Why was there an ambulance in the police station

JFK Assassination
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Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by AlanD »

Has anyone ever come up with an explanation as to why there was an ambulance in the Dallas police station when Oswald was being transferred and shot by Ruby. It always struck me as odd, if the plan was to kill the patsy an ambulance is the last thing you would want available.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by Dealey Joe »

That is a very interesting question and one that no doubt crosses everyone's mind now and again.Was there always an ambulance in the downtown are? did they call one out for this event, just in case? or was it a more sinister thing?This would be a wonderful question for Jim Lavelle while he is still living. Good possibility he has been asked before, I notice in his talks he has an angry attitude toward Oswald? Typical old time Dallas tough cop?Im not sure if he has a speaking schedule or not, and he is getting up in years, being born in 1920.May be no way to find out and we could speculate about it from now on.Anyone have any ideas?
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by Bob »

That is a very good question, Alan. I have another one. What happened to LHO on the way to Parkland in the ambulance? Did the medical staff in the ambulance do anything that would have caused his wound to become even worse and almost ensure a fatal ending?
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by kenmurray »

Another question is what were the authorities doing with Oswald after he was shot when they wisked him away in that room before he was transported to Parkland?
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by Slav »

He was taken to a room after he was shot?I think your right what did they do to him to make sure he died? Shoot him again?Was his shot fatal in the stomach area?
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by kenmurray »

Oswald was in that room for approx 5 minutes and 30 seconds before the ambulance pulls up. The ambulance was blocked by that armored vehicle before it got to Oswald! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crme7m1FvgU
Mike Bruni
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by Mike Bruni »

Has anyone ever interviewed the ambulance occupants or, for that matter, even know who they are?
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by kenmurray »

Mike Bruni wrote:Has anyone ever interviewed the ambulance occupants or, for that matter, even know who they are?That is an excellent question Mike. I will do some digging and see if I can find out about this.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by Dealey Joe »

In the 60's it was common the funeral homes operated the ambulance services, Oswald later was taken i think to O'Neal Funeral Parlor to be embalmed and burried.TMWKK has a segment on some of this information.,I cant remember the name of the Ambulance driver? Aubry Rike maybe? but i think he is interviewed in the Series.Morticians name was Paul Groody.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Lee Oswald's gun shot wound was not survivable. The single gunshot wound penetrated 6 major organs. The spleen,stomach,aorta,kidney,liver,diaphragm, Lee Oswald died from a massive hemorrhage.In everyday terms "he bleed to death"