworth
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,I have raised this idea several times before. It was on the JFK Forum before it was crashed 3 - 4 times, and still remains on our current records.Testing the waters.Are we ready yet ?Wim is producing a major JFK Documentary which is being prepared in Chicago, Illinois right now. What better place and time to release it to the world, along with our First Annual JFK Forum Meeting ?Thoughts ??? Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

I'm in!!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:04 am
by Billy Boggs
Paul, will you be traveling UP from Sin City?