JFK Assassination
Posts: 45
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Post by JDB4JFK » ... ilpagePenn Jones, Madeline Brown, May Newman, and Helen Thomas. Now's there is at lease four witnesses that said this party took place!Comments?
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

James Tague was also confident in his research that the party was on.I see no reason to doubt it,Madeline Brown, was very convincing however her family had a low opinion of her I still have np problem believing her story, She may have embellished here and there a little, but she was very convincing and new all the right people.
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Post by Bob »

Madeleine Brown talks about the meeting on 11/21/1963 at Clint Murchison's house. I believe Madeleine was interviewed by Jack White. It sure sounds like him.
Ed Teach
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Post by Ed Teach »

All those guys hung out together frequently I assume so there were probably many parties. The real question is did they conspire to kill the President? I also wonder if they weren't 'compartmentalized' and did not actually know it would happen or who would do it or how it would be done? I would guess they were just part of the financing behind it all...and a few other operations. LBJ said pat me on the back and I will pat you on the back. Their reward was some cherry positions of power and even more wealth. Look at just a few of the things that group was able to do. One that springs to mind in a huge way is discovery of Libyan oil fields and the nationalization of said fields by Khadafi. Plus look at all the longtime Arkansas connections which I feel has made them a lot of money and served other nefarious functions as well. The machine is so complex and well 'oiled' and 'entrenched' I do not know that anyone or anything will ever be able to stop them.