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Dynasty of Death

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:47 pm
by Ed Bishop
A new, consise, primer essay on the Bush DieNasty (including involvement with JFK assassination) has recently appeared: ... /05/p11266

A related question:
Does anyone know how to acquire a large, high-quality photographic print (i.e., from the negative) or VERY high resolution scan of the photo of the TSBD posted here:

The original seems as though it may contain sufficient detail to zoom in on the 'Bush' figure for serious forensic biometric identification; an earprint can be as definitive as a fingerprint, particularly when combined with other measurements.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:39 pm
by john geraghty
Hi Ed,
Bush was in Heuston at the time. I think that it is clutching at straws to think that this was GHWB.
Gordon Novel would be a far more likely candidate, however the only evidence being that this person bears a very slight resemblance to him.

Given that Bush was miles away would be a giveaway. See the thread about the Bushes and the Bush connection posted earlier this year.

All the best,

Response To Mr. Ed Bishop Re: Dynasty of Death:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:45 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Ed Bishop,

Thank You for your post about the Dynasty of Death, as I intend to obtain it as soon as possible.

My Research and Writing in Sequential Time Line Analysis about:

1. The JFK Assassination,
2. Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia, and
3. 09.11.2001 to Iraq,

will be greatly aided by this. I for one really appreciate your contributions.
Thank You.

Please let me know your thoughts about:

1. 911 In Plane Site,
2. Small Change, 2nd Edition, and
3. 911 Mysteries.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:00 am
by Bob
john geraghty wrote:Hi Ed,Bush was in Heuston at the time. I think that it is clutching at straws to think that this was GHWB. Gordon Novel would be a far more likely candidate, however the only evidence being that this person bears a very slight resemblance to him.Given that Bush was miles away would be a giveaway. See the thread about the Bushes and the Bush connection posted earlier this year.All the best,John

John, Bu$h being in Houston is your opinion, not a definite fact. I DO believe he was in Dallas at the time of the assassination, but that still needs to be verified as well. To me, the whole story about Bu$h telling the FBI about the James Parrot threat on JFK's life, AFTER the assassination by the way, was a clumsy way to try and establish an alibi that Bu$h wasn't in Dallas. The Bu$hes then and now prove to the world everyday that they are compulsive liars. Jimmy Files referred to Bu$h in this exchange with Jim Marrs...

Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush?

James Files: Oh Yeah!

Jim Marrs: What was his role?

James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of.

Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do?

James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group.

Imagine that!

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:02 pm
by dankbaar
Does anyone know how to acquire a large, high-quality photographic print (i.e., from the negative) or VERY high resolution scan of the photo of the TSBD posted here:

Ed, you should ask Jack White over at the Education forumWim

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:27 pm
by David Octopus
You can try any reprographic or even larger copy center. Alternatively a DTP shop. It shouldn't be a problem. Another question is where you get the source image the negative or high quality first/second generation print? I gather these don't exist anymore as most of the other hard material evidence on the case.

Just look what LAPD did to Enyart's pictures of the RFK's crime scene, they have stolen the images and later even nicked several boxes from the court house archive. These guys are sick professionals. Poppy destroyed everything during his 1976 CIA stint and later in the capacity as vice president. And what is left was certainly destroyed by Porter Goss and other hacks during 90s and beyond.

We are left with tons of bits and pieces of circumstantial evidence thanks to FOIAs which is good but not enough.

In any case, GIVE it a try! There is always a small chance, I asked Wim about this very photo for the same verification purpose some time ago.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:14 pm
by Ed Bishop
All I lack is the time & monitary resources to pursue this, so I'm hoping this can be a team effort.
This whole question could be settled one way or the other with a good earprint.

I have extensive darkroom and Photoshop experience, and I can see that the detail of the ear could definitely be brought out of the shadows if I (or other good darkroom technician) could spend a half-hour in a darkroom with the negative. Without the negative, that detail is probably lost forever; we're stuck with the generic exposure of existing prints which lack detail in the shadows.

The photo appears to be taken with a large format professional camera. This means that the negative would contain a great deal more information than exists on any print, especially in the shadows.

A good start would be to resolve these answerable questions:
• Who took the photo? It looks to me like a professional news photographer. Are they still living?
• Is the negative available? If so, where?

BTW, George H.W. Bush did have a residence in Houston at the time, but he claims to not recall where he was that day. That alone should arouse suspicion in the skeptical mind. People lie to cover up activities they don't want revealed.

Re: Dynasty of Death

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:11 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
10.31.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers;10.05.2006 - Mr. Ed Bishop Posted this powerful Headline about the Bush Dynasty that many are totally unfamiliar with today.Additionally, an interesting discussion followed covering many facts. points ofinformation, and opinions.Since then Mr. Bob Fox, a very successful researcher and writer, has done substantial work on this subject matter here and elsewhere.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, research, readings, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Dynasty of Death

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:40 pm
by Bob
To me, this photo shows Poppy Bush in Dealey Plaza. The man standing next to him with his back turned appears to be Ed Lansdale.URL= ... plaza.jpg/][/URL]

Dynasty of Death

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:58 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
11.02.201310.05.2006 - Mr. Ed Bishop Posted this intense Headline.A discussion developed covering some very serious facts, points of information, and opinions that few are aware of today. And certainlythis is not going to be raised by Main Stream Media any time soon.Worth reviewing critically today.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of thiscomplex subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.