Non-Credible Authors

JFK Assassination
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Non-Credible Authors

Post by djt52800 »

Are their pro-conspiracy authors that we do not find credible and may actually hurt our case?
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by Bob »

None that I can name, although I'm sure there a probably a few, just like there are some of a similar ilk that frequent the various JFK assassination forums. Now there can sometimes be vehement differences and discussions among our camp regarding various theories and information put out by the researchers. Debate is good. But sometimes the debate gets too ugly among us. I respect the work of many of those researchers, whether it's Wim, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Jim Fetzer, Michael Calder, Jim DiEugenio, Russ Baker, John Hankey, Doug Horne, James Douglass or whoever. I have worked with a number of the people I just named. Some of the names I have mentioned have had scathing and bitter disagreements among themselves. That is what hurts our cause. Like I said, debate is good. As long as it's respectful and it's done without any name calling or sophomoric behavior. I am hopeful that we can move forward in a more positive direction in the future amongst ourselves when it comes to debate and discussion.
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by djt52800 »

Thanks for the response.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by Dealey Joe »

well that;s hard to answer.First of all just what is our case?As far as I am concerned all in one way or another hurt ourselves with all the disagreement and even infighting..
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by djt52800 »

That's a good question, I guess I was being real general as to the pro-conspiracy side or the Oswald didn't do it side. At this point there is some really strong theories that make more sense then maybe an author who writes that Jackie Kennedy did it due to his "affairs"(hypothetical example). I trust the authors more who we think are actually searching for the truth and not pushing a selfish agenda. I am sure there is authors on the conspiracy side that disagree with the who's, what's, and how's of the case.
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by JDThomas »

Although it is more likely the fault of publishing companies rather than authors looking for publicity to promote a new book, what I hate most off all is when a new book appears claiming to have 'solved' the case. Nobody has all of the pieces of the jigsaw, when it is claimed that they have solved the case it immediately makes their credibility suspect, particularly when a number of official records are still secret. I do prefer authors who pick holes as big as they can in the Warren Commission findings; the US Executive Government still clings to Justice Warren's report and until such a position is made untenable and indefensible, there is little or no chance in ever being able to view the whole picture.
Freddy Janes
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by Freddy Janes »

What seems to be the opinion of people on here as to the credibility of Roger Stone? Just watched the link someone posted on LBJ thread that was on Buzzfeed...seems he is right in line with a lot of others' thoughts on here.
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by Slav »

This has to be the most non credible person interview I have ever seen,Watch when gary Mack gets interview his interview is full of lies and cover ups he has been coach to answer the question his body language says it all. Robert Groden on the other hand is truly genuine.
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by Bob »

I know this thread was supposed to be about non-credible authors on the conspiracy realist side of the JFK assassination, but let's for a moment look at the garbage the other side has put out. Talk about non-credible. There are many examples, but the three authors that stick out in my mind the most are Gerald Posner, Vince Bugliosi and Bill O'Reilly. And all three of those guys know better. But they also know who butters their bread. In other words, follow the money. Notoriety is more important to Posner, Bugliosi and O'Reilly than having integrity. Telling lies serves them better than telling the truth. That's all you need to know about them. And there are many more like them in the MSM.
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Re: Non-Credible Authors

Post by Slav »

Every story that they make always has a cast of characters in the case of bullosi ohreally and pasnerd what you really have is the 3 stooges going against 80 percent of the people they are a minority living in fantasy land looking for the yellow brick rd and may already have found it, maybe one day the stooges will get committed to a psch hospital. If you look at the 3 there either on something along with Mack or a victim of mind control. Sorry I don't mean to call people names on thiS board but the 3 stooges are way out to lunch and the only explanation is mind control.