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Where have all the Nutters Gone?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:38 am
by JDThomas
Although I don't spend much time trawling around other assassination forums, I have stumbled upon a couple of comments saying that a number of the 'usual suspects' on the Lone Nutter side seem to have gone very quiet or else disappeared since the 50th Anniversary. I reckon that there is truth to this observation.I wonder if they have been subject to a budget cut by their sponsor(s)?Hired Guns after all?

Re: Where have all the Nutters Gone?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:42 am
by Freddy Janes
Maybe they had to be disposed of because they knew too much?

Re: Where have all the Nutters Gone?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 3:48 pm
by Bob
Good question, JD. First of all, they have to be feeling pretty fat and happy. I mean the Lone Nut Club pretty much controlled the MSM in terms of the programming that was shown in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. In fact, they still do. That is why they really don't get too worried about us conspiracy realists. It's sort of like the JFK assassination itself. The conspirators knew that they would get away with it. Why? They knew that the government would cover it up, along with help from agencies like the FBI. Plus they also knew that they had a willing bed partner with the MSM. That has lasted more than 50 years now. If not for some excellent productions in the late 1980s with The Men Who Killed Kennedy series, and a few other JFK assassination specials around that time, the MSM has been controlled by the people who want to advocate the Lone Nut point of view. The breaking point was the movie JFK by Oliver Stone. Since then, about 95% of the programming seen on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel or the National Geographic Channel have aligned themselves with the Lone Nut Club. That is when we first saw the Sixth Floor Museum. That is when we saw Gary Mack, aka Larry Dunkel, change sides.The only way that the conspiracy realist side can get out the truth is through the internet, and the government behind people like Cass Sunstein is trying to take that course of action away from us as well.All we can do is keep pushing the truth via the only means we have right now. While we still can.

Re: Where have all the Nutters Gone?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:08 pm
by ChristophMessner
It's only wishful thinking to assume that all the nutters have gone, unfortunately. The majority of the people nowadays doesn't even know or want to know who LHO is anymore.