JFK Assassination
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Post by Pennyworth »

I am looking for the article from the Examiner OCT 2,2006 Its on the newstands ...LBJ's mistress died in 2002. She made a confession that LBJ went to a meeting at a lodge outside of Dallas on Nov.21, 1963. H.L Hunt and other oil tycoons (not mentioned) were there. Nixon and J.Edgar Hoover were present. She said that LBJ came out of the meeting telling her 'This is the last time that S.O.B. will embarrass me.' After Nov.22, 1963 she said he said to her "They shot the S.O.B." The article mentioned that Hunt had people that would 'do things for him.' Here s some info if anyone is interested.. Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K. by Barr McClellanEdition: Hardcover Price: $16.47 Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 3 weeks 59 used & new from $4.50 12 of 14 people found the following review helpful: An Insider's compelling view of murder and LBJ's attorneys, October 13, 2003The late, great film director, John Ford, has been quoted as saying of Lyndon B. Johnson: "The man is a murderer who does not deserve to be President." Ford's truthfulness and integrity have never been questioned.Barr McClelland's "Blood, Money and Power" offers credible evidence of LBJ's complicity in the murder of JFK as well as first hand knowledge of a corrupt Texas judicial system, and other murders that involved LBJ. Multi-Academy Award winner John Ford would have loved this book. For greater detail on LBJ and the murder of JFK, read my review of "Regicide" on Congratulations to Mr. McClelland who has diligently and courageously pursued a worthy cause. The publication of this work by Hannover House should make them a force in the publishing industry and their courage in publishing this work should be applauded by all who believe in a just United States. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trauma Room One: The JFK Medical Coverup Exposed by Oliver StoneEdition: Paperback Price: $17.50 Availability: In Stock 37 used & new from $11.06 14 of 17 people found the following review helpful: An honest, first-hand account! Read it!, February 24, 2003Dr. Crenshaw, and the others, are credible people who present credible evidence and conclusions. Such people are always senselessly attacked by those with ulterior motives. Dr. Crenshaw was present when both JFK and Oswald were brought to Parkland Hospital. His story is corroborated by others who were also present. Initially, critics claimed Crenshaw did not receive a phone call from LBJ while Oswald was on the operating table. A Parkland hospital telephone operator has since supported the fact that a call did come in from LBJ and it was transferred to the room where Oswald lay. In this phone call, LBJ attempted to coerce Crenshaw into "hearing a deathbed confession" from Oswald that he killed JFK. This is an honest, first-hand account of the proceedings at Parkland, and worth a read by all who are interested in the truth of the murder of JFK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regicide: The Official Assassination of John F. Kennedy by Gregory DouglasEdition: Hardcover Price: $12.00 Availability: In Stock 15 used & new from $0.88 8 of 9 people found the following review helpful: EXPLOSIVE!, October 30, 2002Most murders are solved by close examination of those with motive and opportunity and the murder of JFK is no exception. But not all of the conspirators had the same motive, some were personal. "Regicide" clearly identifies those with motive and those who benefited from the murder of JFK. But for the conspiracy to succeed and the myth developed, the "investigation" into the murder and all related events had to be controlled by some of those involved in the conspiracy.Two men, Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover, completely controlled the "investigation" which resulted in the Warren Commission Report. These two men are named as among the conspirators in "Regicide." Each benefited from the murder and the record is certain that each hated JFK and RFK. Who ever heard of a legitimate investigation where the principal investigators had motive and benefited from the murder being investigated? An honest investigation would have revealed the conspiracy in a matter of days, but this was a dishonest investigation designed to produce a dishonest result.Many researchers have offered more than credible evidence that the Warren Commission report is a fraud designed to produce Oswald as a lone gunman. It is little noted that LBJ left a record that he did not believe the report. Howard K. Smith, a highly respected reporter of the era, has stated that in an interview with LBJ, LBJ stated: "Castro got him before he could get Castro." In another filmed TV interview, LBJ stated there were "possible international connections" to the murder of JFK (Corsican Mafia?). Madeleine Brown, LBJ's Dallas mistress, stated on a TV show that LBJ told her that "Texas Oil" was behind the murder. If LBJ ever spent one second wondering why Oswald killed JFK, I have not been able to find it. The evidence is that LBJ and JEH knew Oswald was to be framed and they knew it before a shot was fired. Why would LBJ leave a record of his disbelief? A good guess would be disinformation. If the plot were ever publicly revealed, LBJ left a historical record which would hopefully distance him from the report, and eliminate him as a suspect in the conspiracy. If LBJ, the originator of the Warren Commission, didn't believe the report, who among us should believe it? It is, as Oliver Stone has stated: "A myth."My own historical novel "The Innocent Man Script" closely parallels those mentioned within "Regicide," i.e., those with motive to participate in a conspiracy to murder JFK. This novel was written to entertain a reader in a conventional sense while slowly introducing credible evidence as to who benefited from the murder of JFK and their actions afterwards which indicates complicity. All references to the historical figures of the era within the novel are based upon credible evidence and none of that is fiction. The conclusions within "The Innocent Man Script" support much of the evidence presented in "Regicide.""Regicide" is a wonderful work and should be believed, until and if, the documents within are proven to be false. My guess is that the work will stand the test of close examination, but if it gains in popularity, as it should, then the mainline media will attack it with the same energy with which they hailed Posner's greatly flawed "Case Closed" which supported the Warren Commission. Some have criticized "Regicide" by finding fault with other works by the author. "Regicide" is an individual work and should be judged upon its own merits without regard for any previous work. "REGICIDE" DOES NOT STAND ALONE! THERE IS CONSIDERABLE EVIDENCE ELSEWHERE THAT ALSO IMPLICATES THE CONSPIRATORS NAMED WITHIN "REGICIDE." And again, if LBJ didn't believe Oswald was a lone gunman, as the evidence suggests, why should any American? Read "Regicide!" and draw your own conclusions. The USA needs to get at the truth of the murder of JFK and the sooner, the better. We've lived with the lie far too long.
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Post by Pennyworth »

I believe this has been or might have been posted on the board before..informative article....
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US v.s. John Lennon...

Post by Pennyworth »

I just saw the movie. Excellent. The movie is pointing the picture at Nixon and his flunkies as being a culprit , but I have reason to believe that the main man murderer is the one who ordered the hit on Kennedy (Nelson Rockefeller. ) The only thing though is that Nelson died in 1979 and John was shot in 1980.
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Nixon,Rockefeller connections

Post by Pennyworth »

July 1960 Jaguar Journal Magazine Nixon Rockefeller (item ...Find July 1960 Jaguar Journal Magazine Nixon Rockefeller in the Collectibles , Advertising , Cars , British , Jaguar category on eBay. - 54k - Sep 28, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Vanderbilt Television News Archive: Convention Candidates / Nixon ...(John Chancellor says Nixon instead of Rockefeller.) Washington Governor Dan. Evans endorses him; that guarantees only 6 of 24 votes. Nixon support in Ohio ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Vanderbilt Television News Archive: Rockefeller / Vice President ...(Capitol Hill) Rockefeller supports President Ford's pardon of Nixon. [ROCKEFELLER - believes Nixon's acceptance of pardon same as admitting guilt. ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

The Rockefeller File by Gary AllenA meeting was thus arranged between Rockefeller and Nixon on the Saturday ... If Nixon was an obedient Rockefeller man—if not necessarily a loyal one—why ... - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

Nelson Rockefeller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHis bid in 1960 was ended early when then-Vice President Richard Nixon surged ahead in the polls; after quitting the campaign, Rockefeller backed Nixon ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages

Freedom's Frontier - Atlantic Union Now: Book I Chapter 3First let us see what light the authors of the Nixon-Rockefeller agreement throw on the meaning they attach to "confederation." The latter, while leaving ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] African American Civil Rights and the Republican PartyFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
party retreated from the Nixon/Rockefeller position, but Rockefeller had established. himself as the leader of the pro-civil rights faction of the party at ... - Similar pages

[PDF] Prepared by: EAQ FINCH Date: 10/01/97File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Salinger; Nixon's opinion polls; Jim Bassett; Nixon's use of. advisors; Nixon-Rockefeller. meeting; Barry Goldwater; Goldwater's news conference after Nixon ... - Similar pages

US Senate: Art & History Home > Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, 41st ...Instead, Rockefeller used his clout to summon Nixon to his Fifth Avenue apartment and ... Nixon appointed Rockefeller to serve on the Foreign Intelligence ... ... feller.htm - 60k - Cached - Similar pages

Nixon Peabody LLP Partner Regina S. Rockefeller Elected Treasurer ...Boston, MA. Regina S. Rockefeller, a partner in the Health Services Group at the national law firm Nixon Peabody LLP, has been elected treasurer of the ... ... D=&ID=1052 - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

News archive results for nixon rockefeller
1960 » Would Support Nixon, Rockefeller Reasserts - Pay-Per-View - Washington Post
1960 » The Bold Stroke - TIME Magazine
1968 » THE POLITICAL BLAHS ... - TIME Magazine

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I Found The Article!!

Post by Pennyworth »

National Examiner Oct 2,2006

Picture of the front cover showing JFK and Jackie in the fatal car..Left hand corner shows a picture of LBJ with his head in a red circle...yellow lettering says "Mistress reveals: LBJ BEHIND JFK KILLING!"

Page 13:

His Mistress reveals: Madeleine Duncan Brown had a 21-year affair with Lyndon Johnson

By Kim Humphreys

JOHN F. KENNEDY'S assassination was planned by his own vice president before he even set foot in the White House, claimed Lyndon Baines Johnson's long time mistress- revealing that the night before Kennedy was killed in Dallas, LBJ chillingly told her, the Kennedys"would never embarrass me again."

In an interview before her June 22, 2002 death, Madeleine Duncan Brown says LBJ and oil tycoon H.L. Hunt were at the 1960 Democratic Convention when they first hatched a plan to kill JFK. She says Hunt told her, "We may have lost the battle, but we're going to win the war."

Then on the day of Kennedy's murder, November 22, 1963, Brown says on the 80 minute videotape that Hunt told her "Well we won the war."

Brown says the plotting continued after the convention at a lodge outside of Dallas, where Hunt had people who would "do certain things for him."

She describes the 8F group," centered socially and politically around LBJ and Hunt and included powerful oil tycoons, judges and then FBI director J.Edgar Hoover. Brown says the party met in Dallas hosted by Clint Murchinson, another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese Mafia, on November 21, 1963 the night before the assassination.
to be cont'd
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Post by Pennyworth »

Those present included Hoover, local businessmen, numerous Mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, Richard Nixon and Jack Ruby, who days later killled alledged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

The party began to wind down about 11 p.m.when attendees were shocked to see LBJ arrive. Murchinson immediately called a meeting.

"They all went into this conference room," Brown says. "When Lyndon came out, he had this deep voice and he said: After tommorrow, those SOBs will never embarrass me again- that's no threat, that's a promise."

LBJ was still fuming when he called Brown the morning of the murder, telling her the Irish Mafia (implying the Kennedy family) would never him again.( 1) Later that day when she heard about the attack in Dallas's Dealey Plaza, Austin media mogul Lu Sterret. on the tape she says he told her." They just shot that SOB."

Brown said: "It was a political crime for political power."

She claimed people were set to testify against LBJ regarding illegal kickbacks and that witnesses were mysteriously set up in gay scandals or found dead having alledgedly shot themslves in the head five times. She says her son, LBJ's illegitimate love child and nanny vanished after JFK's murder, and she decided it was safer to tell her story. (2)

Brown, who according to an article on, had no ax to grind with LBJ after their 21-year affair, added: Had the assasination not happened the day it did, Lyndon would have probably gone to prison. They would have gotten rid of him-he was so involed with some of this."

(1)...telling her the Irish Mafia (implying the Kennedy family) would never him again. (?) this is the way the story read....

(2)She says her son, LBJ's illegitimate love child and nanny vanished after JFK's murder, and she decided it was safer to tell her story.?The sentence is either a typing error or fragmented.
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Benny Binion and H.L. Hunt....

Post by Pennyworth »

Poker Pages: Poker Info: The World Series of PokerThe history of Benny Binion and The World Series of Poker Lester Ben Binion ... Prominent customers included HL Hunt, Howard Hughes, and Sid Richardson. ... - 34k - Sep 28, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Binion's Silver Jackpot - COINage coverage of the Binion CollectionTed Binion was the son of Lester "Benny" Binion, founder of the world-famous ... world's richest men industrialist-playboy Howard Hughes and oilman HL Hunt. ... - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

World Series of Poker - The history of Benny Binion and The World ...Prominent customers included HL Hunt , Howard Hughes , and Sid Richardson . ... Benny Binion died on Christmas Day , 1989 , at age eighty - five . ... - 20k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

The Poker GazetteBenny Binion, the man who created the World Series of Poker 35 years ago, ... shadow of the Dallas courthouse for, among others, HL Hunt and Howard Hughes. ... ... ewsnr=1617 - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Alexander P. GruberQ. You do know and currently work for, in fact, Mr. Benny Binion, is that correct? ... Q. Have you ever met with Mr. HL Hunt? A. No, sir. ... - 52k - Cached - Similar pages

Alexander P. GruberQ. Did you know that he had placed some big bets, taken some big bets from HL Hunt? ... A. Benny Binion -- Las Vegas? Q. In Las Vegas now, yes. ... - 83k - Cached - Similar pages
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Ace High - World Series of Poker (WSOP), World Series Poker ...The WSOP story began in the 1970s when Benny Binion started a friendly tournament with ... His list of big - name customers included HL Hunt , Howard Hughes ... - 28k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

DB’s Medical Rants » Blog Archive » New ER chest pain testHL Mencken. So, we have a condition where it is advantageous to specialize, ... Benny Binion. There are no facts, only interpretations. - Nietzsche ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages Forum :: View topic - Charles Harrelson SeminarBenny Binion ( 1904 - 1989 ) was at first a bootlegger and involved in illegal ... Foreman also defended oil tycoon HL Hunt , Hunt was believed to be one of ... - 66k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

JFK Murder Solved :: View topic - HARRELSON...Benny Binion ( 1904 - 1989 ) was at first a bootlegger and involved in illegal ... Foreman also defended oil tycoon HL Hunt , Hunt was believed to be one ... ... 66d320ac00 - 110k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
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JFK Lancer Research Forum - Viewing topic #47990 - Bickers and The ...Also : Between Bickers and Benny Binion , which was known as the bigger gambler ? ... the founder of US Coffee Co . , a company he sold in 1961 to HL Hunt . ... ... g_id=47990&... - 42k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

world series of poker wireless tv casino games: The Baddest Good ...Benny Binion , right , the man behind the World Series of Poker , in an ... shadow of the Dallas courthouse for , among others , HL Hunt and Howard Hughes . ... ... world.html - 95k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages | Links posted in December 2005The Baddest Good Guy You ' d Ever Seen Benny Binion , the man who created the ... of the Dallas courthouse for , among others , HL Hunt and Howard Hughes . ... - 118k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] HSCA Volume IX: V. Possible Associations Between Jack Ruby and ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
employed by Benny Binion at the Horseshoe Club in LasVegas. (1552). Treatment by the Warren Commission ... when I was working for HL Hunt, some very ... ... tthews.pdf - Similar pages

Byrds, Planes, and an AutomobileIt is also worth noting that Benny Binion, Ralph Paul, and Lewis McWillie had ... HL Hunt's attorney, a John Bircher, and a Naval intelligence officer.474 ... ... bler3.html - 151k - Cached - Similar pages

INVESTIGATION OF THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ...... 88 Dominic Bartone 118 Sam Benton 118 Benny Bickers 44, 46 Benny Binion 42, 43, 45, ... Howard Hunt 127 HL Hunt 57, 74 Paul R. Jones 67 Fay Kirkwood 32, ... - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

NODULE 29Benny Binion had been arrested for murder and possession of a sawed-off shotgun. ... RUBY knew that HL Hunt was a notorious anti-Semite, and this confirmed ... - 395k - Cached - Similar pages

THE BADDEST GOOD GUY YOU HAVE EVER SEENBenny Binion , the man who created the World Series of Poker 35 years ago ... of the Dallas courthouse for , among others , HL Hunt and Howard Hughes . ... ... GCU5Q1.DTL - 26k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

ROTTEN DEAD POOLBenny Binion, Business, Founder, World Series of Poker, 20-Nov-1904, 25-Dec-1989 ... HL Hunt, Business, Founder of Hunt Oil, 17-Feb-1889, 29-Nov-1974, DEAD ... - 350k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Gambling Hall & Hotel Gambling Hall & HotelFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
included people like, HL Hunt,. Howard Hughes, and Sid Richardson. In 1947 Benny ... On the rare times I got to talk to Benny Binion it was late. at night. ... - Similar pages

[PDF] Gambling Hall & Hotel Gambling Hall & HotelFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
As hosts for the Binion’s American Poker Player Championship we would like to take this. opportunity to invite you to the next Great Poker Tournament. ...
http://www.americanpokerplayermagazine. ... g11_05.pdf - Supplemental Result - Similar pages

NODULE 27Butler, Kefauver Committee test; WCE1692; WCD 686d] Benny Binion had controlled gambling in Dallas ever since his rival was executed in gangland fashion. ... - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

ArtsJournal: About Last NightHis indelible portrait of the WSOP and its setting, Benny Binion's Horseshoe ... 'A Terry Teachout Reader' and 'The Skeptic: A Life of HL Mencken,' started ... ... 0111.shtml - 247k - Cached - Similar pages

Links for Dallas, TexasHL Hunt List of independent record labels Tom C. Clark Federal Reserve Banks US Southern states ... Benny Binion List of suburban and commuter rail systems ...,_Texas - 81k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Free play poker video - Click here to play Online Poker nowWhale hunt in the desert whale hunt in the desert takes a definitive look at ... dawn inside benny's bullpen at the famed binion's gambling hall & casino. ... - 46k - Cached - Similar pages

Other Poker Games<BR>December 2000 DigestAt the luxor a few days ago I saw a $2-10 spread limit 7 stud HL with a ... and the proprietor (Benny Binion) were from Texas -- where NL hold-em was big. ... - 306k - Cached - Similar pages

Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA - [ Translate this page ]... Lewis McWillie, Benny Binion und Santos Trafficante, auf sich. ... Zur CUSA/YAF gehören der ehemalige CIA-Agent und Scriptwriter von HLHunt, ... - 189k - Cached - Similar pages

Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA - [ Translate this page ]... Herbert Noble und Benny "Cowboy" Binion, werden durch Chicago-Mobster abgelöst: Noble ... In Kirkwoods "The Four Deuces Club" treffen sich HL Hunt, ... - 159k - Cached - Similar pages

IndexesBinion, Ken Bin 88. Binion, Lester Ben "Benny" ... Boy 168. Hunt, HL Kof 253. Hunt, Leigh Boy 137. Hunt, Mrs. Frank Bla 27. Hunt, S. Frank Gem 67-72 ... - Similar pages

[PDF] 4-H 135: 117, 119-130, 132 155: 29-30, 60-61 172-N: 44-51 183: 184 ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Atkinson, Harry Hunt, Jr. 034: 64, 83, 89. Atkinson, Henry Robert. Merrick ... Binion, Ken. 066: 88. Binion, Lester Ben “Bennyâ€
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LBJ and Benny Binion....

Post by Pennyworth »

Jack Ruby, Lansky, Binion, & Lyndon Johnson, 1948?Jack Ruby, Lansky, Binion, & Lyndon Johnson, 1948? ... "Landslide" Lyndon met with Jack Ruby, Meyer Lansky, Benny Binion, and others of "organized crime" at ... ... read=15878 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and ...... tycoons like Benny Binion and killers-cum-businessmen like Sam Giancana. ... Las Vegans, Lyndon Johnson, New Orleans, Clark County, John Kennedy ... ... 0375701265 - 136k - Cached - Similar pages The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and ...... gambling tycoons like Benny Binion and killers-cum-businessmen like Sam Giancana. ... Cold War, Las Vegans, Lyndon Johnson, New Orleans, Clark County ... ... 037540130X - 124k - Cached - Similar pages
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Benny BinionBINION BENNY. Click on a name for a new proximity search: ... JOHNSON LYNDON BAINES · Denton,S. Morris,R. The Money and the Power. ... - Similar pages

Lyndon Baines JohnsonJOHNSON LYNDON BAINES. Click on a name for a new proximity search: ... JAMES JESUS 2 ATTWOOD WILLIAM 2 BELMONT ALAN HARNDEN 2 BINION BENNY 2 BLACK FRED B JR ... - Similar pages
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JFK Murder Solved :: View topic - History lesson about moneyWeb Results 1 - 10 of about 38 for bill decker benny binion jfk motorcade . ... Lyndon Johnson said of his first hectic weeks as president after JFK's ... ... 6ba8250ff1 - 125k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

JFK Murder Solved :: View topic - History lesson about moneyJensen Johnson Steve Kilgore Kris Kristopherson Helga LaRouche ... Johnson , Lynn ( later married WT Butch ) - - high Setian who left to form the Temple of ... - 187k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
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JFK Assassination DiscussionThis also infers that Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover were probably directed ... car in the motorcade) was Benny Binion's bagman before he went to vegas. ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages - Poker history / Poker Hall of FameAmarillo Slim has played poker with presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard ... Benny Binion’s son, he has been hosting the World Series of Poker for the last ... - 85k - Cached - Similar pages The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and ...You will learn a lot about Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Benny Binion, ... people you admire (possibly like the Kennedys, Richard Nixon, or Lyndon Johnson). ... ... 0375701265 - 62k - Cached - Similar pages

Amarillo Slim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPreston was the best friend of casino owner Benny Binion. ... tales of playing poker with Larry Flynt, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon, among others. ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

The First 100 Persons Who Shaped Southern NevadaMaybe that's why President Lyndon Johnson called Cannon to the Oval Office for what the ... So did Lyndon Johnson, who called Cannon and made him an offer. ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

The First 100 Persons Who Shaped Southern NevadaBENNY BINION · WALTER BARING ... His antagonism toward President Lyndon Johnson almost scuttled it. But the project was a pet of Sens. ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

25 Top Custom Bootmakers - Texas - Joe Nick PatoskiHas made boots for: Governor Rick Perry, gambler Benny Binion. ... Has made boots for: Lyndon B. Johnson; former governor Mark White; actors Barry Corbin ... - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

Amarillo Slim - Pokermilestone - Home of the past, present and ...Amarillo Slim was a good friend of Benny Binion, a casino owner. ... he tells tales of playing poker with Larry Flynt, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon. ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

Amarillo Slim In a World Full of Fat People by Amarillo Slim ...... adversaries over the years have included presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. ... Las Vegas pioneers Benny Binion and Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder, ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Template - Poker Bonus Codes - Poker Promotion... and former US Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, among others. ... friend of famed casino owner Benny Binion, and when Binion died in 1989, ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

The Poker Hall Of Fame at www.CasinoPokerPlace.comInheriting the Horseshoe legacy from his father, Benny Binion, Jack developed ... poker with Larry Flynt, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon, amongst others. ... - 39k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

OSGA Endorsed Poker Rooms... even convincing camera-shy Benny Binion to appear on Tom Snyder’s The ... He also played poker with presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. ... - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

Amarillo Slim Preston Professional Poker Player WSOP Gallery of ...Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. His gambling adventures includes stories about drug lords Pablo Escobar and Jimmy Chagra, Las Vegas pioneers Benny Binion ... - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

LinkMachineGo | Linking Is My Business... And Business Is Good ...He's on top of issues, I think, better than any president I can remember since Lyndon Johnson. ... The founder, Benny Binion, is a legendary figure. ... ... rchive.php - 97k - Cached - Similar pages

POKER PLAYER PROFILES - Amirillo SlimPoker Personalities Benny Binion ... He has also played poker with presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, and drug lords Pablo Escobar and Jimmy ... - 80k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Chapter 4: Organized CrimeFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
ble, Benny Binion) were displaced. ... something happened to Robert Kennedy, but if Lyndon Johnson were to become president, noth- ... - Similar pages - My Hall of Fame by Roy CookeBenny Binion — For more than 25 years , the World Series of Poker ( WSOP ) has been ... and Lyndon Johnson imbued the game with mainstream credibility . ... ... cle&sid=15 - 32k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

rounderPreston was the best friend of casino owner Benny Binion. On Preston's publicity run after his 1972 win he convinced Tom Snyder, host of The Tomorrow Show ... - 70k - Cached - Similar pages

American poker playersPreston was the best friend of casino owner Benny Binion . ... born December 31 , 1928 in Johnson , Arkansas ) is a professional gambler , famous for his ... - 70k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
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My Hall of FameBenny Binion â € â€
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Post by Pennyworth »

I want to post some differences of attitude and opinion concerning Americans citizens by quotes of JFK and LBJ( )during this time frame of their joint office occupation:

JFK said "The Negroe(they used that word in those days) IS an American citizen and has all the rights inherently soshould be other citizens'...LBJ contrarily said during the space shuttle of Shepard(?) .."quote "Too bad it wasn't a Negroe." What a racist thing to say...especially for an executive overseeing the freedoms and liberties of America.