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Patriotism and History

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:54 pm
by Dealey Joe
This may not be the place for this and If in a day or so I decide it isn't I will remove it.A good friend was coming for a visit Sunday when he was stopped by an Oklahoma State Trooper.My friend ask the Trooper what was the problem the trooper answered that my friend had drifted across the center line a couple time, My Friend said the Trooper had followed him for 5 miles or so.My friend is never at a loss for words struck up a conversation with the Trooper and after the Trooper asked him why his license plate showed "TEXASTEDDY" My friend told him he was a Theodore Roosevelt reenactor and showed him a picture that he always carries with him,Now here is my point, The Trooper looked at the picture, looked at my friend and said, Yea that looks like you?and added, but I dont know anything about Texas history?My mind is still a week later rolling this around wondering exactly what it means? when especially an officer of the law does not recognize history?one newspaper reported:We can thank President Theodore Roosevelt for one major reason – Oklahoma statehood.He signed the statehood proclamation with an eagle quill pen on Nov. 16, 1907, declaring, “Oklahoma is now a state.” Any comments about this?


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:19 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
04.24.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members:04.24.2015 - Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall Posted this curious Headline that is worthy of deeper analysis. I oftenthink that much more can be learned by Deeper Analysis and Extrapolation of Facts and Information forCritical Analysis of many Subject Matters on many different levels, that can benefit many perspectives.Joe followed with a story of a recent event involving a chance meeting between an Oklahoma State Trooperand a History Buff. Upon greater reflection this story is yet another glimpse into the Mirror Of Our Current Realities in America.The History Buff possibly assumed that an Oklahoma State Trooper possessed some knowledge about Texas orOklahoma, but certainly some knowledge about the former President of the United States, Theodore "Teddy"Roosevelt.We all evolve and revolve in Our Own Little Worlds thinking that others share our experiences, interests, orknowledge.Our Culture, Our Educational System, Our Populace, and Our Society have NO SENSE OF DIRECTION. My Opinion.I can stand on my front porch and go North, South, East or West to arrive at my neighbors house across the street. The problem is that traveling 3 of the 4 directions will require me to go All The Way Around The World to arrive at my neighbors across the street.And 3 of the 4 journeys will have countless distractions and misdirections possibly rendering the journey fruitless and ineffective. Bad Result to No Desired Result.Such is the Search For Truth in our Government, our History, our Society, and certainly our Quests for truth relative to JFK, MLK, RFK, the Oklahoma Bombing, 09.11.2001, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, etc.Like the Wizard Of Oz the Journey For Truth must start in the Beginning. Certainly there is No Yellow Brick Road, if you will, but The Journey Of Truth must at least have an Orderly and Thought Out In Advance Sense Of Direction.What Is Your Chosen Subject Matter ?Have You Thought It Through Carefully, in an Analytical Fashion ?What Is Your Sense Of Direction in your Research and Studies ? Is it Balanced both Pro and Con ?What Is Your Intellectual Destination ?Will You Follow an Academic, Focused Course ?Is Understanding The Truth Your Conviction, with an Open Mind ?Try to Consistently Maintain Intellectual Honesty in all of your Analyses, Deductions, and Writings. And Neverbe afraid to Reassess and Question your own Work Product. This is Crucial. My Opinion.Will You Apply Yourself And Do The Required Work ? Research ? Study ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspectof this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not beas well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Patriotism and History

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:56 am
by Ed Teach
A little bit of chatter I am hearing around Oklahoma. The big players (or maybe just player or two players) have been buying up companies all around. Baker Hughes Centralift. BNSF is buying up prime pieces along the tracks including a possible new passenger rail line to OKC which the state is trying to get permission to sell or something. BNSF owns the track has spray painted stencil signs property of and subject to BNSF Police? Graffiti police really? Business is slowing down though. 22K reported layed-off with more to come. Plastic pipe welder outfit just layed off a bunch. Foreman makes 3 grand per week. We have a Wal Mart at Admiral and Yale in Tulsa reported closed do to plumbing. Word floating around is loss of 35K per day this year alone. Funny thing though official police cruisers on the scene guarding building? Wal Mart can't afford security? Then there is the sheriff scandal which is breaking nationwide now. Corruption. Insurance millionaire probably has offshore accounts. People who helped in this deal have moved on to DHS, FBI, Secret Service? Costs $17 dollars a day to stay in our privately owned jail where a person was DDT'd here recently...caught on video. Payouts payouts everywhere..vaguely reported. OHP recruiting poster - are you an alpha male? do you like to tell people what to do?Welcome to Oklahoma...I forgot to mention Schlumberger and all their guys in blue jumpsuits and hardhats driving around in brand new trucks designated for training...remember safety is #1

Re: Patriotism and History

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:49 am
by Ed Teach
Could have been a smart ass and asked him if he was a veteran.