
JFK Assassination
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Post by katisha »

Everyone here has of course seen the clips of LHO being interviewed by the press in the Dallas Police HQ. I've always wondered about the bit where Oswald says "I do come forward and give assistance" - about the 39 second mark in this clip: ... beddedWhat I've wondered is whether he's actually speaking to a particular "somebody" he wants to come forward; the same "somebody" who made him "just a patsy". In other words, do you guys think it's possible that in this interview Oswald was giving a 'dog-whistle' to the people who set him up; people whom he still at that time thought would help him because they were on the same side (whatever side the "somebodies" had tricked Oswald into thinking he was working for?)edit: Bugger it! Sorry guys, the link doesn't seem to work. I'm bloody useless at technology! I guess everyone knows the scene I'm referring to, so please forgive my bumble-headed attempt at a link
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Somebody?

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Great question Katisha...That small clip is very telling not only in what Oswald is asking for but also the nervousness in his voice is so very noticeable. I can say first hand I interviewed for our manuscript Steven Martin son of Shirley Martin one of the very first hands on investigators in this assassination case and they became very close friends with Marguerite Oswald Mother of Lee Oswald and she told the Martin's and Steven Martin was right there in her house when this woman said this that had Lee shot President Kennedy he would have stepped right up on his stage that he had created and announced why he did it and for what reasons he did it.Martin went on to say that Marguerite Oswald was absolutely convinced beyond any measure of doubt that Lee was set up and used.
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Re: Somebody?

Post by kenmurray »

Lee Oswald not allowed to see a lawyer: ... ed-to.html
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Re: Somebody?

Post by Bob »

Excellent topic, Katisha. Adding more fuel to the fire about LHO being set up as a patsy, is the fact that no tapes and very few notes have been released regarding the interrogation of Oswald. Why? Did he tell the authorities exactly who he was? Agent Hosty from the FBI was at DPH. Hosty certainly knew that LHO was an informant for the FBI. I still believe that David Atlee Phillips was also there, and he was LHO's handler for the CIA. And guess who else was there? Jack Ruby. These were all people that LHO knew. That is why he said he wanted someone to come forward and give him some assistance. But everything was already in motion to silence him for good. He was never supposed to be in custody in the first place. He was supposed to be killed before he was arrested. That's why Ruby was ordered to stalk and kill LHO. He started stalking Oswald shortly after the assassination. I still believe it was Ruby who shot J.D. Tippit as he was hunting for LHO, even though Gary Marlow was with him. The hunt continued all weekend, until Ruby silenced and killed his prey on Sunday morning.