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Usual Suspects?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:29 pm
by Freddy Janes
I have felt for years that a prime suspect involved "the big event" was Richard Nixon. He had 8 yrs as vice-president to make all the necessary "friends" in power(Bay of Pigs buddies?). I always felt he was humiliated by JFK in the televised debates, plus at his age he knew he would neverbecome President as long as the Kennedy brothers were around.Always thought it strange that he has been vague about his whereabouts on Nov 22, and also have been intrigued by the reports in the 50's that he had an employee named Jack Rubenstein, who many believed could have been our very own Jack Ruby. Plus Watergate links to JFK suspects.Partial payback was creating Gerald Ford as his successor, the only President we've had that wasn't either elected as President directly or elected as a running mate, and was on the Warren Commission. Turnabout reward for him: Full Pardon by Ford. Plus he was "tricky". Thoughts?

Re: Usual Suspects?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:32 pm
by kenmurray
Was Jack Ruby in a photograph with Nixon and Prescott Bush? ... 835-1.html

Re: Usual Suspects?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:47 am
by JDThomas
Don't forget that Jack Ruby was officially excused from having to give evidence to the House Committee on Un-American activities, because he was undertaking important work for Congressman Richard M Nixon.I don't think that it would be correct to say that Nixon was humiliated in the TV debates with JFK. I believe that polls taken at the time indeed showed that those who watched the debates felt that JFK won, but those who listened on the radio actually felt that Nixon won- the power of presentation! Would history have taken a different course if Nixon had showered, shaved and put on a fresh shirt before going on the TV debate?My favorite take by Nixon on the case is in the video where with a wry smile he says that LBJ never liked being number two: ... being-2-2/

Re: Usual Suspects?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:19 pm
by kenmurray
Plus we have Nixon's Checkers Speech from 1952: