Small Change, 2nd Edition:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Small Change, 2nd Edition, the DVD/Video.

A Louder Than Words Production.

Produced by Korey Rowe.

Written and Directed by Dylan Avery.

Who had the opportunity to plan 09.11.2001 ?

Who had the equipment to complete 09.11.2001 ?

Who had the will to plan and complete 09.11.2001 ?

Who could cover up the planning and completion of 09.11.2001 on an ongoing basis ?

Who benefitted from 09.11.2001 ?

Last night a close friend of mine gave me two (2) videos. This is the first of two (2) posts that I will provide.

This DVD blew me away even more than 09.11.2001 In Plane Site, by David Von Kleist, who also is a consultant to this DVD. And as I did previously, I very strongly recommend David Von Kleist's DVD.

If you have any interest in 09.11.2001, US Government Conspiracies,
and related matters, this is a must. So much powerful information here that I can't begin to describe this. I will definitely watch this several times, and upgrade this post down the road.

Guess who was in charge of all Security Operations on the Twin Towers ?
Marvin Bush, the youngest brother of President George W. Bush.

I would appreciate all comments on this DVD.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Very Interesting that with the war and deaths mounting in Iraq, there have been no responses to this post.

While David Octopus has posted other material, for which I am grateful,
I am curious to the thoughts of the JFK Forum Members about the ongoing Civil War in Iraq, and our do nothing attitude.

It seems that the only people concerned are the families with relatives fighting, and/or dieing over there.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

David Rockefeller holds the lease on the Twin Towers and also owns 37%(?) or more controlling interest in major oil companies.
Iraq is the world's third largest source of oil
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Another very good documentary is 9/11 Press for Truth. Doesn't focus so much on the conspiratorial nature of the day, but lays out more of a chronological breakdown of the day. The film is based on Paul Thompson's complete 9/11 timeline and is backed by the "Jersey Girls" (widows of 9/11).

As far as Iraq goes the mission will not be complete until construction is complete on the 4 "Super-Bases" being built all around Iraq, not to mention the "Super-Embassy" which is larger than Vatican City.

Al Jazeera 80% down the page ... 0Singh.htm

Yahoo News (the Nation) ... n/15142484

Stability in the country has not (in my opinion) ever been an actual goal of the government, stability would mean that the Iraqi's have strength and would weild power and the US government could not usurp whatever it wants if Iraq is stabilized. I think that there were a huge number of reasons that they decided to go in, a couple were to contract the oil fields to American companies, thus blocking China and Russia from realising the contract that they had previously made with Iraq for some of it's major oil fields, and funneling money to the American companies, and to establish an permanent presence in the Middle East.

I could go on but lack the time...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Inquiries About 09.11.2001:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Several new members have raised questions about 09.11.2001.

I would be interested in your thoughts after you have reviewed this work.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »

Here is Loose Change, the Second Edition... ... ed&search=

As some of us have stated before, compare the events of 9/11 to the planned events of Operation Northwoods...

The neocons of the early 60's wanted Operation Northwoods to happen. They then disposed of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 11/22/1963. Their dreams of Operation Northwoods happened for real on 9/11 as the neocons of this century had their treasonous day of infamy. As Bruce says, it was like Pearl Harbor in WWII, the sinking of the Maine before the Spanish American War and Gulf of Tonkin incident that proceeded the Vietnam war. War is an enormous way to get greedy and rich. Some have made this their modus operandi like the Bu$hes. Innocent people are killed and countless others are put in the ground as the cash registers ring for the Carlyle Group, Halliburton, General Dynamics, Lockheed, Raytheon, Bell Helicopter and others. The Bu$hes have made their family fortune this way... ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2

Until the mainstream media allows this information to be put out, then we have to rely on the Internet to pass on information like this. Or as clueless George "Dumbya" Bu$h says "The Internets". All we can do for now is to educate ourselves and to pass this information to friends and family. Some day bastards like the Bu$hes will find out what real justice is. And it won't look like a Scooter Libby pardon.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

My goodness Bob, when does it ever end? Or doesn't it. It's like a domino effect that's passed on from generation to generation.
LiAnn Simpson
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Dr. David Ray Griffin

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

If you really want to understand what is going on in the world, please read or see anything by this man, Dr. David Ray Griffin. He has an incredible understanding of what is going on in the world and why. He has several lectures on video. He has absolutely no ax to grind and is not affiliated with any political organization.
He talks about globalization and what is going on in the world. He knows exactly who the key players are and why they do what they do.
It is not just the globalization of everything that bothers me, it is the destroying of culture that happens in the process. We are literally destroying people's cultures that are different from ours as if we have a right to. As if no one knows how to live right but white Americans.
It is so similar to the Nazi regime and the Roman Empire. I was watching a video last night on EWTN about 11 nuns who were shot by Nazi soldiers in 1943. The Nazis felt justified in doing what they did, no matter how horrific, because they thought their skin color and their way of life was the only way.
I believe that our government leaders feel justified in everything they are doing. No matter how many lies, no matter what the carnage. It is all justified in their minds, including the murder of President Kennedy. It is not a conscience problem for them at all. The end always justifies the means.
I really felt that when they hung Saddam back in January that there was something terribly wrong about that scene. He would probably eventually have been brought down by one of his own. Yes he committed crimes against his own----just like Bush. When will Bush be tried for his crimes?
It's entirely possible that this thing we call Democracy could very likely be in its last years. We will not survive if we continue to allow power to be held by a few people in this country for decades and to let our money supply be held by even fewer.
I keep thinking of the words by Marina Oswald Porter who said, "It is a disgrace to live like a beggar for justice. All the lies that have been told, and all the crimes covered up. People who are allowed to control your life as if they were God, if we continue on this course it will destroy this nation." Nobody would know more than her.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:President Obama is about to send 35,000 more American men and women to Afghanistan, and the surrounding regions, all a direct trancendence of 09.11.2001.Who really controls this country ?Who really wants this eight (8) year war to continue ?Our infastructure, education system, health care system, and elder care are among the many things are all failing today in the U.S.A.BUT..................................WE ALWAYS HAVE MONEY FOR WAR !?!?!?!?!Comments Pro and Con ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Post by ThomZajac »

That's been the U.S. motto for my entire life and beyond "Always money for war." And certainly "Always a need for an obscenely large military budget in times of peace (damit) and war." The two factions of the ruling party may genuinely disagree on a number of things, but the the necessity for a an obscenely large military budget is their unifying God. Our 'two-party' system is nothing more than an illusion drummed into brains by the MSM. We have a war party- that's it- end of story.Try to change this and you will be deemed a threat to national security.And if you're in a position to actually do something about it, well, that won't be the case for long.Happy Thanksgiving!