JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

The O'Reilly tapes: Phone recordings raise new questions about JFK storyPhone recording debunks O'Reilly's JFK storyOne evening in March more than 30 years ago, Gaeton Fonzi received a call from a man whose voice and name are now instantly recognizable."Hi Gaeton," the caller said. "Bill O'ReilThe year was 1977. O'Reilly, a young television reporter in Dallas, was chasing a story about a figure in the investigation of the JFK assassination who had killed himself in Florida. He was calling Fonzi, a congressional investigator, to confirm the suicide. "You hear anything about it?" O'Reilly asked, according to phone recordings provided to CNN by Gaeton's widow, Marie Fonzi. The phone recordings indicate that O'Reilly learned of the suicide second-hand and was in a different location at the time. Years later, however, O'Reilly would repeatedly claim to have been at the scene. In his 2012 book "Killing Kennedy," O'Reilly wrote that he knocked on the door of a South Florida home when suddenly he "heard the shotgun blast that marked the suicide" of George de Mohrenschildt, a Russian immigrant who knew Lee Harvey Oswald. While promoting the book, O'Reilly said on Fox News that he "was about to knock on the door" when de Mohrenschildt "blew his brains out with a shotgun." The discrepancies were first reported by JFK researcher Jefferson Morley in 2013. His fact-checking didn't get much attention at the time, and the low-quality recordings he posted on his website made it difficult to understand what O'Reilly and Fonzi were saying. Earlier this week, amid scrutiny about how O'Reilly has recounted some of his journalistic exploits, the liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America drew new attention to Morley's fact-checking. CNN then obtained higher-quality recordings from Fonzi's widow. In the conversations with Fonzi that night in 1977, O'Reilly never once indicated he was anywhere near the scene of the suicide -- much less that he heard the fatal gunshot. On the call, O'Reilly initially tried to confirm the suicide. "What's the story?" O'Reilly asked. "They don't know," Fonzi said. "Nobody knows," O'Reilly replied. O'Reilly can also be heard detailing his travel plans. Although he never said where he was calling from, O'Reilly made it clear where he was not. "I'm coming down there tomorrow," he said. "I'm coming to Florida." Moments later, he elaborated on his itinerary. "Now, okay, I'm gonna try to get a night flight out of here, if I can," O'Reilly told Fonzi. "But I might have to go tomorrow morning. Let me see." Fox News declined to comment on the contradiction in O'Reilly's accounts. The channel referred questions to a spokesperson for Henry Holt, the publisher of O'Reilly's book. Earlier this week the publisher said "we fully stand behind Bill O'Reilly." "This one passage is immaterial to the story being told by this terrific book and we have no plans to look into this matter," Henry Holt added. O'Reilly and Fonzi were apparently on friendly terms. According to Marie Fonzi, her husband hired O'Reilly in the early 1970s to write for Miami Magazine, though she said her husband had no contact with O'Reilly in the years leading up to his death in 2012. In his 1993 memoir, "The Last Investigation," Gaeton Fonzi recalled those phone conversations on the night of the suicide and described O'Reilly as a "friend." Fonzi's name does not appear in the index of "Killing Kennedy." Because of that personal connection, Marie Fonzi said she felt conflicted before making the recordings public. "I always try to do what I think my husband would do, and I sometimes think he would tell me, 'Don't hurt Bill,'" she said. "But I also know my husband was committed to the truth." ... F_MED_Lead
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Post by kenmurray »

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Post by Bob »

No matter how bad the news gets for Bill O'Bully, FOX News will stand behind him. The same holds true about all the bullshit stories O'Lielly has been busted about recently, including the one Joe posted here. So why would FOX stick with this bombastic, bullshitting blowhard? Because FOX News is ALL about promoting bullshit, lies and propaganda. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of FOX News. The average viewer for FOX news is 72 years old. And most of that demographic actually believe the bullshit that Bull O'Reilly and company puts out there on a daily basis. To make matters worse, that same demographic votes more often than anyone else. So don't expect FOX News to suspend or terminate the biggest liar of them all on a "news" network which is all about telling lies. The bigger the better.“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”- Adolph HitlerLike I said, Goebbels would be proud.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

It's a very strange story to say the least.But not surprising at all because once you have studied the life of George de Mohrenschildt there was nothing but strangeness at every turn.Here is a little of the back ground of how George de Mohrenschildt ended up in the private home in Manalapan Florida. Our investigation showed that George de Mohrenschildt arrived on March 16,1977 at the home of Charles and Nancy Tilton of 1780 Ocean Shore Blvd. Manalapan Florida in the evening hours after being picked up from the Greyhound Bus Station.Arriving with no luggage only the cloths on his back and a light green attache case.In earlier years de Mohrenschildt had been married to Nancy Tiltons sister Dorthy Pierson.From that marriage one child had been born Alexandra de Mohrenschildt.When George and Dorthy had divorced custody of young Alexandra had been given to Nancy Tilton. Alexandra on March 29,1977 was living in the Tilton home. Records are unclear when George contacted Nancy Tilton and asked to be a house guest .But other records are clear that George de Mohrenschildt had worked out a deal with Readers Digest Editor Fulton Oursler Jr. for a four day interview that was to be conducted at The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach Florida starting on March 29, Mohrenschildt was to be paid an honorarium of $4,000 and the use of a Hertz Rental car that ended up being a 1976 light blue Ford LTD Sedan.Now lets fast forward to the Bill O'Reilly claim. On the day of George de Mohrenschildt's murder and I firmly believe it to have been a murder there were two individuals inside the house and three individuals on the grounds within feet of the main house. Live-in cook Lillian Romanic was inside the house .Housekeeper Anna Viisola was inside the house. Live-in grounds keeper Coley Wimbley was watering the shrubs right outside the house.And then there was Dianna and Laurie Tisdale who were painting a small upstairs apartment above the multiple car garage just feet away from the main house.Of these five individuals none claim to have heard any type of gun shot blast nor noticed anything out of the normal that March 29th afternoon.And no one claimed to have seen or heard anyone at the front door that afternoon.The death of George de Mohrenschildt was set up to appear as a suicide and people were expected to believe it and ask no questions and move on. And for the most part thats just what people did.But our investigation shows a much different ending to de Mohrenschildt's life. In Willem Oltmans personal notes written in his own hand writing we found his notes concerning de Mohrenschildt's death and what really happened that March afternoon. Oltmans told of a phone call he had received and a meeting was arranged for May31,1977 in the Amsterdam Merriott Hotel room # 437. There Oltmans met with a man who called himself Jim Adams.He would later reveal to Oltmans his real name was Dimiter Adamov Dimitrov (Deko). Records later would reveal Dimitrov was well known to the Central Intelligence Agency and to the State Department and to the FBI and U.S. Customs.Oltmans notes told of the very chilling encounter with Dimitrov.With a very cold and calculating stare Dimitrov revealed that two men had murdered de Mohrenschildt. He told that the two men entered the Tilton home undetected while de Mohrenschildt was at his interview in Palm Beach. They hid on the second floor and waited to ambush de Mohrenschildt after his return .After murdering de Mohrenschildt both killers slipped out of the Tilton home undetected just as they had entered. It was an execution planned from start to finish. No one in the home heard or had seen a thing. The murder of George de Mohrenschildt was carried out in a stealth manner and was set up to appear as a suicide. And the plan worked.
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Post by Bob »

Tommy Wilkens wrote:It's a very strange story to say the least.But not surprising at all because once you have studied the life of George de Mohrenschildt there was nothing but strangeness at every turn.Here is a little of the back ground of how George de Mohrenschildt ended up in the private home in Manalapan Florida. Our investigation showed that George de Mohrenschildt arrived on March 16,1977 at the home of Charles and Nancy Tilton of 1780 Ocean Shore Blvd. Manalapan Florida in the evening hours after being picked up from the Greyhound Bus Station.Arriving with no luggage only the cloths on his back and a light green attache case.In earlier years de Mohrenschildt had been married to Nancy Tiltons sister Dorthy Pierson.From that marriage one child had been born Alexandra de Mohrenschildt.When George and Dorthy had divorced custody of young Alexandra had been given to Nancy Tilton. Alexandra on March 29,1977 was living in the Tilton home. Records are unclear when George contacted Nancy Tilton and asked to be a house guest .But other records are clear that George de Mohrenschildt had worked out a deal with Readers Digest Editor Fulton Oursler Jr. for a four day interview that was to be conducted at The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach Florida starting on March 29, Mohrenschildt was to be paid an honorarium of $4,000 and the use of a Hertz Rental car that ended up being a 1976 light blue Ford LTD Sedan.Now lets fast forward to the Bill O'Reilly claim. On the day of George de Mohrenschildt's murder and I firmly believe it to have been a murder there were two individuals inside the house and three individuals on the grounds within feet of the main house. Live-in cook Lillian Romanic was inside the house .Housekeeper Anna Viisola was inside the house. Live-in grounds keeper Coley Wimbley was watering the shrubs right outside the house.And then there was Dianna and Laurie Tisdale who were painting a small upstairs apartment above the multiple car garage just feet away from the main house.Of these five individuals none claim to have heard any type of gun shot blast nor noticed anything out of the normal that March 29th afternoon.And no one claimed to have seen or heard anyone at the front door that afternoon.The death of George de Mohrenschildt was set up to appear as a suicide and people were expected to believe it and ask no questions and move on. And for the most part thats just what people did.But our investigation shows a much different ending to de Mohrenschildt's life. In Willem Oltmans personal notes written in his own hand writing we found his notes concerning de Mohrenschildt's death and what really happened that March afternoon. Oltmans told of a phone call he had received and a meeting was arranged for May31,1977 in the Amsterdam Merriott Hotel room # 437. There Oltmans met with a man who called himself Jim Adams.He would later reveal to Oltmans his real name was Dimiter Adamov Dimitrov (Deko). Records later would reveal Dimitrov was well known to the Central Intelligence Agency and to the State Department and to the FBI and U.S. Customs.Oltmans notes told of the very chilling encounter with Dimitrov.With a very cold and calculating stare Dimitrov revealed that two men had murdered de Mohrenschildt. He told that the two men entered the Tilton home undetected while de Mohrenschildt was at his interview in Palm Beach. They hid on the second floor and waited to ambush de Mohrenschildt after his return .After murdering de Mohrenschildt both killers slipped out of the Tilton home undetected just as they had entered. It was an execution planned from start to finish. No one in the home heard or had seen a thing. The murder of George de Mohrenschildt was carried out in a stealth manner and was set up to appear as a suicide. And the plan worked.Excellent information, Tommy. Plus, on that very same day, March 29, 1977, Chuck Nicoletti was murdered. Coincidence? I think not. Lots of key witnesses pertaining to the JFK assassination were murdered around this time period. Among them Roger Craig, Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli. Remember the HSCA hearings were coming up very soon. And guess who was the CIA Director for a year during this period? That would be Poppy Bush. Gerald Ford named Poppy as CIA Director as soon as he heard about the HSCA investigation. Poppy stopped any and all CIA cooperation with the HSCA.George also wrote a letter to Poppy asking for help around this time. This is what he said when he sent this note to Bush in 1976, when Poppy headed the CIA:Maybe you will be able to bring a solution into the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either the FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by this situation...I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H. Oswald and must have angered a lot of people...Could you do something to remove this net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more.A half of year later, de Mohrenshildt was dead.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Thank you Bob...That picture you posted is very telling...Notice there is no exit wound in de Mohrenschildts head..And de Mohrenschildt supposedly used a 20 gauge shot gun to accomplish the deed..The official de Mohrenschildt autopsy report recorded that the findings were that the deceased had put a shotgun in his mouth 3 to 4 inches and fired at an upward angle causing death...A 20 gauge shot gun is shown there in the picture.Here is a very interesting find from our investigation.After the death scene had been secured by the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Department on that March afternoon the shotgun found at the death scene was tested for finger prints at the Sheriffs Departments lab...Guess what was found ?? No finger prints were found on the shotgun anywhere...And there was other glaring finds that just didn't add up.The blood splatter on the wall behind de Mohrenschildt's body was not consistent with a in mouth head shot at an upward angle from a 20 gauge shotgun.But more consistent with a small caliber hand gun with a shot to the head from behind...A close look at all the death scene photos show almost all the blood is to the front of de Mohrenschildt. In the final word from the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office report they stated that there investigation found that they were 99 % sure this death was by suicide..Our investigation showed different. There is much much more to this death that our investigation has uncovered.
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Post by Bob »

Tommy Wilkens wrote:Thank you Bob...That picture you posted is very telling...Notice there is no exit wound in de Mohrenschildts head..And de Mohrenschildt supposedly used a 20 gauge shot gun to accomplish the deed..The official de Mohrenschildt autopsy report recorded that the findings were that the deceased had put a shotgun in his mouth 3 to 4 inches and fired at an upward angle causing death...A 20 gauge shot gun is shown there in the picture.Here is a very interesting find from our investigation.After the death scene had been secured by the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Department on that March afternoon the shotgun found at the death scene was tested for finger prints at the Sheriffs Departments lab...Guess what was found ?? No finger prints were found on the shotgun anywhere...And there was other glaring finds that just didn't add up.The blood splatter on the wall behind de Mohrenschildt's body was not consistent with a in mouth head shot at an upward angle from a 20 gauge shotgun.But more consistent with a small caliber hand gun with a shot to the head from behind...A close look at all the death scene photos show almost all the blood is to the front of de Mohrenschildt. In the final word from the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office report they stated that there investigation found that they were 99 % sure this death was by suicide..Our investigation showed different. There is much much more to this death that our investigation has uncovered.That is why I posted a photo of the murder scene, as gruesome as it appears. You bring up a number of excellent points about why is was NOT a suicide and instead obviously a murder.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Bob as gruesome as that one picture is there was much more.We located an individual who was a security consultant from Australia who had copies of all the de Mohrenschildt death scene photos and he had listened to the original de Mohrenschildt death cassette tape.This individual was good enough to supple our investigation with all the photos and he gave us his impressions of what he actually heard on that cassette tape.He told us that it was very plain to hear the taping of the day time television soap opera "The Doctors" and as the tape rolled you all of a sudden heard the beeping of the house security alarm system that a door or window had been opened then the beeping sounds stopped.Then you could very clearly hear the sounds of foot steps shoe foot steps on the hard wood floors and then the foot steps stopped for a moment and then the sounds of what sounded like some movements and then you heard a very loud blast .In the end our contact told us that it was a very eerie sound in that small sitting room and it really sounded as if old George wasn't alone.He went on to tell us that something was not right with what was on that tape and the whole thing needed to be looked into !!!!! Take a good look at that picture Bob,,,George de Mohrenschildt is sitting there dead in nothing on his feet but socks......
Ed Teach
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Post by Ed Teach »

Interesting composition on that photograph amateur photographer blood on right leg either. To clean for a shotgun I think.
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Post by ThomZajac »

We know De Morhrenschildt was murdered, and we know Bill O'Reilly lied about being there and hearing a gunshot.... Also worth noting, I think, is that a young Bill O'Reilly was actually doing some excelling reporting during the House Select Committee hearings (pardon me if I've misnamed the "investigation' of 1978). But somehow he came to understand that his career would go a whole lot better if he supported the official fairytale and he did a complete 180. The De Mohrenschildt lie was his way of both grandizing himself while also promoting the official government bullshit story..... Check this out if you have four minutes.